Chapter Two
Chapter Two
The last two weeks have been somewhat of a nightmare. I would say something different, but this has nothing on the torture that was my past life.
I spent the first week recalling everything I remembered about this world, and the things in it. Like the magic system, the social hierarchy, and the school system. Judging by the fact that the game itself really takes place in a school, I thought I ought to research that.
It's a good thing that Odette has a big enough bookshelf for me to have probably been busy for a half a year. Better yet, the whole year.
I wrote down everything I could about this kingdom and its neighbors. Like the Kingdom of the Anima. Which is split into two tribes; the Southern Anima and the Northern Anima. Funnily enough, they are at war with each other. Huh. I wonder what historic event that reminds me of.
Last week I spent getting ready for my older brother's social debut. I found out that the social debut of noble children is all different. Like the crown royals have theirs when they turn five. The children of the Grand Duke debut at nine years old. All the other less important noble children debut at age eleven.
Honestly, I really hate social gatherings. Too many people. I didn't think anything else aside from my stepfamily would ever make me want to puke more, yet here I am, getting ready for one.
I know for a fact that the maids are going to just throw a pink frilly dress at me and scream at me to put it on myself. They're probably not even going to bother to get me a new pair of shoes. Or even do my hair. They're too scared to confront the monster Odette is.
Why am I even saying this? I don't want this. This stuff isn't mine. It's Odette's.
They wouldn't bother to help Odette.
Meanwhile, it's my job to help her.
As if the maids read my thoughts, one threw a very pink and frilly dress in my direction and the other threw a pair of old looking black shoes.
God, I'd kill to hear them scream for mercy. I'd kill them anyways~
Not me. Not me at all.
I've come to realize over the past weeks that Odette still has...let's just say an influence on the thoughts of her body.
It's as if I'm not fully in control. Like I'm co-piloting the body. Or like, I'm the good cop who wants things to go as good as possible, and Odette just wants to wreak havoc.
I stared at the dress and shoes on the floor and back to the maids.
"Well? What on earth are you waiting for you useless child? Put the d*mn clothes on. We aren't getting paid to put them on for you." A maid shrieks at me, gesturing to the clothes.
She's right and I know it. They aren't. Odette's father doesn't pay them to help her, they get paid for helping her other family members. Because they aren't monsters like her. They are "normal". Truly, they are monsters. Odette just has weird magical powers and just so happens to like butterflies and roses. Why does that make her evil? Personally, I think that a person who locks their daughter up in a tower, hidden away from the world, because they think she is a hideous monster, is the real monster.
Even Odette's brother, Ryver, who even tried to kill her at one point is a monster. Him being a monster just gets blown over because his character is used as a plot device of sorts. Heck, all of the capture targets are evil. Even the angelic heroine of the game, Dawn, is a monster. Everyone in this god forsaken game who isn't evil is evil. They are all wicked.
Everyone but Odette.
The one they called a witch. The one they said was evil. She's not, and they will never understand that. All she ever wanted was for someone to acknowledge her as a regular human being. But she never got the recognition she deserved.
"...Ha. You're right, maid. If only there were monsters you could serve. Oh wait- you already are. My incredibly disrespectful family you call saints, thats who." Odette has a very depressing sounding voice, and her eyes also have a depressed look in them too.
"YOU! You ungrateful wrench! You dare say that about the great Mara Family?!" the same maid who yelled at me earlier shouted.
"I am a member of that great Mara family you just spoke of, am I not? Last time I checked my name was Odette Ruby Mara," I shot at the maid.
Her face twisted with a mix of disgust and hatred, mainly disgust.
"You...You are a monster! You shall never be worthy of being called a member of the great Mara family! History books will recall your name as a curse, you unappreciative child!" The maid continues to shriek.
"Great to know. I'll let you leave now. Actually, I recommend you leave. Now." I shoot the maids both with an icy glare.
Gluping, they both left. I guess they learned their lesson.
I truly think Odette's reputation might actually come in hand for me.
And from now on, no one will mess with Odette.
Making sure the maids are truly gone–I heard them whispering in the hall–, I finally picked up the dress.
"...What an ugly little thing..." I murmur as I hold the dress out in my hands. "...There must be something I can do..."
I search around the room for a pair of scissors, hoping they at least allow Odette to have them. Just to my luck, I found a pair hidden in her vanity drawer. Putting the dress out on the floor, I started cutting out all shapes in the bottom of the dress.
About 20 minutes later I ended up with a pretty dress with beautiful butterfly shapes at the bottom. I figured that would be something Odette would like to wear.
"Perfect!" I smiled after I tried the dress on. Those black shoes would really go with this outfit now. And if I needed to, I'd be able to make some adjustments to the outfit. Ryver's debut isn't until Sunday, meaning I have three days to work on it.
Wow. Looking at this dress now, I honestly don't know if it was my handwork with scissors or just Odette's raw talent with sewing that made this dress look awesome. Either way the dress was beautiful!
I decided I'd keep the dress on for a little while, trying not to ruin it. I highly doubt the maids would give me another. Regardless if I snapped at them or not.
Smiling, I decided I'd write about this experience in the journal.
But before I could lay on the bed and start writing, a voice came from the door. A man's voice.
"Lady Odette. Your father has called for you."
Oh dear.
What could dear old dad want with me now?
To be continued
(A/N: Sorry for any errors. I had very bad internet, so I tried my hardest to edit what I could.)
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