🌼 The Wedding - Part Two 🌼
Go read part one first!
~Twenty years later~
"Scott!" Jimmy ran to the cyan-haired man, encasing him into a hug.
"Jimmy." Scott leant into the embrace that his boyfriend was giving him. They were at a park in thr same town they grew up in. As children, this was the park everyone went to. The creek they hung out in runs through this park.
This park is special.
This was where they they realized they liked each other. Where they confessed. Where they had their first kiss, and many more to come. This was where they became a couple in high school.
And here they were, the two o' clock sun shining on them perfectly. They pulled away from the hug.
"The rest of the lifers should be here soon." Scott said, checking the time on his watch.
Yes, they were still in touch with everyone in their game.
Yes, they still called themselves 'lifers'.
No one knows who thought of the name, or why it was chosen. It's a dorky name, they all kow it, but they can't change it now.
"Yeah. They will."
As Jimmy spoke, Cleo, Bdubs, and Scar came into view. Scar was in his off-road wheelchair and was approaching at high speeds.
"Clockers! Hey!" Scott waved. All the team names were kept as a memory (and because they sound cool).
"We're here too!" Joel yelled, him and Grian running closer. When they got to the group, Jimmy gave them each a cool special handshake and they all exchanged 'hey babe's. The bad boys were... interesting.
"Now we just need T.I.E.S. and Martyn." Scott said as he opened his phone, texting the group and his teammate.
"Martyn got stuck in traffic but will be here in a few minutes, and T.I.E.S. stopped to get food." Scott read off his phone.
"What kind of food?" Asked Jimmy, perking up.
"McDonald's. They said they got you chicken nuggets."
"What the hell, I want chicken nuggets!" Grian yelled playfully.
"I'll be a good boy and share with you." Jimmy patted Grian's shoulder.
"Guys! Hi!" Martyn was walking towards them.
"Hey! We just need T.I.E.S. and we're all here!" Bdubs exclaimed.
"Did someone say T.I.E.S.?" Tango shouted, holding up two greasy McDonald's bags.
"We brought fries!" Impulse said, a fry in his mouth as he spoke.
"And chicken nuggets!" Skizz yelled.
"And ketchup packets." Etho spoke monotone.
"Let the lifers hangout commence!" Bdubs shouted to everyone.
Everyone got their share of McDonald's, chatting and hanging out. Once it started to become sunset, everyone quieted down. They knew the plan.
"Jimmy," Scott took Jimmy's hands in his own. "Remember when we were little and got married? And Bdubs officiated?"
"Yes, of course. Bdubs couldn't pronounce half the words."
"Well I was thinking about it, and," Scott took his hands away, now free, and reached behind him as he got on one knee. "What if we made it official? Jimmy Solidarity, will you marry me?"
He showed the ring. It was silver with a blue gem heart in the center, like the quarter machine rings but fancier.
"Oh my- yes! Yes yes yes yes yes! One hundred percent yes!" Jimmy took the ring and kissed Scott. Everyone cheered.
~Eleven months later~
"Scott, show us the dress!" Cleo requested. Scott walked out of the dressing room in a gorgeous light blue wedding dress, similar to the one he wore at the children's wedding.
"You look great." Cleo said, adding hairspray to Scott's hair.
"Oi, let us see!" Joel yelled. Jimmy stepped out from the changing room wearing a suit the same dark green as all those years ago.
Grian clapped. "Marvelous, Tim."
"What if he doesn't like it?" Jimmy stressed whIle Pearl did his hair.
"He will, don't worry." Grian reassured.
"Oh, now's your cue!" Joel said, pushing Jimmy towards the exit. They were next to the creek, in a tent with a tiny tent inside for the changing room. Jimmy went up to the main area outside the tents, nodding to Bdubs.
Bdubs had gotten a degree online so he could legally officiate the wedding.
Scott walked down the aisle, his dress flowing on the ground. A tear fell from Jimmy's eye looking at his soon-to-be husband. Once they were both at the front Bdubs started talking.
"Thank you to the friends and family that are here today to celebrate the union of Scott and Jimmy. This occasion not only marks the beginning of their marriage commitment together, but it is a commemoration of the love nurtured and shared between these two. Together, they embark today on a new life together, built on the foundations of trust, compassion, and mutual respect." Bdubs read from a pink notebook. He looked up and smiled.
"At this time, before proceeding with the bonding ceremony, I would invite the couple to share their vows. Scott, would you please deliver yours first?"
Scott took a breath. "From the moment that we met as children, to this moment, looking into your eyes and seeing you now, I have always loved you. I promise to love you, laugh with you, cry with you and embrace every chapter that our future holds."
Bdubs turned to Jimmy. "And now, Jimmy, would you deliver your vows?"
Jimmy nodded. "From the moment that we met as children, to this moment, looking into your eyes and seeing you now, not only as a man but a father too, I have always loved you. I promise to love you, laugh with you, cry with you and embrace every chapter that our future holds."
Bdub's wiped a tear from his eye. "Scott and Jimmy, please join hands." They did.
"Scott, do you take Jimmy as your cherished Husband, in front of these witnesses, and promise to stay by his side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?"
Scott sniffled. "I do."
"Jimmy, do you take Scott as your cherished Husband, in front of these witnesses, and promise to stay by his side through sickness and health, joy and sorrow, so long as you both shall live?"
Jimmy nodded quickly. "I do."
"The wedding rings perfectly symbolize the never-ending love you two have for each other. By exchanging these rings, you solidify a lifelong commitment to one another. The rings serve as a welcome and constant reminder of the bond you've formed with your partner. Please repeat after me." Bdubs said, looking at Scott during the last sentence.
"I, Scott, give you, Jimmy this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me." Scott repeated.
"I, Jimmy, give you, Scott this ring as a symbol of my enduring love. Just as the circle of the ring completes itself, so you complete me." Jimmy echoed.
Bdubs took a breath. "Scott and Jimmy, by the power vested in me by some random college online, I am pleased to pronounce you Husband and Husband, sealed together today both in law and in love before the Universe."
Scott wiped a tear from Jimmy's cheek and smiled.
Bdubs sniffled. "You may kiss the groom."
Scott grabbed Jimmy's face and kissed him, the crowd erupting in cheer.
"That's our Jimmy." Grian said, leaning to the side towards Joel. Joel nodded.
"Hey Jimmy?" Scott asked.
"Yes Scott?"
"We're cute husbands."
"That's what I said twenty years ago!" Grian shouted from the crowd, everyone laughing.
Scott smiled, taking Jimmy's hand and kissing it. Jimmy didn't pull it away, but he pretended to look shocked.
"He kissed me!" Everyone laughed once more.
~1267 words~
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