2 - Day 1
Toby trudged into the train station, keeping his head down, his hands holding onto the straps of his rucksack. He had walked here as fast as he could- knowing that as soon as the others read the note, they'd immediately send out a search party. It had only been about an hour, and it would've taken him double that time if he walked casually, and taken the more obvious route.
He glanced around to find a free desk, to order a ticket, quickly making a bee line to the woman sat behind a computer, with his head down again.
"I'd like a one way ticket to the place furthest away from here that I can get for this amount of money." The tall, scruffy-haired male stated, placing a sandwich bag full of dollar bills onto the counter.
The woman looked up from her monitor, her eyes widening. "M-My God, Sir? What happened to you?" she asked, taking in the boy's appearance. The sight was rather unsettling. A five foot seven male, with stubble, blood and mud smearing his face. Not to mention the half cut-smile on his right cheek, and the gaping hole on the left side of his face, revealing his gums and teeth. "Do you need an ambulance? Should I call the police?-"
"Ma'am!" Toby said, passive aggressively, "I have been held as a slave for the past fourish years of my life. I've only just managed to escape. I don't care who or what you call. All I want, is a train ticket to a place, far away from here. Please." he sighed, a begging look filling his brown eyes, they were filled with trauma, desperation but hope too. "Please." he repeated. He'd been bullied and beaten his whole life, taken advantage of, and looked down too. Whenever he thought he was happy, it was ripped away from him. Lyra died. He was enslaved by Slenderman. Then Claire...
He knew he was finally free when the woman passed him the ticket, saying quietly, "Of course, sir. Your train leaves in five minutes, platform three."
A small smile grew onto his chapped lips, "Thank you, Ma'am."
These past few months weren't exactly pleasant to him, as soon as he got back from killing Claire, Slender, as a punishment, pushed him into the living room, and practically told everyone they could beat Toby as much as they wanted to, as long as they didn't leave any permanent damage on him, or, permanent damage that would effect his "work", with no consequences.
And, as suspected, that was like throwing a hapless soul into a pack of starved wolves. Hence, the half cut smile Jeffrey had given him. He was yet to sort it out, so, like his gash, it revealed the inside of his mouth, which was another reason he'd kept his head down.
He glanced down to his ticket, seeing that the woman had given him a middle class one way ticket to Las Vegas. He'd probably have to change stations a couple of times, and, sleep on the train.
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