Fɪɴᴀʟʟʏ Fʀᴇᴇ (3)
After she got ready, Layla made her way to her cousin's room. She knocks before walking in and sees Julie sitting on her bed. She frowns as she closes the door.
"Why aren't you getting ready?"
Julie sighs, "I got grounded for missing my classes this morning."
"Seriously? Your dad is usually easy on you." Layla says plopping down next to her
"Tía Victoria."
That was all Layla needed to hear, "Got it."
Layla falls back on the bed as Julie's phone goes off. She hears the girl laugh before there's a knock on the door. Layla sits up as they notice an arm poking through.
"What are you guys doing?" Julie says
Reggie peaks in, "We're being classy."
He's pulled back before Luke walks in, "Why are you still here? We're going in, like, 20 minutes."
"I lied to my dad, so... now I'm stuck in my room all night."
"Yeah, but we were just at the venue. I mean, it's packed. Like, VIPs, managers. It's kind of crazy." Alex says
"What are we gonna do about my aunt? She's right downstairs." Julie says
Luke looks to Layla who already knew what he was thinking. "Your aunt." He scoffs then steps towards the window before opening it, "You're not taking the stairs."
Julie looks toward the boys with her jaw dropped slightly. She looks toward her cousin who smiles with raised brows.
Julie smiles, "Okay. Let me get dressed. I'll meet you guys there."
Alex and Reggie poof out first. Luke follows shortly after. Layla stands up walking toward the door, "I'll meet you outside in 10."
Julie nods as she gets up while Layla walks out closing the door behind her.
Julie and Layla managed to successfully make it to the restaurant. Layla texting Janet that she was performing, which got an excited response.
As Julie and Layla walk in, they immediately see Flynn and Janet.
"Are we too late?" Julie says setting her bag down
"Too early." Janet says. The girls look toward the stage as the guests clap.
"Hope you all came to have a great time." Carrie giggles
"Dirty Candy? How'd she get on the list?" Layla says
"Her daddy probably made a call." Flynn says before turning to Julie and pointing out her vest. "I like this! Pretty flower."
"Thanks. It's a dahlia. My mom's favorite." Julie smiles softly before they all turn back to the stage.
"Whenever I walk in the room
All the focus on me
The way I talk, the way I move
They all want on my team
Not trying to brag, brag
But I'm flawless
I'm taking over your playlist
Ain't perfect, but I can't miss
The party don't start till I walk in
I'm stealing all the attention."
Layla frowns as Alex appears on stage. Julie looks around and they finally notice the boys behind them. As Layla looks behind her, Luke smiles at her. She turns back toward the stage and it seemed like Alex had fallen right into step with the group.
"Don't get me started on mentions
Some might say I sound conceited
They don't get the shine that I get
Some get jealous
They can't help it
They wish they were me, oh
I keep the party going all night..."
The girls look over as Alex pops up next to them. "You having fun out there?" Julie chuckles
Alex clears his throat, "It's not my fault. It's my, um... It's my feet."
"Yeah." Layla nods
"Put me back in, Coach." Alex says before disappearing again. Janet and Flynn turn to them.
"Oh, it's the guys." Julie says
"When I grow up, I wanna be me
Be me
I'm my own goals just talking honestly
Must have won the lottery
Ain't no one as hot as me
Stealing looks, it's robbery
Everywhere I go, all eyes on me."
Layla chuckles at Alex jumping around on stage with Carrie and everyone else besides the band having no clue.
"I only lead, I never follow, follow
I never open 'cause it's my show
My show
Don't know if people think I'm shallow
'Cause all I see is all eyes on me."
The crowd cheers as the performance ends. Alex taking in the applause as his own.
"Thank you!" Carrie says
The girls look over as Alex pops up beside them again. Layla's brows raised in a teasing matter.
"Hey, um..." He says clearing his throat, "I was just... I was just doing that for you guys."
"Mm-hmm." Reggie nods, "Yeah. You can stop smiling now."
Alex chuckles as Layla shakes her head.
"I'm not gonna lie. That was..." Julie starts, "kind of good."
"Yeah. I forgot why I hate her so much." Flynn says
Carrie comes down toward them, "Hi, girls. Um, isn't it past your bedtime?"
"Now I remember."
"Hmm. If you're looking for Nick, he didn't come."
Julie scoffs stepping up, "That's not why I'm here."
"Okay, it looks like we're closing the night out with one more group," A staff member says,
"Julie and The Fat Ones."
Carrie and her friends snicker as the band turns toward Luke.
"Really?" Alex says
"Yeah, man. My handwriting sucks." Luke says
Julie chuckles awkwardly before she and Layla head to the stage. As soon as they get on, Julie stops.
"What? What's wrong?" Layla asks quietly
"I think you should lead."
"What?" Layla exclaims quietly, "Jules, I'm not ready for that."
"Yes, you are. We've been practicing our whole lives for this. You've always just been in the back, it's your turn to be in the spotlight." Julie says
Julie reaches over and hands Layla a microphone. She hands Layla the tambourine before sitting down at the piano. Layla had no choice, but to head to the microphone stand in front of the stage.
Janet smiles wide as she notices Layla up front.
"Hi." Layla chuckles, "It's actually 'Julie and the Phantoms'." When she noticed no one batting an eye at her, she continues, "Okay."
She turns to Julie who nods to her before she starts playing the piano.
"Hearts on fire
We're no liars
So we say what we wanna say
I'm awakened
No more fakin'
So we push all our fears away
Don't know if I'll make it
'Cause I'm falling under
Close my eyes and feel my chest
Beating like thunder
I wanna fly
Come alive
Watch me shine."
As Layla finishes, the boys appear on stage. Luke joins in harmonizing with her.
"I've got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long
And now we're finally free."
"We're all bright now
What a sight now
Coming out like we're fireworks
Marching on proud
Turn it up loud
'Cause now we know what we're worth."
"We know we can make it
We're not falling down under
Close my eyes and feel my chest."
Luke and Layla hold eye contact as they sing together.
"Beating like thunder
And I wanna fly
Come alive."
"Watch me shine."
"I've got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long
And now we're finally free."
"I've got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me
Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe
Been so long
And now we're finally free."
Layla turns to Luke holding her microphone.
"I got a spark in me."
She then holds it out to him. He quickly comes up beside her.
"I got a spark in me."
"And you're a part of me."
"And you're a part of me."
Luke's eyes fall to her lips as they continue singing. Alex, Reggie, and Julie looking to each other with knowing smiles on their faces. In the crowd, Janet and Flynn hold onto each other in excitement.
"Now till eternity."
"Now till eternity."
"Been so long
And now we're finally free."
"I've got a spark in me
Hands up if you can see
And you're a part of me
Hands up if you're with me."
"Now till eternity
Hands up if you believe."
"Been so long
And now we're finally free."
"Oh, oh-oh."
"Finally free, yeah."
"Been so long
And now we're finally free."
"Finally free." As Layla holds the note, Luke can't see to keep his eyes off of her. Julie looks into the crowd at Flynn and Janet with pure giddiness.
As soon as Layla finishes, there was raucous applause and cheering. As the band bows, the audience gasps when the boys and their instruments disappear.
"What the..." An audience member says
"Thank you. We're Julie and the Phantoms." Layla says, "Tell your friends."
The girls smiles widen as they get off stage and run over to their best friends. Flynn squeals as they all hug.
"You were incredible." Janet says as she holds Layla's arms.
"Yeah, we were." Reggie says as they pop up behind them.
"Hey. Hey! Whoever Carrie was trying to impress is coming this way." Luke says causing Julie and Layla to turn around
"Oh, it's..."
"She looks all business." Alex says
"Wait. Who should do the talking?" Reggie says. He gets a look from Layla and Julie that gives him his answer, "Right. You two."
"Yeah." Alex says
"You got this." Luke says as Layla turns to him. The girls turn back.
"Hi, I'm Andi Parker," She says as she takes Julie's hand, "and I would-"
Julie's eyes widen as the girls see Ray standing behind Andi.
"Dad." Julie says
"It's time to go." He says
Julie lets go of the woman's hand as Layla shuts her eyes tightly.
"Great." She mumbles
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