21 years later
2016, 2 weeks after battle at Berlin's airport
Natasha stared at herself into the mirrow while leaning on the sink.
Images of nightmare still flashing in her mind. She stares down for the moment before opening the faucet and splashed her face with water, cleaning the sweats that were on her face.
She grabs paper tissues to dry her face. Then she takes her phone, which has a camera footage of police and goverment officals moving towards her position.
"They're topside, sir!" - One agent says. "Tier 1 has LOS!" - Other replies after him as they pass the person in charge of this mission, Secretary Ross.
"We've got all exits covered." - Police cheif officer tells to Ross.
"All right. Stay alert. I'm sending in alpha squad." - Ross orders before continuing. "Natasha Romanoff is in violation of the Sokovia Accords. She assaulted the king of Wakanda. Make an example out of her."
He explains as Natasha through her phone can see SWAT team moving in through the hall of the hotel. So she decided to call the Secretary.
Ross walks through the entrance of hotel when his phone starts ringing.
He picks it up and sees the unknown number, but he knows who it is. "Yeah?"
"Don't do this." - Natasha tells him.
"Do what?"
"Come after me." - She pauses for bit before continuing. "I meant, you're embarrassing yourself. It looks desperate."
"Thought maybe you'd be calling me to cut a deal." - He starts as Natasha puts the call on the speaker. "'Cause from my vantage point, it's the federal fugitive who's desperate."
"From my vantage point, you look like you could use some bed rest." - Natasha counters back. "What is this, your second triple bypass?"
"I wouldn't worry about me." He said to her. "We got Bartons, we got Wilson and that other guy, the incredible shrinking convict. Rogers is on the run. You got no friends. - As Ross speaks, she remembers the battle at the airport.
How most of them are now behind bars. Hell, even her nephew is behind those bars.
"Where you gonna go?" - He asks her
"I've lived a lot of lives before I met you, Ross. You shouldn't have gone to all this trouble. I'm done. - With that she hungs up the call.
"Romanoff?" - Ross says as SWAT team is closing in to Natasha's position.
Camera switches between Natasha looking towards the doors to Ross putting down the phone.
Natasha now stands right next to the door as she sighs. As one of officers kicks the door open, it revealed that Natasha isn't even there, as she opens the door.
Officer walks in one of toilets and see the vest on the floor. Natasha exits outside and we see that actually she's on the ferry.
Police cheif officer later walks over to Ross, carrying the vest. "Got an empty nest, Secretary Ross. Her tracker, sir."
Ferry is sailing in Norwegian waters as Natasha walks up to the railing of the vessel, wearing a hoodie and warm pants.
She lays the phone in her hand on the railing, before sliding it off the edge, phone falling into the cold waters below. Natasha looks down as she walks off, going back to her car.
Later, now on the land, Natasha drives on the road, passing through the beautiful landscape of Norway, calm and quiet place. Perfect place to go into hiding if you are the fugitive on the run.
"After the Sokovia Accords, the hunt is on for the remaining Avengers..." - News are broadcasting the current situation on the Avengers as Natasha comes to stop.
"... Steve Rogers and Natasha Romanoff are currently on the run." - Natasha drinks from her coffee as she looks outside, towards a mobile trailer.
Natasha approaches the trailer, carrying a pistol in her hands. She opens the doors and enters the trailer. She slowly and quietly walks through the trailer.
She then hears snoring coming from the room in front of her. She pushes the door and sees a man sleeping on the bed.
That is her contact, Rick Mason.
She had met him trough Clint when they had their first mission together in Budapest.
She smiles lightly as she leans over, looking at him, before waking him up.
Mason stirrs awake with a gasp. "You're in my bed."
"I'm... I'm not even under the covers." - Mason replies groggy, but still tried to sound smart.
"Did you get everything on my list?" - She asks as Mason walks out of the room.
"Got passports, entry visas, a couple of local driver's licenses." - Mason tells her as he picks up the stuff he just named and hands it over to the Russsian.
"Mix and match, you should be able to stretch it to 20 or so identities." - She continues as Natasha reads the names on the cards.
"Fanny Longbottom?" - She turns to Mason while standing next to the countertop.
"What?" - He asks confused.
"What, are you 12?" - She tells him, not believing that she will need to call herself that name.
"That is a legitment name." - He tells her as he then laughs as he paces around the room.
"We've got a generator outside. It's petrol-powered. And the septic tank, will need a flush in couple of weeks, but you know, I've got a guy coming for that." - He goes over more things as Natasha looks out of the window.
"You have a haur your rubbish into town. It's just a 20-minute drive." - Natasha turns to him.
"I've got your basic hardware kit stashed under the stairs." - He finnishes as he is now standing infront of Natasha.
"Nice." - She says, but Mason notices her mood.
"Are you okay?" - He asks her.
"Why wouldn't I be?" - She tells, but its obvious from her voice she's kinda down, but she won't show it.
"I hear things. You know, something about the Avengers getting divorced..." - He tells her as Natasha shakes her head.
"Ugh. It's fine."- She pauses before telling him. "I'm actually better on my own."
"Are you sure?" - He asks again, leaning his head towards her.
"Yeah." - She nods with head at him with a small smile.
"Because you can tell me, you know. That's the way how the whole friends thing works."
"I know. I have friends." - She tells him as they are standing closer to each other. "People who have friends don't call me." - He tells her.
They stayed in silence, something obviously in the air between them, but Natasha breaks it by sighing and crossing her arms on her chest. "And I don't pay you to worry."
Mason simply nods and turns, walking towards doors. He leans his hands on top of the door frame, turing his head towards Natasha last time, before walking out.
As Natasha walks over to the door, Mason remebers something.
"Oh, hey." He stops before pointing at the box next to the door. "This is junk is from the Budapest safe house." - He says as Natasha looks at it for second before turing her attention back to Mason.
"Budapest?" - She asks, genuinely surprised.
"Yeah. Budapest." - He confirms, but thing is, he is saying the name diffrently.
"No, it's "Budapest."." - She corrects him. "Budapest...Budapest" - He says is couple of times trying to say it right.
"It's "Budapest.". - She says it again with amusement.
"Whatever. I knew you weren't going back there, so I've got someone else in the flat now." - He explains to her.
"Sorry you went trough the trouble. I would've told you to chuck it." - She said.
"Well, if you don't want it, throw it in the rubbish." - With that Mason leaves, leaving Romanoff alone, as she watches him walking off into the distance.
Also in Norway, there is hut near the lake, which is now frozen, as camera flies towards the hut.
It's a small house with a small second floor where a children size bed is placed.
In the basement of the house, only light in the room comes from the big screen. On that screen is shown a footage of battle at the Berlin's airport.
It's currently showing a fight between Hawkeye and Black Panther, as camera moves back, revealing a figure watching the fight, as he stands in the middle of the room.
Camera rolls around when it finally falls onto his face.
He wears a helmet which has a skull face. Yes, his helmet has a ability to read, but the figure turned it off, as he watches with his own eyes through the glass of the helmet at the fight.
Suddenly, he gets a call in his comm. He is informed that his target was found. And it's in Norway.
Back to Natasha, she just exited the shop with groceries she bought and walk towards her car.
She opens the back door and puts the bags on the seat. Then she closes the doors and enters into driver's seat and drives back to her new home.
She exits the car, takes the groceries and walks towards the trailer. She opens the doors and enters. She closes the doors behind her and walks inside her small living room.
But bags drop down from her hands onto the floor, her eyes widen, as she pulls her pistol out.
A femine figure with blond hair was sitting on the couch in her living room, as Natasha aims her gun at her.
Maybe 21 years has passed, but she still could identify the person infront of her.
"Hii!" - Woman greets her.
It was her little sister, Yelena.
Natasha lowers her gun and groans.
"Что ты здесь делаешь? (What are you doing here?)" - She questioned in Russian as her timing could've been more perfect.
"Что? Разве твоя младшая сестра не могла нанести визит впервые за 21 год? (What? Couldn't your little sister make a visit for the first time in 21 years?)"
Yelena asks as she crosses her legs on the small table infront of her.
"I'm on the run. You could get me in trouble." - Natasha says sternly as she opens a cabinet and gets out the bottle of alcohol and 2 small cups.
"Ha! Like I'm going to do that." - Blond snores as she gets up from the couch.
She then composes herself and turns serious. "I have escaped the Red Room."
She immediately said, seriousness in her voice as she approaches her big sis at the countertop.
Natasha quickly shots a look towards her little sis before she can pour the drink.
Before Natasha says anything, Yelena continues. "I'm going to kill Dreykov and this time for real."
Natasha knows that last part was aimed at her. She clearly remembers of her's failed assissination attempt at Dreykov in Budapest. But atleast it weakened his power which forced him into life time hidding.
"And I'm also going to bring down the Red Room. I'm going to free all the widows from his control."
Natasha catches the meaning of "control", but not of "free".
"Look, Dreykov moves his location constanly, but I think I know one person who can help us." - She says as Natasha pours the drinks and hands her one of the cups.
"Alexei." - Natasha sighs as she figures that Yelena wants to break him out of prison.
"Yes and I need your help with breaking dad out of prison." - Yelena tells her as she then drinks her cup as Natasha shakes her head.
"And then, with his help, we - -" -But before she can continue, red head cuts her off. "No."
Yelena stops, in confusion as she looks at her. "What?"
"No." - Natasha repeats as she drinks the shot of her drink before talking again. "I moved on from that. I don't hold to the past anymore."
Yelena looks at her face, tying to find any trace that she is joking, but she finds non. With that, she knows she meant it for real.
"You're a liar." - She tells her as Natasha turns back to stare at her. "If you really moved on from it, then you would know that yours friends won't come for you."
Natasha puts down her cup down as she mainly looks at her sister, who sighs in disappointment.
She didn't even tell her about the antidote yet, but knows she won't listen to her. She's on her own.
Yelena takes the envelope from her coat and hands it over to Natasha. "If you change your mind, this is where you can find me."
She then turns and starts walking towards the door, but stops. "Also, there are some flares in that box, I don't know why." - She says as she points at the box. "Anyway, it was nice seeing you, sis."
With that Yelena exits the trailer and disappears into the night. Natasha sighs. She didn't expect to see her sister again or ever. She the looks at the box.
Later. she takes the "junk" box and carries it outside. She opens the trunk of her car and place the box inside before going back inside of her home.
The Next day
It was the evening, the sun had almost set down. Red head was sitting on the couch, eating yogurt, while she watched Moonraker on her laptop.
"You're not a sportsman, Mr. Bond. - -"
"- - Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python? Because I discovered he had a crush on me." - She basically knew every line of all Bonds movies, so she is quoting them out loud.
"Moonraker 1 on preset launch program - -" - But suddenly, low rumbling happent as power went out in entire trailer, which alereted the spy.
"Oh, great." - She looked around at now dark room...
"- - minus two minutes. Retract crew access - -" - ...Atleast laptop was still on.
Natasha went outside. She tried to turn back on the generator, but she discovered that it had no fuel.
Mason said that he had a guy coming to check on it, but she didn't know when and she definetly didn't want to be freezing for days.
She picked up the an empty gas can and placed it in the back seat.
She was going back to the town and get some more fuel, also she could throw useless "junk" box along the way.
She drived the car down the road which was next to the river which flowed down the landscape.
She also listened to the radio. Currently Cheap Thrills by Sia was playing as she drived towards the bridge she needed to cross to make it to the town.
As she was about to drove onto the bridge, unknowingly to her, somebody was waiting for her there. An arrow was fired as it flied under the Nat's vehicle.
Suddenly, Natasha felt sudden weightless of her car as it was sended flying upwards by an explosion below.
The glass immediately shattered and flew in all directions as the car tumbled down the bridge. It finally stoped when it smashed through the fence of the bridge.
Car has stuck just enough that it didnt plummet into the water below, but every abrupt could make it happen.
As fire next to the car was burning, a second car came from the darkness and parked about 20 meters from the crash scene.
Inside incoming car, the same helmet with the skull face could be seen through the rearview mirror.
{start of music at 2:08}
Amidst her daze and blurriness, Natasha looked towards the car through the broken window as she spotted it's driver coming out of the driver's seat.
The man she sees wears a very armoured suit and his helmet standing out the most, as he slowly started walking towards her.
She quickly unbuckled her seat belt which made her fall fowards, which almost sended the car falling down, as the gas can from behind flew out of the car front window down into the water below.
She slowly made her way towards the back seats as she grabbed her pistol out.
"Of all the places, you choose to come to my country to hide. " - A unknown man spoke out to the Natasha, his voice being modulated by his voice box planted inside his helmet. "A very bold move, because nobody hides in my home."
"I'm pretty sure Ross has no jurisdiction here." - She calls out back, asuming her attacker was one of Ross men.
"You're probably right...but I do." - He confirmed and denied her statement in the same time.
The Russian spy maded her way towards the broken window of the backseat and looked out of it. "And you should know I'm a better shot when I'm pissed off."
Natasha raised her pistol at the attacker and fired, but the man quickly activated his shield, which spawned out of his gauntlet and deflected the bullets. He then peeked out behind the shield.
"That's exactly what I wanted." - He stated as Romanoff reload her gun.
Just as she was going to fire again, the man throwed his shield with such precision that it wedged hall way through of it's size in the window.
Natasha, little bit stuned by sudden action, quickly gets out through broken tailgate window.
She drops down, onto her knee, as she aims with her pistol foward, but the man wasn't on his spot where she has last seen him standing.
She then heared the noise coming from behind her. She looked behind her shoulder and spotted the man on top of the teetering car as he picked up his shield back.
She quickly turns and fires her pistol, but the man jumps into the air, doing a flip, while effectively blocking her shoots with his shield.
He lands on his feet and quickly kicks with his leg the gun out of Natasha's hands.
He threw his shield towards her again, but she ducked, so shield bounced off the car instead.
Natasha went towards him and jumped on him, trying to do her imfamous take down, but surprisingly, he blocked it, and then he exactly replicates her move and tooks her down on the ground.
Natasha surprised by sudden move, looks right back at the man, who is staring at her too under his helment.
He chuckles. Natasha then kipps back up, but she faced with the man, who has done the same thing at the same time with her.
Perfectly like her.
Natasha face turns to shocked one as she stares at him.
"What's the matter? Cat got your tounge?" - He taunts her
Natasha, even still shocked, immediatelx sprangs up and jumped towards him, but he predicted such move and grabbed her instead and with his legs pushed her over him and slamed her onto the ground.
The Avenger groaned from the hit as the man already got up, his back turned towards her.
"You're so easy to read, Romanoff." - He mocks her as he slowly starts to walk away from her.
Red head is provoked by such action, she unsheathed her knife and run at him, not realising thats exactly what he wanted.
He dodged the incoming thrust towards his head and spun around to engage.
He moved out of the way from he second slash, so she decided to cut at his legs. He slashed at him, but he he raised his leg and swayed 270 degrees. She tried to stab him, but he trapped her hand under his foot and brought her down onto ground again.
"I'm quite dissapointed. Jeg trodde den beryktede Black Widow ville gi mer av en kamp. (I thought infamous Black Widow would give more of a fight)."
He mocks her as he spoke in Norwegian as he grabed the back of her head and brought her up.
Natasha struggled to take her hand out, which was stuck under his leg. She grits her teeth as he turns her face to face him.
"Who are you?" - She asked, pain and shock visible in her voice as he simply looks at her.
He raises his hand up and says to her. "Taskmaster." - Then he punches her into her chest and she was sent flying several meters away.
The clips of that wizard really paid off watching for him.
"Kom deg opp! (Get up!)" - He shouted.
Natasha with the groan, tried to get back up, but furthest she manages was on her knee before, now known as Taskmaster, came at her with flying kick to her chest and pushes her down once again.
"Patetisk. (Pathetic.)" - He told her coldly as he walks towards her.
But Natasha surprises him by shooting a wire that wrapped aroud his legs.
His mistake was looking down at his feet, which allowed the red head to shoot the other end towards the top of the bridge. That pulled the Taskmaster up and Natasha decided to run towards the car.
Taskmaster takes out his sword from his back and cuts the wire. He then catch it and uses his momentum to swing back down towards Natasha.
As she went through the junk box, she turned and saw him coming down at her, so she quickly picked up his shield and moved out of the way as his blade came flying towards the ground, nearly hitting her.
He slashed at her but she blocked with the shield. He tried to stab her by sending his blade forward, but she raised the shield and moved out of way, so the sword just slid against the shield.
She blocked another hit, before swinging her other hand at him.
He blocked it, but in that hand, red head held a flare, so on accident, Taskmaster lighted it up, as red smoke started to rise up, completely covering their view of each other.
Taskmaster confused and angry, jumped high from the ground and intitiated a spinning back-kick.
Natasha, seeing the kick incoming, in last second raised the shield, protecting herself, but the strenght of the kick has hurled her off the bridge, as she fell down into the water below.
Taskmaster just realising that she has tricked him, cursed under his breath as he walks over to the broken railing of the bridge.
He looked down, but only thing he saw was depths of the darkness below him.
{end of music at 4:45}
He looked up and noticed a storm starting to form in the distance. "Du kan løpe, men du kan ikke gjemme deg. (You can run, but you can't hide.)"
On the other part of the river, Natasha emerges out of the cold water and mades her way towards a shore. She lays down on the wet grass and dirt as she pants.
She holds her side as she groans in pain. She then slowly starts to close her eyes...
When she was five feet away, she pulled out her gun, which she was hiding.
The couple's eyes widened. Anthony tried to run to turn or grab the gun, while Mercedes hugged something with her hands and moved it behind her.
But it was already late. Natalia fired the first bullet, then the second, then the third bullet. All three bullets hit Anthony in the chest, and his body moved backwards before falling on the cold sidewalk.
She could hear the grown woman scream out, probably saying her husband's name, but she heard another, smaller voice too.
The Black Widow points her gun at the Mercedes and fires two bullets, both of which hit the black woman in the head. Another body falls and the pavement reddens with it's blood.
Natalia has completed her mission. The faces of her targets no longer stood in front of her because she still hadn't looked down.
But then, she hears something in front of her falling onto the sidewalk. That confuses Natalia. She had already heard both bodies hit the ground. What else could fall when they didnt carried anything in their hands.
But then, she hears something again, but this time it's not something that fell, but she hears ... a sob.
Natalia finally lowered her gaze down. Her gaze was right in the middle which the Masters were making as they walked.
And now her gaze was between the bodies of both adults bodies, as their blood adorned the sidewalk. And in the middle of it, she saw something.
Her eyes widen not only in surprise and shock ... but also in terror.
Natasha stirs up awake from her sleep. Same nightmare, again. She breaths slowly as she was sitting on the bed. She managed to find a hotel near by where she has spent the night at.
She moves her hand inside her coat and takes the envelope Yelena gave her. She opens it and inside was a postcard. On that postcard was a picture and name of the place where she's staying.
Natasha crushes the postcard with her hand, as tears start to fall down her face, knowing what she needs to do. She accepts the call to action.
So, you can see the diffrence grom actual plot of movie.
Yelena has visited her, but Nat refused.
Then our boi Tasky shows UP, kicks Nat's butt, but she escapes by using flares.
Your thoughts?
(WORDS: 4176)
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