Name(including previous names): Flarestar (current), Flarebounce, Flarepaw, Flarekit.
Gender: She-cat
Romantic preference: Toms
Simple Appearance: battle-scarred ginger she-cat with amber eyes.
Descriptive Appearance: Flarestar is a large, long-furred ginger mackerel ticked tabby who has many scars littering her pelt. She has a white mane and tail-tip, her back paws are also white. Her eyes are a bright amber-orange color.
Clan/Group: BrightClan
Rank: Leader
Age: 102 moons, on her fifth life.
Scars: she has many scars along her back, on her legs, face and tail.
Personality: When Flarestar feels in control of situations, shes calm and friendly, a great leader who listens, but sometimes, the way she acts feels sickeningly sweet. When she feels like she's lost control she's harsh, aggressive, and over all unstable.
Likes: being in control, her kits, respectful and loyal cats(as long as they are willing to follow her blindly), fighting & sparring.
Dislikes: lack of control, those she considers disloyal, most outsiders, FallenClan.
Fears: losing control of her clan.
Positive traits: she's a formidable fighter and defender, loyal to those who are loyal to her.
Negative traits: she's a control-freak, shows way to much bias to her kin.
Hunting: 5/10
Fighting: 9/10
Climbing: 7/10
Swimming: 1/10
Loyalty: 6/10
Clan Reputation: 8/10
Other Reputation: 1/10
Mother: Featherfur a short, long-furred golden-ginger classic tabby she-cat with yellow eyes(deceased).
Father: Spotfall, a lanky former kittypet flame-point oriental shorthair tom with bright blue eyes(deceased).
Mate: Roseclaw, a small, short-haired, red tom with copper eyes, he was known for being loud, silly and clever(deceased).
Redberry, a shorthaired red tabby she-cat with copper eyes, she is sweet, quiet and positive(first litter).
Sunclaw, a longhaired bright ginger she-cat with copper eyes and sunflowers stuck in her fur, she is kind, hopeful and intelligent(first litter).
Sageskip, a pale ginger she-cat with yellow eyes, she is funny, active and chatty(second litter).
Scorchgaze, a longhaired red tabby tom with golden eyes, he is spoiled, talkative and arrogant(second litter).
Former Mentor: Quietecho, a gray and white she-cat, She was known for being clumsy, friendly and absent-minded(deceased).
Iceflight, a silver tabby tom with amber eyes, he learned from flarestar to be brave, aggressive, and ambitious(second apprentice).
Twigpaw, a light brown-and-gray torbie she-cat, she was known for being bold, self-obsessed and overconfident(first apprentice, deceased).
Extra/funfacts: she accidentally got her first apprentice killed by a dog many, many moons ago, she blames herself for this and wishes she had taught her more.
(Art by me↑)
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