Security footage #1
Toby closed the book of his thoughts with a sigh. He dropped it onto the table before sitting back in his chair and observing the cafeteria, it oddly reminded him of school as everyone was sat at their own groups; at different areas.
He sighed, running a hand through his hair; observing the room and the people inside it. Oddly, the room felt monotone, and he had the feeling that he needed to talk to one of the two.
'Lanky' looked familiar; he'd been here for what? A year? Two? Maybe he was here when Toby was first here and that's why. He sat next to the muscular male, on the table full of 'tough' looking people: so the skinny looking man stood out.
On the table opposite him sat the brunette girl; who, like himself, sat alone. She was busy fiddling with a pair of blue striped 3D glasses. The stripes were consistent of light blue, and then dark blue.
In front of her was a tray of half eaten food; her sandwiches had been cut into four different squares; non of the filling over flowing.
What intrigued him was the pattern she had eaten them in; she had eaten the far right sandwich and then the bottom left one- she'd eaten them in a diagonal line, instead of left to right or a random order.
Also, her desert remained untouched, her spoon and fork laid neatly beside it. It was a bowl of fruits, all cut up into similar shaped rectangles, all bite sized.
She was lost in her own little world as she fiddled with the odd choice in glasses; her focus not on the tray in front of her.
"It'd be better to talk to someone with a lower profile first, I guess." he mumbled to himself, picking up his third diary, and carelessly dropping it onto the tray of his own food, making sure it didn't hit the plates; so the book didn't touch the cherry bakewell or the roast potato's and gravy. He lazily stood up, picking the tray up as he did so, not bothering to tuck his chair back in.
Toby started to head over to the table, sitting down, and placing his tray on the surface, in a way that made a noise but wasn't violent. The girl's head immediately snapped up, her eyebrows furrowing as she quickly slipped her glasses over her face; the red and blue lenses covering up her grey-blue eyes.
"Hi, I'm-"
"8812." The girl answered. "It's on your shirt." she quickly added, awkwardly pointing to her number on the shirt-tag.
"-Toby." Toby finished after the girl finished. The girl, seemingly unbothered, picked up the top left sandwich and started to eat it. "What's your name?"
"9137." she answered, "I hate that number."
"I was on about your name, not number."
"Oh, Jaiden." Jaiden answered, picking up her last sandwich.
"So, why are you in here?" Toby asked.
"Straight to it I see."
"What do you mean?"
Jaiden looked up at him, an annoyed look on her face. "That's all anyone cares about in here; 'oh what are your issues'?" she complained, mimicking a whiny voice.
"I was just trying to make conversation; but I can see how that's a bad topic."
"In that case." Jaiden said cutting herself off, looking up and cringing, "I hate your hair."
"But at the same time, I don't want to cut it off- but I do- it's so messy." she said, a disgusted yet confused tone in her voice, "but in a way that makes it seem like it's meant to be messy- like it's uniformed that way. I hate it. But I don't- it's messing with my head."
"Oh, I get that a lot." Toby said, shaking his head slightly, not really having heard that said about his hair before.
"What brings you here then, Tobert?"
"I wanted to- wait what did you call me?"
"Toby; it could be a shortened version of Tobert."
"Why would you naturally think my name is Tobert?"
"Dunno, it sounds funny?"
"Whatever." Toby sighed, "I came here to find out about this place more."
"Really? Huh, guess newbies don't get the talk as quickly as I thought."
"What do you mean?"
"I'm the weird kid, or the one no one wants to hang around." she said, "When a man kills a guy he's tough and all, but when a girl murders one she's a freak, even if she's surrounded by murderers." Jaiden explained, motioning to the blad guy with the beard.
"Who's that?"
"Rufus Grandall." She said, "Killed his wife and daughter. Runs the deals in this place. Basically the edgy bully on the playground."
"What kind of deals?"
"Food that doesn't belong in here; stuff that they don't make, cigarettes. Phones." She listed off. "He also nearly killed a fellow patient. I'm surprised he isn't in jail- but apparently Sammy wants to make sure everyone in here gets a chance at rehabilitation."
"Damn." Toby muttered, "Who's the lanky guy he's sat next to?"
"Ah, Kaleb, he's a survivor of a failed murder attempt- has crushing trust issues, anxiety and PTSD. Poor kid." Jaiden sighed.
"Isn't he older than you?" Toby asked, confused by the 'Poor Kid' part.
"Yeah, but he's been like that for a year and six months, practically."
"Oh." Toby said, nodding, "Y'know who was the attempted murderer?"
"Nah, he won't open up about it either. But he is the brains of that group, so if you try anything on 'im, Rufus'll bash your head in."
Toby nodded, "Fair do." he said with a sigh. "What's with the glasses?" he asked.
Jaiden smiled, "Ah, I would tell you, but why would I?" she asked, shaking her head and eating her last sandwich. "First, answer some of my questions, Tobias."
Toby nodded, "Okay, fine."
Jaiden smirked, grabbing her plastic fork to eat the fruit, "Why are you in here?"
"I asked you and you didn't answer."
"Fine. What are your hobbies?"
"Uh, reading I guess?"
"Is that why you have that book?"
"What's it for then?"
"It's a Diary."
"Can I read it?"
"No! Why would you want to?-" he asked, before going to take the book out of the girl's hands with widened eyes.
Jaiden pulled away, quickly reading through the first three logs he'd written. "You believe in the Slenderman?" The girl asked with a slight mocking tone, but it was more confused.
"Keep your voice down!" Toby said, leaning forward slightly so she could hear him, as he was now speaking in a hushed tone.
"Jesus Christ, it's a spoopy internet story!" she said, laughing quietly, "Calm down!"
Toby frowned, tilting his neck and pointed to the burn like mark. It was a small circle with two lines going through each the middle diagonally.
"JESUS CHRIST?" She exclaimed in a louder voice, "You burnt that onto your neck? For a fictional character? You've actually lost it!"
"You think I did this to myself? If I could've a-avoided him, I would've."
Toby retorted in a hushed tone.
Jaiden was slightly taken aback by that recation- he wasn't acting like he worshipped the fictional character- if anything he seemed as if he hated it. "So say he is real; why'd he let you get caught by the cops?" she asked, in a hushed tone too.
"Because I was becoming aware of what he was doing to me. To all of the proxies." he answered, "You can't tell anyone about this!" he said, taking the Diary from her hands.
"So, where exactly does he work?" Jaiden asked, intrigued by the story Toby had 'made up.'
"I can't tell you! You already know too much!" he said, quickly getting up with his tray and leaving.
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