13 - Day 5
Lights filled the streets, all of different, bold colors. They seemed so elegant, luring in tourists.
Toby strolled down the streets, head down, belongings all cramped up into his bag, which he was wearing.
He knew that this idea was reckless.
He knew that this idea was stupid.
He knew that this idea could make his situation even worse.
But, he was at rock bottom, where else did he have to go, other than up?
Toby hesitantly stepped inside of a casino, immediately being overwhelmed by the lights, sounds and people. He looked out of place, and he knew it- but, to be fair, when didn't he?
He hesitantly when over to the desk, getting twenty pounds worth of chips, wondering around lost- He didn't know where to go. Roulette wheel? Poker? Rummy? One armed bandit? Blackjack? Slot machines?
With hesitance, he made his way over to a table, unsure of what the game was.
As soon as he got to the table, two cards were dealt to him, causing him to out a single chip into were the piles of chips were.
Toby picked up his cards, keeping them hidden from the other players. Eight of diamonds and four of clubs. "Hit me." He said, quietly, the others in the group telling the dealer what they wanted.
The banker, or dealer, started to hand everyone another card each.
With uncertainty, Toby looked at the card. It was the king of hearts. All of the color, that was left from his face, drained, 22.
"Bust." Toby mumbled, a sickening feeling settling in his stomach.
He watched as one of his four chips start to be dragged away, amongst the others, worth a lot more, from the other players to the winner.
He placed another chip down, as the cards were dealt once again.
He looked at his cards, once again, King of spades, eight of diamonds. Toby smiled slightly, ready to say, 'stick' as the hand was promising, but, was cut off by someone next to him, cheering, "21!"
Toby looked down again, looking to the last two chips in his hand, hesitantly putting both onto the table.
He looked down at his cards, his eyes widening.
Ace of hearts and the Queen of Hearts.
"I won!" Toby announced, a shocked, bright smile making its way onto his face, "I did it!" He said, grabbing the armful of chips, and rushing to the desk to cash them in, in turn for minus money.
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