Hours later, River found herself at the twins' birthday party. It was a party a group of their friends were hosting for them. Of course, River didn't really know anyone besides Dakota and Liz, so she followed Liz around for majority of it.
She was in the kitchen finding another drink, when she noticed someone else walking in. She didn't pay much attention to them, but they kept looking over at her. She looks over at them to find their eyes still on her.
"Do you need something?" She says as she closes the fridge
The guy chuckles, "No, um, you're just really pretty."
"Oh, thanks." River says as she goes to make her way out of the kitchen with her beer. She stops as the guy steps in front of her.
"Actually, do you think I could get your number? Or maybe we could hang out tonight?"
"No, sorry." She says simply. River backs up as he steps closer.
"Why not? I don't see you here with anyone."
"Does it matter who I'm here with? I'm not interested."
She tries to step past him, but he quickly grabs her arm. His grip was way too tight for River's comfort.
"Let go of me." She says trying to pull away from him, but each time she did he grabbed her tighter.
"Come on." He smirks
As River's mouth opens to respond, the guy is pushed away into the counter. River looks down at her arm, which was now red.
"She said get off of her."
River looks up and realizes that Dakota was the one to push the guy off of her.
"Yo, chill, Dakota. I was just trying to get her number."
"No, she's here with me." Dakota says
"My bad, dude." The guy says raising his hands in surrender. Dakota's eyes never leave his face as he exits the kitchen.
He then turns to River, "You good?"
"Yeah." She nods. Dakota nods back as his eyes fall to her arm, "Don't tell Liz."
"Because it's her birthday and I know she's gonna feel bad that something happened while I was here." She sighs. When he stays silent, River steps closer, "Please?"
"Okay." He says softly as he looks down at her
"Thank you." She says before she starts to walk out. She stops and turns back to him, "Happy birthday, Dakota."
A small smile spreads across his face as she disappears into the party.
Aside from what happened to River, the party was amazing for both Liz and Dakota. They had the time of their lives for their 18th birthday and definitely had a lot more to drink than they both initially wanted to.
They definitely expected their mom to lay into them when the three teens came stumbling in at 2 in the morning, but remembering the stories she told about her 18th birthday, she'd be a hypocrite.
So, they crashed in their rooms, but were barely able to change into comfortable clothes.
River's eyes open and immediately close at the bright light shining in Liz's room. Her arm crossed over her face as she groans. She slowly sits up and looks around.
She furrows her brows as she notices Liz wasn't in bed with her. She scoots to the edge of the bed and relaxes.
Liz was on the floor.
River reaches back for a pillow and swings it around before throwing it at Liz. The blonde barely budges. River grabs another pillow and throws at her, "Liz."
The girl groans as she moves around. She uses her hands to push herself up as she looks around. She pushes her hair back as she sits up against the bed.
"How did you end up on the floor?" River says
"I don't know." Liz mumbles
"Did you fall?" River chuckles
Liz giggles, "I don't know."
The girls laugh as River falls back on the bed. Their laughter dies down as they hear a knock on the door, "Come in."
The door opens and Megan stands there with a smile on her face, "Well, don't you two look beautiful."
"We feel so beautiful." River says sarcastically
"I bet." Megan chuckles, "How'd you end up on the floor Liz?"
"I wish I knew." Liz says as she rubs at her eyes. She gets up slowly, but immediately plops down on her bed.
"Well, if you guys want, I made lunch."
"Lunch?" The girls say as Megan hums in acknowledgment. Liz reaches for her phone.
"It's dead." She says placing it back down. She grabs Rivers and as the screen lights up, the time in fact reads 2:27.
"Holy shit." Liz says with wide eyes
"Yup." Megan nods, "Come on down."
Liz sighs as Megan closes the door. River sits up next to her and lays her head on her shoulder, "Did you have fun last night?"
"Yeah." Liz smiles, "A lot of fun."
"Good." River mumbles, "I had fun too."
"Good." Liz nods, "I'm glad you came. It wouldn't have been as much fun without you."
"Of course not." River scoffs playfully as Liz laughs
The girls jump as the door bursts open. Dakota uses the door to hold himself up. His eyes were barely open, "God, it's bright as shit in here."
"What do you want?" Liz says
"I need you to make me one of those hangover drinks."
"What? No."
"Please, Lizzie." He sighs
"Jeremiah makes those, not me."
"Yeah, but you make it close enough. Please, Liz?"
His sister sighs as she stands up, "Fine."
"Thank you." He says
"Yeah, whatever." She says as she passes him. He turns to River as she stands up.
"How's your arm?" He asks
She shrugs, "It's fine."
Dakota nods as he looks down. River's eyes linger on him as she waits for him to speak. Instead, he pushes off of the door and starts to turn around.
"Wait." She says. He turns back with a frown evident on his face, "Why'd you help me?"
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Because you've been an asshole to me any other time." She says
"Doesn't mean I'm gonna let some guy take advantage of you." He mumbles before he walks off
River blinks as she comes out of her small trance before she makes her way to her bag.
The weekend seemed to fly by as it was already Sunday. The day River had to fly home.
"Are you sure you don't want us to drive you?" Megan says as River waits outside
"No, there'll be a lot more tears that way." She chuckles. Megan nods as she rubs her shoulder.
Liz looks up from her spot on the chair, "I wish you could stay longer."
"Yeah, me too, but I'm already planning on skipping school tomorrow anyway, so I don't want to push my luck with my mom. " She says rolling her eyes, "Besides, you'll be in Cousins in a few months."
"Still." Liz says running her hand through her hair. River turns as a car pulls into the driveway.
"There's my uber." River says. Liz stands up as River goes to grab her bag. She pulls her into a hug.
"I'm gonna miss you so much." Liz mumbles
"I'm gonna miss you too." River sighs. She pulls away reluctantly before she hugs Megan. She turns and makes her way down the steps.
As she opens the door, Dakota calls out to her from the front door, "Later, River."
River smiles softly, "Bye, Dakota."
He nods before he looks down. This leaves River a little confused, but if she tried figuring out Dakota, she'd send herself into an early grave.
"Bye, River." Liz calls out as River rolls her window down
"Bye, Liz." She says as the driver pulls off. Liz sighs as she turns to her mom and brother.
"You'll see her in a few months." Megan reassures her as she rubs Liz's shoulder.
Unbeknownst to her, it not only gives Liz comfort, but Dakota too. He'll see her in a few months.
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