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chapter six
third person's pov
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Evie is practically drooling over Chad Charming, who is sitting across from her, Doug, and Tiffany. Doug is Dopey's son and the nephew of the other dwarfs. Him and Tiffany have been friends for a long time since they were in elementary school.
"Any chance he's in line for a throne? Anywhere in line?" Evie says, sighing at Chad's smile, and Doug and Tiffany try not to groan as she's been doing that since Chad walked in here.
"Chad. Prince Charming, Jr. Cinderella 's son. Chad inherited the charm, but not a lot there, there. Know what I mean?" Tiffany says as she sits next to Doug, who is sitting next to Evie, and she tells the other girl who Chad Charming is.
"Looks like there, there to me." Evie says smiling as she didn't notice that the teacher Mr. Deley turned around.
"Evie. Perhaps this is just a review for you. So, tell me, what is the average atomic weight of silver?" Mr. Deley asks the blue headed girl, and she gets up before grabbing her magic mirror.
"Atomic weight? Uh, well, not very much. I mean, it's an atom, right?" Evie says, and Doug rolls his eyes at Evie. "Let's see. How do I find the average atomic weight of silver? That would be 106.905 times.5200, plus 108.905 times .4800, which Mr. Deley, would give us 107.9 amu..." Evie says to the teacher, and he nods his head at her as it is the correct answer as he doesn't know that she is cheating.
"Amu?" Tiffany asks as she quickly does the math on a calculator and tilts her head as it is the right answer.
"I forgot. It's always a mistake to underestimate...." Mr. Deley says to Evie as she tosses him the chalk that she used to write on the board.
"A villain? Don't make it again." Evie says as she goes to walk back to her seat, and Chad hands her a piece of paper, and she quickly looks at it. She smiles as she walks back to her seat, and Doug and Tiffany roll their eyes at her, as they know that Chad is going to use her, but they don't know if they should tell her or not.
Ben asked Josie if she wanted to come and watch Carlos with him, as he's going to teach the white-haired boy how to play tourney as Coach Jenkins told him to do so. She volunteered to do so, as he told her to meet him at the entrance of the woods.
"Okay, Carlos. We're going to do some sprints. Are you ready?" Ben says to Carlos, and he nods his head, and Josie is watching the two. Then she saw a dog running and Carlos was running and the dog thought that it was a game and started running after Carlos.
Oh no!
"Oh! Ah! No, wait!" Carlos says as he's screaming and running away from the dog.
"Sweet!" Ben says and then he sees that Carlos is running longer, and Josie is already in the forest, and she manages to scoop up the dog, she also sees that Carlos had climbed up a tree.
"Josie, help me. This thing is a killer! He's going to chase me down and rip out my throat. He's a vicious, rabid pack animal!" Carlos says freaking out, that Dude was near him and also in Josie's arms. He didn't want anything to happen to Josie.
"Carlos. Your mother won't do anything. Everything that she's been saying your entire life is all lies. She was just putting fear into you so that you'd actually listen to her. And two, he's cute." Josie says, and Carlos shakes his head no at her, and she sighs, knowing why that he was petrified of dogs. His ding-dong mother.
"Why are you holding him? He's going to bite you!" Carlos exclaims to Josie, and she doesn't see dude like that. He actually looks... cute, with his shaggy and messy hair. Basically, like her in the morning, when she first wakes up. That's what reminded him of Dude and made him realize that the dog wasn't going to kill him like his mother had already drawn into his head.
"Car, I know you haven't met a dog, but neither have I. Trust me on this. Everything that your mother has instilled into that brain of yours are lies. To get you to do as she says." Josie says, reminding him that she too hasn't met a dog, but she doesn't see dude as a vicious, rabid animal. He's cute.
She motions him to climb down, and once he does, she holds a dude out to him, and slowly, he takes him and starts petting the dog, and Josie has a small smile on her face.
"He doesn't look like a vicious, rabid pack animal." Carlos says, and Josie shakes her head at her best friend, well other than Mal.
"Now you know what I've been telling you this entire time. Even though I know that." Josie says, and her pocket suddenly moves, as a little crocodile head pokes out of the pocket, and Carlos smiles at seeing Tac.
"I think Tac wants to come out." Carlos says, and Dude notices the little crocodile, and he sniffs him, and Tac hurriedly goes back into the pocket, making the two teens laugh a little at seeing what happened.
"We should head back before they think that we are missing." Josie suggests, and Carlos nods his head at her, with a smile, and the both of them get back up.
Right after they got out of the woods, Josie smiled a little as she is starting to like Auradon and didn't want to leave and go back to the Isle of the lost. Because they all would just be loners because their parents don't want them. The only one who has a decent family member is Josephine, which is her mother, Evangeline.
She's the most caring and loving parent in the entire world, hence why Josie knows about love and all the stuff that the isle doesn't teach anyone. She has morals and granted, yes, she knew the difference between good and evil she still had to act like she was evil because her dad is Captain Hook.
Carlos looked over at Josie and saw that she had a smile on her face. He was curious as to why. "Josie, why are you smiling?" He asked her as she turned to him as she still had the smile on her face.
"I know we have to leave soon, but I don't want to. I finally realized where I belong in the world. Know what I mean?" She says to him as it was awfully wise coming from Josie, who is the total opposite as she is definitely not wise at all.
She's never been wise in her entire life, so it gives Carlos another reason to look at his friend weirdly. Then again, it's Josie as she's always weird. Maybe that's why he likes her, because yes, she's weird and has her moments, but she cares about those that she is close with.
He wants to tell her that he sees her more than a friend, but she doesn't know how she feels about it.
But little does he know that she feels the same about him. But both of them don't know how to tell each other.
hannah speaks!
hope you like this chapter!
see you all in the next chapter.
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