( a nicholas alexander chavez fic )
new york, new york
november 3, 2024
laid out on our couch, marley and i made it our duty to figure out what to watch. "almost famous?" marley suggested.
"just saw it." i replied.
"thirteen going on thirty?" marley asked.
i groaned, "watched it last week too." i said.
"okay, notting hill." she said.
"last week..." i admitted.
"god, you've had way too much free time." marley exclaimed as she threw the remote over to me. "i don't know what else we can watch."
just then, lucy walked in from her all day photoshoot with vogue. "you've got mail!" she announced.
"i like it. let's watch you've got mail." i said with a smile.
marley nodded. "you can never go wrong with a tom hanks film."
"that's great and all, but not what i meant. lucky, you seriously have mail." lucy said as she handed me a package. "it's from mr. chavez." she said with a wink as she fell into line with us and joined us on the couch.
i raised my eyebrows in surprise as i took the package from her.
"nicholas sent something?" i asked, my curiosity piqued. i began to open the package.
i carefully took the shirt out of the package and examined it. it was a picture of nicholas and me on the beach during our mexican getaway. we looked happy and carefree in the photo. i couldn't help but smile faintly at the memory.
i glanced down to read the note. he was inviting me to come to los angeles to watch him get nominated for a golden globe and attend the ceremony with him. my heart skipped at the thought of seeing him again soon.
i showed the shirt and the note to marley and lucy, who gasped in excitement.
"oh my god! this is amazing!" marley exclaimed.
"why are you so damn lucky?" lucy said with a playful nudge.
"hey, it fits you." marley said. "lucky the lucky ducky."
i rolled my eyes at their words but smiled nonetheless. i couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement. seeing nicholas again. in las angeles. at the golden globes. this was truly a once in a lifetime opportunity.
"i'm gonna call him." i said as i fished out my phone from my jeans pocket.
they both nodded and waited expectantly as i started dialing his number. the phone rang a few times before he picked up. i put him on speaker.
"hi, lucky." his voice crackled through the phone.
my heart skipped at the sound of his voice. "hi, nicholas." i replied.
i could almost hear him smiling on the other end. "did you get my package?" he asked.
"i did." i said, holding up the shirt for marley and lucy to gush at. "and i love it."
"good, i'm glad." nick said, his voice tinged with excitement. "and well, i'm assuming you got my note too?"
"yes, i did." i responded, looking at his note again. the idea of going to the golden globes and supporting him was overwhelming.
"well, will you come?" nick asked, his tone anticipating my response.
i could feel a mixture of flattery and nerves swirling inside of me. i glanced at marley and lucy, who were both looking at me with wide grins. i turned my gaze back on the shirt and the note. "of course i'll go. and may i just say, that i'm very proud of you." i responded.
i could practically feel the joy in his tone. "really? you're actually gonna come?" he asked, needing confirmation.
i tried to keep my voice steady. "yes, absolutely. i wouldn't miss it for the world."
"god, that's great. you're gonna love it." nick replied. "i'll have everything set up for you. flights, meals, outfits, et cetera." he continued.
i let out a small gasp at his words. "you don't have to-" i protested.
"bullshit," he said, effectively cutting me off. "i'm gonna make this the most unforgettable trip of your life." he declared.
for a moment, i was stunned into silence. the determination in his voice was almost exhilarating. i didn't know how to respond. my heart was racing again, but this time, for different reasons.
"lucky?" nick's voice brought me back to reality. "you still there?" he said.
"yes, i'm still here." i replied quickly. "i'm just... surprised."
"i told you, this is gonna be one hell of a night." he said confidently. he was silent for a moment, seemingly lost in thought. then he continued, "i'm really looking forward to seeing you."
"i'm looking forward to seeing you too." i said, a small smile tugging at my lips.
i could practically hear his smile through the phone. "good. it's gonna be amazing." he replied.
"yeah..." i trailed off as i glanced at marley and lucy, who were looking at me with wide eyes. they definitely heard that. "i'll talk to you soon, my love."
i could hear him chuckle faintly on the other end. "of course, baby. i'll see you soon."
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luckycheyenne 🤍
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user1 she's so pretty
user2 love the glasses queen
user3 anyone know where the top is from?
nicholasalexanderchavez stood up and applauded
lucyjenkins HAWTTT
housekeeping notes !
small chapter 💝
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