Name(including previous names): Acidflick, Acidpaw, Acid
Gender: probably
Romantic preference: Toms and she-cats
Simple Appearance: Reddish-brown tabby cat with striking green eyes.
Descriptive Appearance: Acidflick is a lanky, medium-furred cat. Their back is Reddish-brown with three darker colored thick stripes, while their face and sides are golden-brown. Hir muzzle, neck and stomach are a pale beige color. Ze has long ears that end in darker color tufts and their tail is the same. Their eyes are a bright lime green color and hir pupils always seem to be narrow.
Clan: BrightClan
Rank: Warrior
Age: 14 moons
Personality: Their loud, proud, and incredibly stubborn. Ze can also be very aggressive and violent, even if unprompted. They also get jealous easily.
Likes: Strawberrymane, battle, proving a point, showing off, embarrassing Scorchgaze.
Dislikes: Scorchgaze, scorpions, Mellowblood, Rogues.
Fears: Losing hir younger brother or mate.
Positive traits: Loyal, brave, protective.
Negative traits: Stubborn, over-protective.
Hobbies: Competitive hunting.
Hunting: 7/10
Fighting: 8/10
Climbing: 4/10
Swimming: 0/10
Loyalty: 9/10
Clan Reputation: 6/10
Other Reputation: ?/10
Father: Mellowblood, Gray-and-white tom with Bengal markings.
Mother: Hawkfoot, Dark brown ticked tabby she-cat with large wings(deceased).
Siblings: Livy, gray ticked tabby she-cat with small wings(deceased? Younger sister).
Oleanderpaw, brown ticked tabby with purple eyes(Younger brother).
Bloodthorn, Cherry red tabby she-cat with two pairs of wings(Hawkfoot's mother, status unknown).
Hillstar, Solid brown she-cat with a tan diamond marking on her chest(Hawkfoot's mother, Alive, FallenClan's leader).
Shadow, Dark gray Bengal tom(Mellowblood's father, deceased barn-cat.)
Mate: Strawberrymane, large long-furred black tom with only three legs(secretly mates).
Former Mentor: Sunclaw, longhaired bright ginger she-cat with copper eyes and sunflowers stuck in her fur.
Extra/funfacts: He's being manipulated by a red cat in his dreams.
(↑ drawn by platypiART on Tumblr, character given to me during the mommyclan design fight)
(Drawn my me a long while ago↑)
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