004. | ❛ one by friend, one by foe, and one by family. ❜
"Hayley. Come to apologize for all your transgressions?"
At the sound of his voice, Hayley lets go of Luna's throat, turns and rushes toward Klaus aggressively.
"Do you have any idea what you have taken from me?"She throws a punch at him, but he dodges it and grabs her arm, twisting it behind her back.
Hayley screams in pain but breaks out his hold easily by kicking him backwards in the gut before spinning and roundhouse-kicking him in the face. Jackson, furious at Klaus, twists the chains around his wrists to try to break free.
"The very thing you sought to take from me-- the chance to raise our daughter. Your punishment fits your crime."
"Your family was ruining her life!"
Klaus vamp-speeds toward Hayley and pins her in a choke-hold against a nearby table, causing her to gasp for breath.
"My family saved her life while you were off playing hide-and-seek in the forest!"
Jackson's yellow eyes flashing, breaks one of the chains binding him to the wall, just as Freya starts to stir awake after being knocked out by Hayley earlier. Hayley headbutts Klaus in the face, causing his nose to bleed, and Jackson breaks the other chain, completely freeing himself. Luna rushes over to intervene in the fifth but Freya, realizing that it's about to get ugly, casts a spell to keep Jackson and Luna unable to intervene. Luna tries to run but is thrown back from a barrier spell.
"Let me go! He'll kill her!"
Freya frantically says, "He'll kill you!"
Meanwhile, Klaus and Hayley are still arguing and fighting,
"There's a very short list of people who've tried to take Hope away from me, and you're the only one left breathing."
"Are you that delusional, Klaus? You cursed all of us! Every wolf that I fought for, everyone that stood up for our daughter. You cursed Luna as well, your beloved wolf. You took all of them away from their families!"
"Yes, yes, your precious pack, that family you chose over us, and in doing so, you chose over Hope.At least Luna chose us rather than you"
"Is that what you were planning on telling her when she got older and asked for me? That I abandoned her?"
Hayley, more furious than anyone has ever seen her, breaks an end-table and uses the broken leg as a stake as she lunges for Klaus. However, Klaus takes the stake and throws it aside, watching frustratedly as Hayley jumps high into the air onto the staircase railing, which she uses as leverage to jump onto the balcony. She leaps over to where Klaus has appeared and starts punching him, which he dodges at vampire speed. Finally, she starts angrily shoving him in the chest, pushing him backwards as she yells furiously at him
"My parents left me! Yours turned their backs on you! Look at us now, Klaus!"
She continues hitting him hard in the chest, but Klaus, suddenly stricken by the realization of what he's done, can do nothing but stare in horror at her as she screams in frustration.
Suddenly, Elijah returns home and tries to intervene from below
Hayley ignores Elijah and keeps shoving Klaus in the chest
"She deserves something better than what we had, and all I have ever wanted for her is something better!"
Klaus continues to stand there silently, which only makes Hayley more frustrated
"Fight back! FIGHT BACK!"
Klaus' eyes widen as he notices something behind her, and when Hayley turns around, she sees Hope slowly toddling over to them on the balcony, having likely heard the fight and become curious as to what is happening. Hayley's mouth opens in shock, and a wave of guilt washes over her face as she covers her mouth with her hand in horror. Below, Elijah, Freya, Luna, and Jackson watch sadly from the ground floor of the courtyard
"Ohhhh. She's walking. When did she start walking?"
Klaus and the others remain silent, and Hayley looks as though she's on the brink of breaking down as she slowly walks toward her daughter. She finally picks up Hope, too overwhelmed to remember she's covered in blood, and she starts to cry as Hope coos in her arms
"I missed it. I missed everything."
Hayley kisses Hope's cheek as Freya, Jackson, Luna, and Elijah continue to watch sadly from the courtyard. Behind her, Klaus is looking tearful as well, and seems to be guilty and ashamed of what he's done.
Hayley walks down the steps with Hope, and Klaus follows slowly behind her. Freya has broken the shackles from Jackson's wrists, and lifted the barrier spell on Luna, and as soon as she's finished, he rushes toward his wife and step-daughter to give them a hug.
"What happened? Is the curse broken?"
"I'll explain later. We're safe... for now." Hayley says glaring at Luna for her betrayal
"Good for you. I'll have your bedroom made up."
"The only way that I will stay under your roof is if I'm in a coffin."
"If you think I will allow Hope out of my protection for a second--"
"What you'll allow doesn't matter, Klaus. Welcome to a 21st century custody battle. Moms win them now."
Elijah, wanting to prevent another fight, interrupts them.
"If I may? The apartments across the street have recently been renovated. I might pay a visit to the management."He turns to Klaus, who is visibly unhappy, and glares at him
"The fact that Hope will never be out of earshot should assuage your incessant paranoia."
"So we are to listen as my daughter is raised by savages?"
Jackson scoffs ,"Because everyone here is so civilized?"
"Brother, you created the problem. This might well be the solution."
Hayley looks at Elijah gratefully and nods.
"Put the place in Jackson's name." She looks over at Klaus and glares at him
"Klaus won't be invited in." Klaus scowls in anger at this news, but he says nothing as Hayley, Hope, and Jackson walk away. Elijah shoots Klaus one last look before he turns and follows them out. Freya looks at Klaus with an expression that seems to say, "I told you so," before she goes up to her room. Luna stays and holds his hand and rubs his back trying to relieve the tension inside of him.
"If you fed on this prophetic witch, her blood is still in your system. If there's a weapon that can kill you, we need to know."
Freya lights a tall black candle and places it in the middle of the table, surrounding it with smaller lit white candles. She takes the bowl of blood from Klaus and sets out three small pieces of paper with Norse runes written on them. The runes spell "Elijah," "Rebekah," and "Klaus." Freya stares at the black candle in the center, looking nervous, before she dunks her fingers in the bowl of blood to make a connection with Alexis and her visions.
"No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve" As she chants, blood starts to drip from inside her right ear, and the house starts to shake. Luna stumbles but Elijah catches her before she hits the floor. Freya's voice becomes more and more strained, as though the effort is hurting her, they all become concerned.
"No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve. No mentre le prophecie que la otra ve." Elijah worriedly grabs Freya's arm
"Freya? Stop!" Despite Elijah's pleas, Freya is overcome by visions of the prophecy. She sees Elijah's painted portrait in the living room splashed with blood and the beast with large, long, and wickedly sharp fangs roar as he bares his bloody teeth.
Suddenly, the pieces of paper with the three Original vampires catch on fire as Freya gasps loudly, her eyes flying open. The flames on the table finally extinguish themselves, but Freya is visibly shaken by the visions she was shown.
"It's true. You have a terrible shadow over you. Rebekah, too. If this prophecy is fulfilled, you will all fall..."
She looks up at her brothers, clearly not wanting to share the next piece of information she gleaned from the visions
" ...One by friend, one by foe, and one... by family."
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