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Layla ended up sleeping over at Janet's, which was normal, so Ray didn't question it. She figured Julie would show up to school with Flynn, so she just went on about her day.
When she realized Julie wasn't in her first couple of classes, she texted her cousin asking her where she was. She was now in her dance class with Flynn waiting for Julie to show up.
She hated this class. She remembers how her mom would always say she was going to put her in this class whenever she got older and Layla always hated the idea. Then her mom passed and she figured she'd be out of it, but her aunt made sure her sister's wishes were fulfilled.
Now she was in her sweats and crop top practicing a dance she knew she wasn't going to remember.
"And right. And left. Step, touch. Step, touch. Step, tou- Oh, Julie, how nice of you to join us."
Layla looks over as her cousin stands there, "I'm so sorry. I overslept."
"Take your spot."
Julie sighs as she falls into place between Flynn and Layla.
"So, why didn't you wake me up? I missed my first three classes."
"You said you were never gonna show your face at school again. And I'm a very literal person." Flynn says
"Clearly." Layla chuckles
"Breathe out." The teacher says
"It's okay. It's those stupid ghosts that I'm really upset at. I'd kill them if they weren't already dead."
"I'll help." Layla adds. Julie nods in her direction.
"Having a band is supposed to help your social life, not ruin it." Flynn says
"Ex-band." Layla corrects
"Right. Sorry. Ex-band."
"Get down to the leg." The teacher says and the students follow
"It's all so messed up. I thought they were in this with us." Julie says, "But obviously, I was wrong."
"Hey, don't blame yourself. It's not the first time you've been wrong." Layla jokes. Julie rolls her eyes playfully.
"You can only be so strong when three cute ghosts ask you to join a band." Flynn says, "And speaking of cute, have you talked to Nick today? He was pretty chatty at the dance."
"No, and I'm kinda dreading it." Julie says, "At least I know I won't see him in this class."
"I wouldn't say that." Layla says as she notices the lacrosse team walking in.
"Wha..." Julie trails off before her eyes widen, "You've got to be kidding me."
"What?" Flynn says
"What are they doing here?"
"Right on time, Coach Barron." Their teacher says, "So, students, Coach Barron and I have decided that his lacrosse team will be part of our class for a few weeks. Many pro athletes have used dance to help them with coordination and mobility."
"This isn't about flirting with girls." Coach Barron says as the boys snicker. "It's about making us better so we can actually win a game. We lost against Burbank. Burbank!"
"Well, let's all remember that composure is a big part of dance. Everybody pair up."
The teens look around with slightly wide eyes.
"Let's go!" Coach Barron claps. The boys then disperse trying to find a partner.
"No, no!" Julie says
"Come on, Flynn." A boy says as he starts to pull her away.
"I'm sorry." Flynn says
"Don't leave me." Julie says. She then turns to her cousin who makes a face at a boy coming up to her, "Please."
"Sorry, Jules." Layla says as she walks off with the boy. She turns to him, "Don't touch me if you don't have to."
The boy holds his hands up in surrender as they stand beside each other waiting for the instructions.
"So, ladies, let's do what we learned last week, and we will perform this with the boys this Friday." Their teacher says, "Coach Barron and I will demonstrate."
"No. I don't dance. So..." The coach says
"You do now." She says.
Layla was dreading this considering the dance was a ballroom dance of sorts. She rolls her eyes as she does the steps she learned last week.
Layla was making her way to the garage for a notebook she left when she was last there. As soon as she comes up, she slows down. The boys stood there with hopeful smiles on their faces.
"We're sorry
So sorry
We're super-duper, crazy, stupid
Sorry." They sang as Layla stood there.
"In case you missed it, we're really sorry." Reggie says
"Yeah. I... I got that part." Layla nods
"We've been here for, like, three hours." Alex says
"Yup." Reggie agrees as they high five
"We almost sang to your little cousin." Luke says standing up
"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom." Reggie says
"Yeah. It's not our favorite part of the day." Alex says
"But, Layla, it wasn't okay that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you down." Luke says. Layla crosses her arms with an annoyed look on her face.
"Yeah, and none of us wanted to disappoint you." Alex says, "You and Julie are the best things that have happened to us since we became ghosts."
"So, in hopes that you'll rejoin the band," Luke says stepping up and handing her a paper, "we booked a new gig."
"A mega important, life-changing gig." Reggie says as Layla looks down at the paper
"Oh, okay. Check it out. Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands." Luke points, "All we gotta do is blow them all away, and we're living the dream."
Layla furrows her brows as she looks up, "So this means a lot to you, huh?" Luke's face falls, "Kind of how playing in front of my whole entire school meant a lot to me."
"Sounds like sarcasm." Reggie says before he gasps, "I'm starting to think our plan isn't working."
"Look, we know we messed up." Alex says
"But we need you in the band." Luke says
"Of course you do," She nods, "because without us, no one can see you guys playing. You know, I thought that the music that we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to even care."
"I do care." Luke says
"Do you?" Layla chuckles humorlessly
"Our band has a real chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again."
"Uh-huh. Right." She nods, "So then why did you bail on us to get back at Trevor? I'll tell you why. 'Cause there's only one thing you care about, and that's yourself." She snaps. She snatches her book from the stand and storms off.
Luke sighs shakily as he steps forward watching her walk off.
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