010. | ❛ things got rowdy. ❜
Getting home, Elena reached the door to her house and whipping her keys out. It's when Elena tried to unlock the door that was the problem. Her hands were frantic and kept trembling, after a while did Elena took a deep breath and unlocked it.
Toby was seated on the couch when Elena came through the door.
"Hey, I was wondering when you'd get home." Toby lifted himself off the couch and making his way over to Elena.
"It's been a long day," Elena huffs,"The only thing getting me through the day is you."
Elena approaches Toby. As she comes within inches of his face.
Toby brushes his hand against Elena's cheek before grabbing her to him and she grins. She begins kissing him slowly at first. And then, they begin to kiss very passionately. Elena pulls Toby's shirt over his head. Toby hikes her up, causing Elena to wrap her legs around him. Toby leads her into the bedroom, she tears her own shirt over her head. Toby pushes her down flat onto the bed, then mounts her and kisses her neck while she gasps and moans underneath him.
Early the net morning, Elena met with Emily and Hanna in her apartment. Sitting on the table near the kitchen, while Hanna was cooking,"What'd you tell Pam?"
"Uh, you know you can never call my mom that to her face, right?I told her we were still narrowing down bridesmaids' dresses, even though you haven't asked us yet. I mean, you're gonna ask us, right? Elena, you too right?" Emily asked causing Elena to nod at her. Of course, she would ask them. They've been through hell together and if that wasn't reason enough, she didn't know what was.
"You've a lot more to worry about than that. You need me to drive you?"
"No, it's okay. The clinic has a service. They just wanna make sure there's someone to help me get me settled in the bed after. I mean, I should be fine in a day or so."
"Well, I'll mash up your Jell-O just the way you like it." Elena responds making a little wiggling motion to signify jello.
"Em, you seem nervous. Hey, these are your eggs. You can change you mind." Hanna sat down and tried to get Emily out of this caution state.
"That's not it. I'm just... I'm weirded out by that text." Emily expressed using hand motions.
"From Aria?"
"Okay, this may sound crazy cynical but if Byron and Ella do get remarried doesn't that mean she wouldn't have to testify against him? I mean, I'm not saying that Byron's guilty."
"Did we miss the memo that says we call people's parents by their first names now?"
"It's just like "Downton Abbey" where Bates goes on trial..."
"Hanna, I'm talking about the text from Ali."
"Didn't you... No. Oh, she's back.
"And of course, she reaches out to me alone and just assumes I'll come and hear her out. I'm not doing it. I mean I can't. Keeping this secret from my mom has been hard enough. And yesterday I took this gigantor shot and I feel like I've had three too many macchiatos. I mean, why does she do this, why does she always come to me first and just expect that... "
"Okay, are you gonna breathe or just keep talking until you pass out?" Elena said stopping Emily who was rambling on.
"Sorry, it's the hormones."
"Just tell her you're busy." Hanna said leaning forward.
"Oh, I don't know why I didn't think of that. Hormones." Emily answered her own question.
"Okay, well, can you keep them in check for ten minutes? This is work."
Emily and Elena quietly whispered while Hanna was on her business call.
"Gossip please, how are things with you and Toby?"
"It's been great. I'm finally happy and it's just perfect." Elena answered with the biggest smile on her face. She flipped her hair to the other side revealing a red spot on her neck which widen Emily's eyes.
"Elena, it that a hickie?" Emily got closer to her trying to get a better look.
"No, it must be your imagination." Elena tried to play it off covering it up with her hair once again.
"You don't have to lie," Emily settled down
"Well, things got a little rowdy last night," She said biting her lip causing Emily to chuckle.
"Have you ever... You know," Emily tried not to blurt out.
"Emily! Of course I have! You know what I'm done talking about this topic," Elena huffed while still with a smile on her face as Emily just rolled her eyes in somewhat satisfaction.
Elena walked down the hallways of the place that she thought she'd never walk again. She tried to find the classroom but seemed to get lost even after 4 years of walking the hallways.
She finally came up to the door, and hesitated on knocking but went ahead anyway.
Alison looked up and smiled at Elena, the only liar that has come to visit her after everything with Charlotte.
"I never expected you out of everybody to show up," Alison said for her desks as she graded papers.
"I guess I even surprise myself sometimes," Elena took a seat in the front row on the classroom.
"Did Emily send you?"
"Nope, I came on my own. I guess I just wanted to see how you were holding up,"
"I'm good, not great but I feel like being back at work will help."
"So, have you been in contact with your family lately? Your dad? Jason?" Elena tried to see if her brother was truly back in town.
"Ever since Charlotte they've distanced themselves. You guys are the closest thing to family at this point." Alison explained why she was probably trying to reach out.
"When you disappeared, I started to wonder if you were the reason that Jason left or why we broke up. I had all this anger built up, and it wasn't nice. But when we found out you were alive, that anger disappeared. And everything that happened with the dollhouse, and graduation, and things after that, I needed a rock. Jason was my rock and then we went our separate ways. And then Toby came along and wasn't my rock but my anchor. And with him, I feel secure. Toby's has been family and I slightly believe that I'm his. What I'm saying is that you have to find your anchor. Somebody that there for you." Elena got out of her seat and heading for the door.
"And if it's worth anything, I'm honored to be your family." Elena smiled to her, while she accepted it before Elena turned away.
Heading to New York for her art exhibition, Elena was nervous and picking at her fingernails.
Elena called Toby, who normally calmed her down,"Toby? I'm really freaking out here. I mean what if they'd by like the display and the arrangement and the-"
"Honey, calm down. Everything going to be fine."
The car was approaching the art studio and parked outside,"How do you know?" The car door opened and revealed a well dressed Toby, holding out his hand for her.
Elena accepted his hand, who lead her to the door.
"How did I get so lucky?" Elena intertwined her fingers with his.
"I'm going to believe something called fate," Toby spun her around and pulled her waist closer to his and leaned down and kissed her.
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