Eyes wide and lips curved in a disbelieving smile, Jongho standa in front of Minho's desk, looking well enough like a mad man. He can't even succumb to believe to his own words as he says,"He is right there, sir! Soobin-ssi just followed him to the interrogation room!" His chest is heaving with every breath, as if he ran a marathon to come to the senior's cabin.
"Are you sure he's part of Begonia?" Minho asks skeptically, putting his pen down with a small sound.
"Positive, sir! Found him wriggling out of Seoul through northern hills in a truck with dismantled front. Apparently he was the one who tried to kill Kang Taehyun, sir."
Minho had to secretly pinch himself to believe any of it.
"Who ordered you to kill Kang Taehyun?!"
Hears Minho as soon as he opens the door to the interrogation room. Soobin's hands are gripping tightly at the man's collars. But instead of an answer, the man continues to laugh like a lunatic.
He looks rather young, and if the choice of clothing and the quality of hair are of any signs, from a respectable background. Although the laugh says otherwise.
"Poor you. Lacking control on temper are we?"
"Soobin, step back," it is Minho who orders, receiving a frown out of the young officer.
"But sir-"
"I said step back."
Resistantly so, Soobin takes a step back from the man that now had an odd, seductive smile on his face as he stares right back at him. "Aren't you a fine piece of meat, ey?"
"Were you the one who was driving the truck that crashed into Kang Taehyun's car?"
The man finally lets his gaze slide to Minho, smile intact. "Seungkwan over here, and you?"
"Just answer the questions or there will be consequences."
Behind Minho, Officer Jongho and Seoghwa pour in, but he can care less. His eyes lay trained at the man like a hawk. But nothing affects him.
"Damn daddy, alright." The man, Seungkwan, rests his head against his palm, his blond locks ushering sideways. "Yes, it was indeed me. Although I am aware that I failed in giving the poor boy his peace."
"Do you work for The Begonia?"
He snorts. "Isn't it obvious? Who else is going around killing kids? That half sociopath Kai?"
"The only sociopath, actually no, psychopath here is you. Stop dragging Kai in this," Soobin spits out, crossing his arms. This is new of him defending a criminal and everyone looks over at the Officer, a bit dumbfounded. Minho, however, continues onto the next question.
"Is Jihan making you do this?"
Seungkwan's eyes sparkle at the mention of the name, but other than that, he shows no sign, nor does he say anything.
"How many are you?"
Still no answer.
"Is Kai Kamal Huening a hostage of answers?"
The silence remains.
"What is the big plan?"
"Seventy-two hours," came his voice at once, the smile dropping slightly.
"What? Seventy-two hours what?" urges Seonghwa, emerging from behind Minho.
The smile is right back. "Seventy-two hours..." And he starts to giggle uncontrollably, winking once towards Soobin.
"Is doctor Lee present?"
The receptionist looks up at the uniformed officer. "Do you have an appointment?"
Dami shakes her head with an apologetic smile. "I am really sorry, but this is for urgent matters regarding a case. I can wait if he isn't free."
"Just wait a sec." The woman turns to her side, picking up a landline and dialing a set of numbers. Meanwhile, Dami let her gaze wander around the lobby. Haebalgagi Institute of Psychiatric Researches, a truly prestigious mental institute it is in the entirety of South Korea. Only the most experienced and renowned doctors get the chance to work here, and thus the popularity.
"His room is towards left, number seventeen." Dami turns back to the receptionist and bows slightly before she is on her way to the allocated room. Her safety shoes click against the tile. Upon reaching, she knocks at the door.
"Come in," replies the voice from the other side.
Dami steps in to be greeted with a room coloured in the ascents of green and white. It smells of lilacs.
"Ah, Yubin-ssi, what a pleasant surprise! Good to see you here." Doctor Lee presents her with a big smile, looking like how he used to four years. Nothing has changed of him-- the same deep, soothing voice, the small, baby-like face and the welcoming aura.
"You too, Felix. It has been a while."
"I agree. Hope everything is going fine?"
"Oh yeah, absolutely."
Felix leans back in his seat hands still on the desk. "But something tells me that something's bothering you."
Always so lenient, so observing of everything. Dami's gaze falls to the files she has been clutching on till now. He smile drops by a fraction. "I did need some help."
Felix used to be a criminal psychologist in his earlier days, and a good one at that. He has worked alongside Dami for a long time and has helped solving a lot of cases.
And if anything, the current situations call for his help yet again.
"Go on, darling."
The officer slowly slides the files in front of the doctor, face now grim.
"You must be aware of the Ravenwood cases."
Felix reaches for the files. "That I am. The television has been showing a lot of it lately."
"Well, there is this boy..."
"Kai Kamal Huening?" he reads off of the file. Dami nods.
"Yeah, him."
"What about him?"
The woman clears her throat, veering her eyes to a poster on the wall that says 'It's okay not to be okay' on the picture of a smiling boy. "You see, his mother is Miyoo Huening."
"Wait. Is this the Miyoo Huening I think it is?"
There is a pause. She sighs. "Indeed."
Felix's eyebrows draw closer. "Oh."
"Abusive, ruthless, and with an anti-social behaviour; first ever case involving a patient of dissociative identity disorder in this century-- that Miyoo Huening."
The doctor flips a page in the file as Dami continues. "Kai was only five when he had suffered the abuse of his mother and the loss of his father, ten when he was left behind by his sisters although that was his own choice, reason unknown.
According to the testimonies of his classmates, he was a weird guy, sometimes as silent as a stone, sometimes as violent as a storm-- but the latter part was rather rare until..."
"2016," Felix completes.
"What happened in that year is a secret of gods, but in the last year he has changed almost drastically. The temper issues had worsened and little by little, the boy lost his self control. He resorted to the pleasure of bloodshed to satisfy himself; the mastermind behind the murders of three murders and a kidnapping."
Dami closes her eyes as if saying all that pained her, before she opens them again. "What is going on with the boy is all I need to figure out."
Felix rubs his right temple, processing all the information he just heard. "The dissociative identity disorder is prominent."
"That I figured."
"I know...and there is also the anti-social behaviour present."
"His crimes aren't so perfect."
"Sociopathy. Or bipolar."
"I think Sociopathy would explain better."
Felix nods slowly. "Agreed. But you said he has been adopting his second identity more in the recent days...this is almost as if it is induced by something."
The officer frowns. "You can induce an identity?"
"Trigger it," the other corrects, "drugs like LSD are quite known for that purpose, actually."
"Do you think he might be getting drugged on purpose?"
"Probably. Or even being mentally manipulated through false counselling and medication. Or it can be the thing that happened in 2016 that left such an impact on the boy's brain that he seemed for solace in hiding behind his induced identity."
Dami's eyes are wide as she listens to it all, and finally the gears of her brain start working again.
Jeong Minkyung, the surgeon from the Samjeon blast...He was giving false counselling and medication to none other than Kai Kamal Huening. And when he tried to out these evil plots to the police, he was killed. Of course he was.
Kai Kamal Huening was a medium all along, someone entirely else is behind all of this, the true master mind.
A/N ¡! " ooh that just got interesting
I swear Seungkwan is my bias, but I just had to make him a villain cause why not hehe.
Thanks for reading, stay hydrated and healthy! "
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