number 2
I slept over at his house, in the guest room. I couldn't sleep, I was paranoid about me losing my wand, could he have taken it?! I had potions hidden around my place just in case. "Should I sneak out? No, that's rude" I thought to myself multiple times. It was around 3:00 in the morning. I sighed. I need coffee, he may have it.
I got up from the bed, I realized I was still wearing my work clothes, the pitch dark made it worse. Where's my wand when I need it! I tiptoed towards the door, I slowly twisted it open. This isn't a horror movie, but it sure felt like it.
I was looking around when I felt something touch me. I quickly made a move, I pinned them down to the floor, who the hell is this? At least I still have some sort of moves. "That hurts, could you let go?" It was just Max, god I thought it was a creature.
"Max! Oh god, I'm so sorry." I say, letting go and getting off of him. "That one is on me, I shouldn't have grabbed you like that." He says in his charming— no his apologetic tone.
"I'm glad it was you and not a murder," I reply, laughing. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the flashlight.
"There, I can finally see you." He says, with a smile on his face. Wait? Was this a flirting move? I laughed at his comment since it was kind? "What were you doing anyway?" He asked, looking down at me. "I was just going to look if you had any coffee," I say being the honest person I am.
He held my hand to lead me downstairs towards his kitchen. He flicked the lights on, revealing his kitchen. "Damn it's better organized than mine," I thought to myself.
"for a second there I thought I was going to die." He confessed making me laugh. "I apologize for my actions," I say shyly. Why I'm doing this? I feel so damn stupid. I shook my head to stop these thoughts from roaming in, I was never like this.
He started looking through his cabinets looking for coffee. The noise of his cabinets moving made me think about the time that I was mistaken for a Weasley, yes I have the looks but I wasn't one. I was their cousin, I would visit them over the summer. My parents brought me there all the time, I was close to Ginny, Molly said she felt like I was Ginny's sister more than a niece.
"Found it!" He said it cheerfully. I snapped out of the memories, it was all gone now. He got one of his pots out and started to boil water.
"Max, why is it that you throw parties?" I genuinely just wanted to know.
"Well, now that you ask it. I don't know, I feel alone most of the time so." He replied I received a lonely feeling from him.
"Should I hug him? No, I just met this guy. I'm not that person anymore, she died once I moved here." I thought to myself.
"Need help?" I ask getting up from my seat.
I left early that morning, I'm surprised he let me leave. I showered in the middle of the night, he gave me his clothes. I felt like a tiny figure in this guy's eyes.
Once I got home and searched for my wand. I tore my whole apartment to find it. It was no use.
Phone Call
"You're behind on our project!"
"I apologize sir, but my sickness is an excuse."
"Doesn't matter now, get me my black coffee."
"On it si—"
End of Phone Call
He is such an asshole, I would get another job but this is the one that pays the bills. I decided to go to a different coffee shop, the one Guy liked was popular. This one wasn't as much, it was a tea place mixed with coffee as well.
Silver Falls
This is it, I walked in, the scent of tea and coffee hit me, hard. It gave me a witchy vibe as well, witches in the muggle world? No. I was walking in a witch's slash wizard's boundaries, without a wand. Let's just get this over with, I have potions with me just in case.
I quickly ordered the black coffee, avoiding eye contact with anyone. "Will that be it for today?"
Why is this voice so familiar?
I simply nodded and was getting impatient.
"Here you go, have a good day." They say, passing me the coffee in its container. I snatched it from the counter and started to speed walk out of there.
While I was doing so, I bumped into someone almost spilling the coffee on myself and them. "Sorry!" I squealed, I was in a rush that I didn't even get a good look at them.
I headed straight to my compartment, after delivering the coffee to Guy.
"Aileen, you'll be helping out the girls," Guy says, gesturing me towards the sewing machine station. I had a sewing machine back at my apartment, I made my own clothes. I guess I was a pro.
I strolled over at the sewing machine section, calmly. The machine was brand new,
"Enola Mirilla Lewis-White!" My mother shouted from downstairs. "Oh no, she's mad again!" I thought to myself, I was nervous, and went downstairs. She revealed a machine behind her, "What it is?" I asked while examining it. "Sewing machine, I'll teach you how to use it." She says, in the soft tone of voice she's always had.
end of flashback
From there on my mom taught me how to use it, when I made my first skirt and blouse she was proud. I still have the same machine, never replaced it even though it needs to be.
Guy assigned me to find a light yellow lace for the puffiness of the dress.
I finally found it after half an hour. I jogged up the stairs, getting ready to sew it all together.
I'm glad Guy wasn't here, he was in a meeting. The dress was in the center of the studio, it was almost done, this requires to be handstitched.
I grabbed the needle from my pincushion and started to sew the lace on. "Sir, they're requesting an appointment for tomorrow." It was Guy's appointment assistant, she'd be there when he had meetings. "Set one for 8 o clock in the morning—" I felt footsteps behind me, please I don't want to recreate yesterday's scene.
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