°Izuku's P.O.V°
As ran out of the dorm building I could hear my classmates yelling for me to come back. When finally reach the parking lot, my car was in there because my mother got someone to drive it here. I have no idea how the driver got back to there house.
As a approached my car I pushed the unlock button and got in.
×Time Skip×
After awhile over driving I realized that I haven eaten anything this morning. So I drove to ______ càfe to get breakfast. I decided that I'll eat inside because if I get my car dirty my parents will kill me- even if its a spec of dirt.
After I ordered I sat down at a table next to a window a began to continue reading a book on Wattpad called 'Can I trust you' its by one of my favorite writer's called [Writer's name] and yes I like anime. Sometimes I like to think what my life would be like if I was in an anime.
As I was was reading I heard the bell on the door go off. I look at the direction of the door to find the Bakusquad walking in.
"God damn it." I thought as they went to the front to order. As there were doing what ever there were doing I heard a noise come from my pocket. I swiftly took out my phone and checked who it was.
Mother: Izuku, were are you?
I am at _____ càfe on ______ street. :Izuku
Mother: I'm coming to and eat with you then. I need to take some pictures for my Instagram.
Yes Ma'am: Izuku
After I put my phone away the only thought that went throw my head was, "I have to get the Bakusquad out of here."
I swiftly stood up and walked over to the table that my classmates have picked to find them have an argument on who's going to pay.
"Come on Bakubro I thought you were manly!"
"YEAH! Bakugo I thought you never backed away from a challenge?!"
The group tricked Katsuki once again. The Bakugo family is rich- But not as rich a my family- and they always come over for dinner on the weekends.
"Stop call'n me 'BAKUB-" Kacchan stopped talking after he saw me approach their table. I waved to them and gave them a smile and said. "H-hi guys!"
ina, Kirishima and Denki looked surprise that I was here but Katsuki, and Sero already saw me when they came in. Sero waved and said "Hi" and the others did the same all except for Kacchan of course. "Why the fuck are you bothering us, Deku!"
Kacchan spat as he gave me a nasty look- but I brushed it off because my father has given my nastyer ones-Kirishima quickly butts-in and rearranged his words in his own way.
"What brings you here Midorya!" Kirishima gives me a kind smile as he finished his sentence. I smile back and give him the answer. "I just w-wanted to p-pay for you guys." I gave him half of the truth, I did want to pay for them but I also needed them to get out of the càfe. They all looked stund even Kacchan. Mina quickly begain to speak.
"Mido you don't have to do that!!"
Just as quickly Sero also in insited that I didn't have to pay.
"Besides you probably don't have enough money to pay." I smiled at the group and told them I did have enough money and to prove my point I took out ¥10,939.35. In my opinion it wasn't that much but it was enough to get them to partially agreed on me paying. I was about to say more things to get them to let me pay but then I heard the devil.
I turn to see my mother, who looked a tad bit angry. I quickly turn around and run to her. "Hello, mother." She opened her arms to give me a hug, and I let her rap her arms around me in the fake embrace.
But the 'hug' only lasted a couple seconds, its only an act.
I guided to the table at sat at before. As soon as we sat down she began to whisper. "Is that Katsuki, he looks..him self. And look his feet are on the table! I am so grateful that you are nothing like that."
I just nodded in response. I thought that the Bakusquad might hear her, but only I can hear her. She continued what she was saying. "Lets go talk to him. I haven't seen talked to him in a while." She states as she gets up from her seat. She gave me a glare which was her way of telling me to follow her. There table was closed to ours so it only took a few seconds to get there. "Katsuki! It been forever!"
My mother says with a smile placed on her mouth. Everyone stopped talking when they heard her speak, Kacchan was the only one that knew about my family's wealth that goes to UA. "It has been along time indeed." All eyes were on Bakugo. No one has heard him speak like that-well all but me and my mother, it was surprising.
/Kirishima's P.O.V\
I was stunned. Bakubro was being nice! BAKUBRO!!
I believe my eyes were as big as watermelons. "How have you been, Katsuki." I looked over to find the owner of the voice, it was a woman. She was short, but not to short, she have bright green hair, and emerald eyes. Right next to her was Midorya, he look like a copy of her-well except for some features-. The woman glanced at me and looked back a Katsuki. "I have been fine, how about you?" Bakubro answered so calmly, I almost thought he was a different person. "Oh me, I am the same ever!"
The woman glanced at me once more, the is something off about her. "Are these people your friends, Katsuki?" As she said that I felt goosebumps on my arm. The way she had said it was so, cold. "I suppose they are." I places my hand on Bakubro's shoulder and started to laugh. " That's the first time you called us something other than, 'shit-faces' or 'fuck brains'!"
I could hear the rest of the Bakusquad laughing.
We all stopped when we heard someone trying to get our attention. "I didn't know you used such vulgar language." The woman then walked away, not letting Bakubro talk. Mido was still infront of our table.
He takes out ¥5,496 and places it on our table, and then he left.
I watched him walk over to his table. His mother said something to him then she got up- with her phone in hand, and took multiple pictures with MidoBro.
"What was his name....Bakuhoe?" Laughing came from the group as they walked past a short dark tunnel. " No no more like B- Gross! Whats that smell!?" The group stops walking and sniffs the air, covering their mouths. The boy in the middle- the one who spoke first- turned back to the tunnel. " Is it coming from there?" Another boy asked. Now all of them where facing the small entrance of the tunnel. After awhile they began to walk in the tunnel.
Word count:1291
This is the longest thing I have ever written.
Edit: also, I don't know which way the Yen sign (¥) is put.
I put it in front of the number, but please correct me if I did it right.
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