sixteen: it's a shame
Yoongi didn't know Jimin's address. And now that his number had been blocked, he had no way of contacting him. But he needed to talk to him.
So all he could really do was wait at The Golden Spoon and hope Jimin would decide to come back.
He had to eventually, Yoongi thought. And fortunately, he did. On a late Sunday afternoon, as Yoongi was sitting alone in a somewhat secluded booth at the coffee shop, Jimin walked through the door, looking as tired and despondent as ever. Lucky for Yoongi he was too distracted to notice the mint-haired boy sitting in that corner booth. Jimin went immediately to wait in line to get his coffee.
Yoongi seized this opportunity. As subtly as he could he walked up to and behind Jimin. Then he tapped his shoulder.
Jimin slowly turned around. Not expecting to see Yoongi here at this time of day on a Sunday, he nearly jumped out of his skin and was fully prepared to make a mad dash for the door but Yoongi grabbed his wrist and looked sternly into his eyes.
"Jimin, I know what's going on."
The boy's expression turned ghostly pale. In a split second his steady breathing had become rapid, but upon examining the expression in Yoongi's eyes, Jimin realized running would be pointless and his breath evened out as a result of this feeling of defeat.
He didn't say anything, though. Sadly and shamefully Jimin shifted his eyes to the side, not wanting to face Yoongi but he knew he had to.
Yoongi tightened his grip on the boy's wrist.
"Jimin, let's go to my house, okay? I wanna talk to you."
"I'm not in the mood to talk."
"Well, I'm not either but this needs to happen. Let's go."
"But I want my Wake-up Call..."
"Fine, you can get your coffee and we can talk here."
Jimin pouted, still looking miserably at his feet. To Yoongi's surprise, though, he nodded in reluctant agreement. Yoongi waited in line with Jimin even though he, himself, wasn't getting coffee. He just needed to make sure Jimin didn't plan on running off once he got what he wanted.
After receiving his drink, Jimin was guided slowly over to an empty table. And Yoongi just sighed deeply, not entirely happy that he was about to have yet another serious, unpleasant talk in this same coffee shop. But he was very much aware of the saying, it is what it is.
Not even two seconds after sitting down and Jimin had already shrunk into himself. He wanted to leave. That was clear enough to see.
"Jimin, it's okay."
"It's not okay." Jimin furrowed his brow. "It's not okay, I can't be around you anymore."
"You said you knew."
"I do know," Yoongi said, "but I want to hear how you explain it."
"I'll be outed if I don't stop talking to you and hanging out with you," Jimin said.
"And tell me why that is, Jimin."
"I'm afraid to."
"If they found out I told you, I could be in trouble."
There was something incredibly suspicious about Jimin's answers. Yoongi scanned the boy's face, hoping to decipher what exactly was possessing Jimin to dodge the question, but he just couldn't figure it out.
Maybe I need to be more direct.
"Who threatened you?"
"I won't say."
It made no sense. For Jimin to have any reason to hide who was responsible from Yoongi, as though this information would personally affect him...
Then it hit him.
"Was it Jungkook?"
Jimin's silence was his answer. And that answer hurt.
More than anyone else would understand.
Without another word Yoongi took out his phone and opened his last conversation with Jungkook.
hey kook
u wanna meet up at my house a little later?
we could watch a movie or smth
it's been a while since we hung out
sure :)
what time?
He glanced at the time displayed at the top of his screen—5:48 p.m.
6:15 maybe?
ok sounds good
i'll be there
"Jimin, we're going to my house."
"What?" The orange-haired boy raised his head, confusion and dismay plastered on his face. "Why? I can't-"
"You can, and you will. I'm sick and tired of this already, Jimin."
The two were at Yoongi's house by 6:00 o'clock. And once again, Jimin entered that house only to find it virtually empty. Yoongi wasn't kidding when he said his family was usually out late. Jimin was glad this time, though. It probably would have been awkward if anyone else were around.
Although he still didn't know why Yoongi wanted him here in the first place. He kept quiet. Not knowing what else to do or say, Jimin just kept quiet.
He sat on the couch. Yoongi paced in the kitchen.
The tension was brutal.
Thankfully, the silence didn't last for too long and there was a knock at the door. Yoongi immediately went to answer it. And Jimin, puzzled but curious, turned his head to see what was going on.
Yoongi opened the door.
"Jungkook, hey, why don't you come inside?"
Jimin's heart dropped like a rock.
Several footsteps. Jimin contemplated throwing himself to the floor to hide, but by the time he made his decision it was already too late. Jungkook had seen him.
And now he knew why Yoongi had invited him here.
"Jungkook, I have something I wanted to ask you."
A flip seemed to switch in the boy's head. But he didn't open his mouth right away. He was like a deer caught in the headlights.
"What did you say to Jimin to get him to start avoiding me-?"
"Yoongi, I already told y-"
"I know, Jimin, but I need his exact words." Yoongi fixed his gaze solely on Jungkook. "Kook."
The boy in question swallowed his breath nervously. He had never seen Yoongi like this before. Never wanted to see Yoongi like this.
"I was just trying to look out for you-"
"Look out for me?!"
Jimin and Jungkook both flinched at Yoongi's abrupt increase in volume. His scathing tone almost seemed to claw at the boy standing in front of him. Like a gentle cat who had finally been pushed past his limit.
Jungkook bit his tongue. He honestly didn't know if speaking right now would put him in a better or worse situation.
"Look out for me..." Yoongi shook his head. "Threatening to expose Jimin? That's what you call 'looking out for me'??"
"I was looking ahead," Jungkook said, hoping to justify himself a little. "I...I didn't want to risk Jimin hurting you again, Yoongi. After all he's done, he doesn't deserve-"
"What Jimin did to me in the past is irrelevant, Kook, now is what's relevant." He stopped for a moment just to catch his breath. Anyone could see how worked up he was getting over this. "You know how I feel about this kind of thing, Kook. You, of all people, should know how it feels. So why would you think it's okay to threaten Jimin like that??"
Jungkook didn't have any words. With his first excuse having been shot down, he was only left with pointless stutters and a pit of shame to stand in. And he was in deep.
"Even more than Hobi, Jungkook...I expected more from you..."
"...I'm s-"
"No, don't even say anything," Yoongi cut him off harshly. "I don't wanna hear it. I didn't want to hear it from Hobi, and I really don't want to hear it from you. Just go, Kook. I need space to think about forgiving you two."
He couldn't argue anymore. Not another word was uttered between the two. Jungkook obeyed and left Yoongi's house, carrying himself away with a heavy hole in his chest.
Yoongi stood still for a while. From his spot on the living room couch, Jimin could hear the boy's deep breathing, moreover see just how upset he really was over this.
"...should I leave, too?"
"No, I want you here."
Jimin knitted his brows.
"Please, could you just spend the night? I want you here, Jimin."
His words quivered with emotion, and Jimin could feel it in his own chest, and it hurt him. Yoongi felt betrayed. That much was evident.
Yoongi just needed someone right now.
Jimin guessed that Hoseok and Jungkook were the two Yoongi typically consulted when he got upset about things. But now that those two were the "things" he was upset about, he had no one.
No one but Jimin.
"...I'll stay."
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