Talking: "Hello."
Thinking: "Hello."
"Today is Parents Day, your parents should be showing up around nine(9) a.m!"
I woke up to the loud sound of my alarm clock going off, "Today is going to be a long day.." I thought as I quickly got up to start my morning routine. As I was walking out my dorm room when I realized that I had left my phone on my nightstand. Quickly I got my phone and ran out of my dorm room.
8:56 am
We were all moved into the gym for 'Parents day', and we all had to help with the preparations.
"Deku! Come help with the baner, please!" I looked in the direction of which the voice came from, it was Ochako Uraraka, one of my best friends. I ran over to her to help with the baner.
"Sure, where do you want it?" I asked her, she pointed to where she wanted me to hang the paper sign and walked off to help other people. The baner was a very bright blue/green and with yellow writing it said,
'Wellcome Parents!'
After a couple tries- and me almost falling several times- Iida eventually helped me, and we finally got the baner up. I looked up at the clock time it was nine.
"They should be coming soon". I thanked Iida, then I walked out the room to get ready.
"Mom wanted me to wear this." I mumbled to myself as I eyed the clothing a small smile formed on my lips, but it quickly went away. Even though I already had something that I had planned to wear, I can't disobey them. I look at the suit that I had ironed and neatly laid out. The suit was a normal black over coat and pants, with a white dress shirt and a neatly tied tie. I glared at the matching black dress shoes and put on my red sneakers.
I didn't really want to put it on, or let any of my friends see me in this. I have never worn anything like this anywhere in U.A.
"They were going to find out either way.." I thought as I looked at myself in a small mirror.
We were all in the gym waiting for our parents. I looked up from my phone to find that some of the extras' parents were already here, they were all hugging or catching up.
"Katsuki!" I turn my head to find my parents standing a few feet away from me. When they started walking over to me I grunted and bit my lip a little to keep myself from smiling.
"Hey, old hag." After I said that my mother slapped the back of my head. I let out a yelp and put my hand over the abused spot.
"Don't call your mother that!" She yells as my dad tries to calm her down. After some small talk they started to look around.
"Do you think they will show up?" I looked over to my father who spoke. He was referring to Deku's parents. They always piss me off. With their expensive clothing, their nice ass cars, and they're just too nice. I think they're hiding something, but whenever they are around my parents change completely. They talk more quietly and I have to do the same.
My parents started to have their own conversation so I walked just away. I started to look around to find something to do for someone to talk to and I realized Deku was not with his little squad, I looked around more at my classmates spotted Kirishima "He had probably skipped".
"Tsk, damn Deku."
After I had finished looking over my clothes, I got a call from my mother. I quickly pressed the answer and said, "Hello."
"Hi dear, we are almost there. Come greet us at the door." My mother said in her cold tone that makes me shiver.
"Y-Yes Ma'am!" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering, as mother began to speak.
"Dear, please mind your stuttering." Her tone was different, it was darker and more clear. This was her way of telling me to stop and if I don't I will have hell to pay later.
"Yes ma'am, sorry." I said back to her, we hung up and I placed my phone in my pocket. I quickly got out of my dorm room and ran to the school building.
Time Skip
When I reached the entrance I saw two figures in the stained glass. I stopped for a second to catch my breath, not only did I have to run to the school building but I had to beat a car that was not even five(5) minutes away-I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little proud of myself. I open the door and put a smile on my face.
"Mother, father." I said and gave them a nod as I addressed them. They walked in and my mother gave me a nod back and my father glanced at me- almost scared to look at me.
"Where is everyone, Izuku?" My father said in a cold tone, looking around the entrance room.
"Th-There in the next room, father." I answered, jumping- more like twitching- every time I stuttered. My mother shot me a glare, then she started to speak. "Let's go there then."
And with that, we began to walk to the gym. With me leading them. When we got to the gym doors mother quickly fixed my poorly tied tie, and checked her hair. After she was finished we walked in. I sigh as I thought to myself. "Hero would have call me by now"
"Who's Hero.."
I asked myself, I heard my father grunt and smile at Momo's family.
Light thumps could be heard when he walked under the bridge. Almost jumping with his music as it played in his ears, a wide smile on his face. He was just one step away from exiting the dark tunnel, when he felt his phone vibrate.
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