Howdy! I just want to take a moment to thank you, every single one of you, for being there for me. Whether it's supporting my writing or just lending a kind ear when I'm having a bad day, it really does help and I appreciate it so, so much.
Now that being said, welcome to a little aesthetics giveaway to celebrate 300 of you little beans clicking that follow button! There's someone who should get to see this who sadly can't anymore and I'm still grieving so please be kind about how long it takes me to actually getting around to making your aesthetics.
There are no restrictions on who can and can't order aesthetics, the only rules are to fill out the form and don't request more than 3 because I do get easily overwhelmed if you couldn't tell.
And that's about it! Feel free to fill that form out and get yourself some semi-decent aesthetics today!
Character name (easy, right?)
Character appearance (I will do my best to find a picture that matches it)
Quote themes (hopeful, romantic, etc.)
Image suggestions (starry sky, pastries, etc.)
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