To everyone ♥️♥️♥️
You'll find a collection of dates in the future of these characters that hopefully ties their story to a close. I've taken a few extra artistic liberties but you shouldn't really be surprised, this book hasn't exactly been canon compliant so far. Enjoy! Xx
(26th May 1978)
It is distinctly amusing, James thought, that Cokeworth Academy seemed to be the only muggle school in England that wore robes on graduation– the same sort that Hogwarts wear on a daily basis.
He found himself squished between Remus and a boy called Christian (the one James painfully remembered now works with Lily) on the rows of plastic chairs laid out in the cramped, sweaty assembly hall, watching the stage with the muggles in their black robes. Christian assured them that this is fairly common enough procedure for university graduations, but less common in high schools; of course James and Remus pretended they knew this all along, though the insight proved to be much more helpful.
There were about fifty of them, all eighteen year olds on the stage, also sitting in rows of plastic chairs, and James spotted Lily almost immediately, in the second row, her red hair hanging out from beneath the odd square hat they were required to wear.
The headmaster spoke with a clear and concise voice, his eyes shining with the same sort of pride a priest may address his congregation, admirable from a distance. The teachers running along the side of the stage, however, told a million stories. Some were regarding their students with the same exasperated pride that Professor McGonogall watched the marauders at the back of her classroom; others with looks of barely concealed disdain; and some with indifference. It was quite a lovely thing.
James hadn't realised the headmaster had finished speaking until he was drawn into a round of applause spreading across the hall and an angel found her way to the podium. Lily grinned at her audience, a smile that nobody save James seemed to notice was slightly nervous.
"Being a student at this school has been nothing short of a pleasure..."
Her voice was mellifluous and peaceful, James could listen to her speak all day, enthralled by the way her lips moved around words that he could hardly listen to. It was a miracle, James thought, that she couldn't sing to save her life.
She spoke of her pride to be chosen to deliver this message; she spoke of the students; of Dorcas' track teams victory; the photography club she'd given so much to; and every teacher that didn't treat her unfairly when she first arrived at the school, eleven years old, a little bit peculiar, with a silly little grin and a 'horrendous laugh.'
Lily was finished speaking before James was finished listening but he still clapped and cheered with the rest of the audience. Peter and Sirius from the row behind whistled and whooped, Marlene was bouncing in her seat, like a chick ready to take flight.
When she sat down, the first thing Lily did was seek out his eyes. It hadn't been that difficult because he was gazing at her anyway. He didn't care if it was ridiculous, he didn't care if he was whipped, he was fucking in love goddammit and nothing was going to take it away from him.
She grinned, her cheeks rosy behind a sprinkle of freckles. James smiled back and winked, the same James Potter Wink that had gotten him into trouble so many times, mainly from her.
Lily bit her smiling lip and looked away, blushing harder. James couldn't help but chuckle.
He hadn't noticed the world move around him until it impacted Lily. It was pathetic really; he was so enthralled with her that he hadn't noticed the sixth formers were receiving certificates one by one. The only thing that brought him to notice was the name called by the headteacher.
"Lily Evans?"
It was a peculiar thing to hear her name like this, spoken aloud. Distinctly he remembered hearing her name in the great hall all those years ago. The day history was made, the day she did not answer.
But this time was different, Lily Evans rose to her feet and crossed the stage, shaking her teacher's hand and smiling from ear to ear. James allowed himself to wonder who she might have been if it was a Hogwarts graduation, if she'd answered her name that day. But it didn't matter. She was here now, a place she had loved, a place where she hadn't always belonged but where she learned to live.
The marauders cheered the loudest of them all, drawing some attention from the parents of other students but they didn't care all that much. Marlene glared right back at anyone who looked at them with a disapproving gaze.
Pride flushed James' cheeks as he clapped, pride that would likely never leave his side.
Lily Evans stood elegantly on the stage, and smiled right back.
♣ ♣ ♣
(26th May 1978 continued)
The small party they were holding took place on Potter' House's roof. Remus had made an effort to charm everything that may be perceived as magic with a glamour. The roof however, was safe enough.
The sun was setting and James watched it from the sidelines for a moment. Marlene had dragged everyone up to dance to music that wasn't playing.
A soft tap on his shoulder alerted him to Dorcas Meadowes standing by his side.
"Oh hey, what can I do for you?" He noticed her worried glance towards the rest of the group.
"Marlene told me," she whispered.
"Told you what?"
Dorcas leaned up to his ear and whispered as though the walls might hear her, "she told me everything."
James glanced worriedly down at her; dark curly hair hid some of her expression, but her honey brown eyes sparkled. He heaved a sigh of relief before Dorcas even had time to reply.
"I'll learn to love her more for it. It's amazing, what she can do, what all of you can do."
It was characteristic of Dorcas, James had come to learn, this deep understanding and honesty.
"Although I'm going to have questions for the rest of my life."
"And all of us will help answer them."
"Thank you, James. And thank you for looking after Lily, Marlene told me about her too. A lot of stuff makes sense now, broken shit, unexplained fleeing from rooms, that sort of thing. It's... it's unbelievable but somehow it's so real."
James laughed, knowing exactly what she meant, "just wait until you watch a quidditch match."
The two of them shared a secret smile, he had a feeling Marlene had already told her all about Quidditch.
"And the war?"
"We'll face the war together, you and Lily too."
James shrugged, reaching out to wrap an arm around her, "sure. We've all got something to fight for."
Marlene's voice broke the two of them from their conversation.
James chuckled, "go get your girl, Meadowes."
Dorcas grinned, "you too, Potter."
(2nd June 1978)
The sun shone down on Hogwarts like it were kissing the castle's cheeks. The sky was painted a perfect, unblemished blue, and the Black Lake was more of a glittering silver than a black.
It was weird, that they would never return as students. That this place they had called home, would no longer serve this purpose. This place where they had grown up the past seven years, now sent them off into a war they would learn to fight.
Foiling the Snatcher organisation was one of the biggest wins for their side since the war began, but that didn't mean Tom Riddle had stopped. If anything it made him more angry, and without the magic he'd harvested from the stolen muggleborns, they had become weaker. Weaker but angrier, It wasn't a mix they delighted in.
The sun was hot against their uniform, but nobody seemed to mind, it was the last time they would wear it after all.
Least of all James Potter and Marlene McKinnon, standing side by side at the front of the courtyard, on a platform Flitwick and McGonogall had produced seemingly from thin air.
In front of them was all their students, ordered in tables like they were in the great hall, except the seventh years, lined up in the middle, like first years awaiting a sorting, and the visitors crammed in space to the left of the stage.
That was where James had his eyes fixed, he'd spotted the only person he wanted to see. Lily Evans was there, watching with a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. She was smiling with pride, but there was also a hint of wonder in her eyes, her brain soaking everything she saw in like a sponge. He grinned at her and she winked. She winked.
"We started this year with a new objective to previous years. We started this year knowing that it had to count, because we wouldn't be coming back," Marlene began their Head Students speech, one they had spent weeks on in their office, wasting away on making it perfect.
"This year was our chance to do something important, to do something that future generations would remember. And I don't believe I know a group so inclined to do that. From secret parties held in classrooms, to a fantastic quidditch season. But no year would quite be complete without the marauders and their pranks!"
The upperclassmen laughed, the ones that would miss those four boys and their antics, even the ones that wouldn't. The marauders had been a constant in school life for so many, and seeing them go would shake the foundation of the school no doubt.
"Well thank you, Marls, and remember not to miss us too much. All I ask is you tell the new first years all about us," James grinned as he saw Hestia and Zoë give him a thumbs up from their place at the tables.
"In all seriousness –steady, Padfoot— I just want to say that everyday at Hogwarts has been a pleasure. I'm sure you'll all say the same, Professor," he winked at McGonogall and once again the seventh years laughed.
"Minnie, we'll miss you the most, and you don't have to tell me: I know I'll always be your favourite marauder."
Professor McGonogall's eyes twinkled as she hid a smile.
Marlene took over, talking about the camaraderie between the seventh years and James took this time to find Lily's eye. She was hiding a giggle behind her hand at something Dorcas had said. There was something brilliantly peculiar about seeing the two of them together, here.
"... and I don't think we'd be able to finish this speech without saying something about what happened just a few weeks ago. On the fourth of May, James, Sirius, and Esme-Leigh –who has made a full recovery and joined the Gryffindor table one last time– foiled a near seven year regime. Because of them, snatchers no longer terrorise our muggleborns."
James looked down to his right to see Marlene grinning at him as Hogwarts burst out into applause. Sirius and Remus cheered, Peter was whistling, Mary and Esme were stamping their feet and chanting. It was a ridiculous thing to watch but it was brilliant.
"Before we go, I've got one last thing to mention to you," James said once they had calmed down.
"There's two more people I need to thank. The first is your Head Girl, Miss Marlene McKinnon. Marlene has been something like a sister to me long before we arrived at Hogwarts and I couldn't have picked a better person to work alongside with this year. And honestly, Marls, what a catch for Gryffindor last season! The team will surely miss a seeker like you."
He was about to say more when he felt her body slam into his, her arms squeezing his middle so tightly he couldn't breathe.
"You're going to make me cry, Potter!" She hissed, "I can't lose my reputation now!"
James laughed, hugging her back as Marlene's friends and admirers clapped and whooped.
"And that brings me onto my last point. Magic is something that we take for granted here at Hogwarts. Especially those of us that are born to 'pureblooded' families, but something we neglect to realise is that magic isn't just in Hogwarts. It's everywhere, some things are magical, some people are too, and we're doing the world a disservice to neglect that."
Subtlety, James stole a glance towards Lily who was watching him like her eyes were physically unable to break away. He winked.
"Now, I think there's only one thing left to say. Thank you everyone for the memories that I'm sure we'll take with us for life, but for now... it's mischief managed!"
At his words, the marauders sprang to action, pulling various things from their pockets and firing various spells as practised and within seconds, the Marauder's final prank was spread across the sky.
Tables were painted red and gold, inky looking footsteps spread across the tables and across the floor, four sets to be precise. They scurried across the courtyard, bearing four names: Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.
The footsteps ran into the sky until they exploded into a firework display. A massive M was the final picture in the sky, and on its queue Remus, Sirius, Peter, and James from the front, all took a low, melodramatic bow.
Their final marauders prank. Their mischief was finally managed.
♣ ♣ ♣
(2nd June 1978)
Lily and Dorcas were walking arm and arm out of the courtyard of Hogwarts, following the seventh years who were apparently going to sail away in the boats they arrived on in first year.
"What are you going to do about all this?"
Lily sighed, it was something she had felt on the tip of Dorcas' tongue for weeks. They'd talked about magic, and Lily had pleaded for forgiveness over not telling her best friend what she really was. Time and time again, however, Dorcas had insisted it was okay, at least they could share the secret now, and they could carry the burden of a fantastic secret together.
"I don't know yet. All I know is that I want to learn how to use it- the magic. I want to be able to do what the marauders did back in the courtyard."
"And the war going on?"
"All the more reason to learn. James and I spoke to Dumbledore, the headmaster, he welcomed me back, and said I could study here."
Dorcas rested her head on her best friend's shoulder as they walked, "so no university for you then?"
"I guess not. At least not yet."
"But you'll come and watch me run for Uni, even if you won't be there?"
"I'll be there. It'll be nice to see you run without Donna breathing down your neck."
At that Dorcas snorted, laughter bubbling up inside her unapologetically loud. A few of the graduate's parents were watching them with odd stares but Dorcas paid them no heed. It was something Lily loved about her best friend. She was never anything but herself, no matter who was around her, and some might have scorned her for it, but Lily thought she was fantastic.
"Don't get me started on that bitch, Lils, I've only just escaped."
This time Lily joined in on the raucous laughter. The sun beamed at them through the windows as they passed, as if it were laughing too.
♣ ♣ ♣
(2nd June 1978 continued)
The seventh years led the way towards the boats, and towards their inevitable futures. Esme-Leigh Bisset glanced at Mary, walking beside her. They hadn't had much of a chance to talk since she got out of St Mungos. She'd spent two weeks recovering from the curses that Millard had thrown at her that night, and she'd been avoiding Hogwarts for the rest. But she'd come back to see her friend's graduation, and that included Mary, even if looking at her hurt a little bit.
The daylight glittered at the end of the corridor, showing them the way out but Esme wished it would all slow down.
The soft, sweet voice broke her out her stupor, Esme-Leigh turned towards the voice, "yeah?"
"Can you come here a second? I want to talk to you before we go." Mary held out a freckled hand like an olive branch. Instinctively, Esme took it. Holding Mary's hand was like second nature, like it had been before she left for France, but that familiar jolt of electricity still ran up her spine.
Mary led them both round an empty corridor and into an unused classroom.
"I wanted to ask you something."
"Anything you like."
Nerves rattled around in Esme-Leigh's head as she waited for Mary's question.
"Will you stay?"
"Stay," Mary repeated, taking a step closer to her and clasping both hands like they were the only solid thing in the world. "Stay, stay for me."
Esme found herself speechless at the boldness of the girl in front of her, green eyes seeming to sparkle and burn all at once.
"Last time, you were looking for a reason, you wanted something to tie you to England, well let it be me. I'll be your reason. Why can't we be selfish, Esme? Just this once? Stay, please, stay."
Those eyes, Esme-Leigh cursed inwardly, those damn beautiful eyes.
"Tu es l'amour de ma vie," she whispered, barely thinking. They were closer now, closer than they'd ever been.
"I don't know what that means," Mary breathed.
"It doesn't matter much."
To kiss Mary MacDonald was to have a thousand butterflies take refuge in her stomach, running riots, nearly killing her with the feeling.
Her lips were soft and tasted of vanilla lip balm, she smelt like caramel and coffee.
They should probably get to the boats, but none of it mattered now she was kissing Mary, nothing was the same as it had been prior. She had a reason. It didn't matter that Mary wasn't the same girl she was before her attack, it didn't matter that she never might be again, because she was still a girl that Esme loved deeper than she'd ever dreamed of loving someone.
Finally, now the dust had settled and the world had stopped spinning, Esme-Leigh had somewhere to call home, she had a reason. Mary MacDonald and her pale green eyes, and her golden brown hair that fell over her eyes, and her breathtaking smile, and her freckles that looked like shrapnel.
"Tu comptes tant pour moi."
"I'm really going to have to learn more French in the future arent I."
Esme-Leigh grinned, bright and beautiful.
♣ ♣ ♣
(2nd June 1978 continued)
The boats bobbed gently in the water as the seventh years approached, ready to sail away for the last time.
James walked side by side with Sirius, his arm slung around his best friend's shoulder.
"I wouldn't change a thing, you know?"
James laughed, "if I had to do this all again, I wouldn't change a thing."
Sirius lit up with recognition, "oh right. Me neither, you big sap."
"Shut up."
"Make me."
Sirius pushed him away and James stumbled for a few steps before running up to shove him right back.
"Children!" Came the scolding voice of Remus Lupin, Peter following along, trying to hide his delight at the other two boys being told off.
They were laughing as they broke apart and there was a distinct grin on Remus' face, but they held the pretence of anger. It was the marauder way, well afternoon when sarcasm was deemed legal.
They approached the boats giggling like children, but then weren't they still children? At heart?
They climbed easily into the boats that were a lot smaller than they remembered. Behind them, parents and onlookers were gathered to wave them off, but James found Lily Evans' eye quite easily.
"Oi! Tiny Tot!"
Her voice was distant but he heard her annoyance just fine.
"Come and get on the boat!"
He saw her nose scrunch as she jogged towards him, she was quite possibly the cutest thing in existence.
"Why do you want me in the boat?"
James shrugged, "because I think it's quite poetic if you think about it. And I'd like to have you everywhere with me, regardless of it's poetic reasoning."
This made Lily laugh but she did not protest when he held out a hand to help her onto the boat with Sirius, Remus and Peter. From the boat next to them, Marlene, Aliona, Trudy and Mary all cheered.
"Hey," she grinned once she was settled down and the boat set off on it's way to a new adventure.
"Hey, love," James replied, his eyes filled with feelings too big to name.
Lily was nestled into the crook of his arm, from which she watched the world float by, the magic of it was still so new to her. This environment, this world was still full of mysteries, but that was half the fun. Solving them.
They sailed away from Hogwarts, but the future wasn't far around the corner. They weren't sailing away as much as they were sailing towards something. Something new. Something better.
(8th July 1978)
The day was bright and blue. The sky seemed to be smiling down on them, unblemished and untroubled by clouds.
Alice Fortescue sat with her grandmother in their cozy little living room, in her wedding dress. The finished product was rather beautiful on the whole, simple, elegant and pearl white.
The two woman were tucked into the same couch, the little one beside the fire that they had spent many happy nights curled up on. Joyce had read Alice her bedtime stories here, telling her all sorts of tales of witches and wizards and dragons. Now here they were, on the day of something new but somehow still both the imaginative child and the doting grandmother.
"Yes, dear?"
"Would they be proud? If they were here?"
Alice needn't specify who she was talking about, it was obvious from the gleam of her chestnut eyes that she was talking about her parents.
Joyce smiled, reaching out to take Alice's hands, they were face to face now.
"They would have been prouder than punch, especially your mother, she adored a good wedding. Your father, for all his talk, would be crying the second the music began. He would deny it, of course."
Alice laughed at the description of the parents she never really knew, but somehow she felt like she did, through her grandmother's stories. Stories brought the world alive. The shortest lives, the brightest stars, the best memories.
"I need to tell you something, granny. Promise you won't be upset?"
Her grandmother squeezed her hands tightly, "me? Sure I couldn't be upset with you if I tried."
Joyce nodded, her face a picture of patience. Alice drew a deep breath.
"I'm pregnant. I don't want you to think this is the reason I'm getting married because I swear it's not. I only found out a fortnight ago but I want you to be happy for me and—"
"Hush, dear," Joyce held a gentle hand in the air and Alice's words fell short.
"I'll always be by your side. However there is something I need to tell you as well, especially now. I was planning on telling you once you were already married, but I might as well do it now. Wait here." She stood up, slower than she had in her youth but still with relative ease. Alice watched, eyes wide, as her grandmother went to fetch a box, buried deep in her wardrobe from the open bedroom door.
Suddenly, Alice was reminded of the days Joyce used to tell her stories as a child. She would pick a book at random, or sometimes she would recite them from memory, sometimes they were so vivid that Alice wondered if they were true.
The box wasn't very big and it was battered a considerable amount, worn down with age. Joyce swiped some of the dust off before looking up to meet Alice's eye.
"There's a truth about your parents, and myself, that I've kept from you a long while, perhaps too long. But now you have a child on the way, I think it's best you know."
Without further ado, Joyce lifted the lid of the box. Inside lay three long sticks of beautifully crafted wood, one applewood, one willow, and the last chestnut– the colour of Alice's hair and eyes. They were wands. She was certain this was belonged to her grandmother, though she couldn't pinpoint why. The box also contained old faded photos, though all of them were moving. A young couple giggling, arms locked together. The same couple on their wedding day, a much younger Joyce by their side, grinning from ear to ear. These pictures, they were her parents.
"Let me tell you a story..."
♥ ♥ ♥
(8th July 1978 continued)
James knew he didn't have much time alone, Lily would come looking for him, but there was something he needed to do before the party moved to Frank's garden.
The wedding had been beautiful, despite Sirius' heckling and Dorcas dropping the rings as she handed them to the bride and groom. It was clear just how happy Alice and Frank were as they looked at each other. There was a glint in Alice's eyes that he noticed at the beginning, something new and excited. He put it down to the wedding, but he wasn't so sure.
They were going to walk back to Frank's house together, but there was one thing he had to do first...
The church was the same one he remembered all those months ago. Dressed in black, holding his tears for the moment he could be alone, sitting on the roof with Lily as she comforted him. It was the moment he realised that the world spun on a different axis when they were together.
He stood then, in front of his mother's simple grave– at her request.
Euphemia R Potter
1902 - 1977
A loving wife and mother.
If sleep is for dreamers, may she dream in peace.
"Hi, mum."
He wondered if she could hear him, what she might say if she saw him here. You're wasting your time over here with your old mother, he heard her say, go and enjoy being young. It only comes around once.
"I'm not wasting my time, I'm spending it with you. Do you remember when I was little I would ask you to marry me? Every day? And you would always tell me yes, and dad would pretend to get upset?" James murmured quietly, "I think about that sometimes."
The sun shone down on his mother's stone, it sparkled the peculiar way that rocks do when the light hits them just so. If James was superstitious he might imagine it was her.
"The reason I came was because I want to tell you first. The next time I come back here, it won't be to mope, or to waste my time while I'm young. I'm going to be living. The next time I come back here, I'm coming to get married." In his pocket was the small weight of a ring box. He would not ask her yet, not just yet, but one day soon. The weight of the box comforted him. One day.
"The next time I see you, I promise to be living life the way you always hoped I would. You don't need to worry about me, mum. Not anymore."
He stood up slowly, kissing his fingers and placing them on the top of his mother's grave.
With once last glance, James walked away towards a smiling Lily. She held out her hand wordlessly and he took it in his. They walked away together, her head rested on his shoulder.
The world waited for them, they had time.
The famed Slytherin prince, Regulus A. Black has been awarded an Order of Merlin for his efforts in defeating Tom Riddle, commonly known as 'He Who Must Not Be Named.' The youngest Black son has revealed a month previous to printing how he had become the key player in foiling Lord Voldemort's plan to create horcruxes.
He allegedly had help from Navvya Bedi (the younger sister of Amira Bedi, healer and wife of Darren McKinnon- leader of the Magical Peace Process, formally run by the late Euphemia Potter). The Slytherin girl reportedly took Regulus under her wing and persuaded him away from becoming a Death Eater, choosing instead to align himself with forces that have managed to kill Riddle before any discovered horcruxes can be made.
An Order of Merlin was also offered to Bedi but she refused the honour on the basis that the real danger was placed on Regulus' shoulders. The young Black received his OoM last night at a ceremony attended by no main members of the famous family save for Sirius (Regulus' brother), and Andromeda Tonks (Née Black– Regulus' cousin).
This news comes less than two years after the Snatcher Scandal was uncovered by wizards James Potter, Sirius Black, Esme-Leigh Bisset, and Lily Evans (a muggleborn snatched by the bewitched ministry officials).
The scandal brought an outcry for change in the war, and now Regulus' brave actions might have just ended these tensions for good.
(1st September 1991)
A scarlet locomotive let out a puff of lustre steam as it whistled, high pitched and proud, waiting for children to board it. James and Lily Potter followed behind an excitable eleven year old boy with a shock of black hair and a puckish grin inherited from his father.
"Harry James Potter! If you get lost on your first day I will turn you into a teacup!"
Harry James Potter, their son, only grinned wider at his father's threat.
"Not if I'm lost you won't!"
James could only shake his head as Harry scurried off to join some of his friends.
"That boy is far too much of you," Lily said, squeezing her husband's arm.
"Let's hope this one is far too much of you then," he replied, eyes nodding towards Lily's pregnant stomach.
At thirty years old, both Lily and James were different people to those they had been at seventeen, and yet to each other they had stayed exactly the same, and they had stayed just as painfully in love.
Now, Lily could call herself a witch, with a wand and a cauldron and a plethora of spells. James could call himself a professional quidditch player; and after a seven year career, he decided to take a break after he found out Lily was pregnant again.
However, much like they had back then, they were still both enamoured with Hogwarts, and they didn't seem to be able to get away from it, not that they wanted to.
"James? Are you sure they'll like me?"
"Are you kidding, Lily? I bet they'll all fancy the arse off you!"
She laughed, only slightly hypocritical in her tone, mostly it was light.
Lily was joining her son on the Hogwarts Express this year. She was to be the new muggle studies teacher and there wasn't anyone better for the job. When the wizarding media heard that the infamous muggle in theory, Lily Evans was to be teaching at Hogwarts, she had been front cover of Witch Weekly (which was a welcome break from James and Marlene's quidditch profiles).
"Here, just ask little bambi," they had stopped walking and so James leant down, pretending to speak to her stomach, making Lily giggle with the tingles it set off.
"Won't your mother be brilliant?" He paused, "thought so," he looked up, "she says yes."
"Why are you so sure they're a she?"
James shrugged nonchalantly, "just am."
Lily was about to hit him for projecting his hopes for a girl on their baby when they were interrupted by a shriek of delight from behind them.
Alice Longbottom barrelled towards them both with frightening speed, hugging them tightly. It had appeared Joyce was right, when she suspected Alice's baby was magic. Neville Longbottom was born a wizard, and she found herself here, her little boy in second year, the year older than Harry.
"Where Neville?"
"He's off looking for Harry, I suppose," Frank replied from behind Alice with a shrug, "and then there's the others hanging about somewhere. Sirius assured us he would be gatecrashing this year's send off."
"It's hardly surprising, Remus is off to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts again this year. Sirius is moving into that flat in Hogsmede they were looking at."
Alice chuckled, "trust him not to mention it. So it'll be a whole lot of you going off to Hogwarts this year, won't it?"
James smiled, pulling an arm around Lily, "yep. The students won't know which one of us to fancy most!"
James himself was boarding the Hogwarts express this year too. Due to his break in quidditch career, and his need to be close to Lily, he had decided to continue the work he had started in Hogwarts and merge it somewhere with his mother's legacy. He was going to restart the Magical Prejudice Protection, though this time it would be called the 'Magical Integration Project' designed to help muggleborns assimilate into the magical world, while still keeping their identity. It was work that desperately needed to be done, especially after the Muggleborn Phenomenon that had begun with Lily. Numbers of muggleborns was still low, but this new project was destined to turn it around.
"Speak of the devil, there he is," Alice cupped her hands around her mouth and called out, "Sirius! Remus!"
"Ah, my darling Alice!" Sirius ran up to hug her tightly, then Lily, before bowing down to Frank and clipping James around the ear.
Remus lingered behind, doing his best to hide his laugh at the chaos.
With them was another small group of familiar faces. Marlene and Dorcas were heralding three children, two younger twins, and one fifth year towards the slowly gathering group.
"Has anyone seen my idiot youngest brother or his fantastic girlfriend? They've lost their children," Marlene held up the hand of one of the twins.
"That's dramatic," Dorcas corrected, "Lucas and Jazzy allowed the twins to go explore with Jaya. But he said that twenty minutes ago so we're assuming he wants them back."
Jaya Marlene McKinnon-Bedi, eldest daughter of Darren and Amira McKinnon grinned sheepishly.
Tilly, the daughter of Lucas McKinnon and Jasmine Sempere grinned at them, fairly familiar with all the faces she saw.
Dorcas looked down at Isaac and ruffled his hair, "isn't that right? Your father is an idiot."
Isaac giggled, as did the rest of them.
"Is Peter here? He said he was coming to London for lunch with those of us left behind after you lot leave, but I've not seen him yet."
James shrugged, "he'll be about somewhere. There's a reunion going on as there always is, he'll be with someone else," he gestured to two women watching over a two first year boys.
"Trudy and Aliona might have seen him. Girls!"
Surprisingly they turned almost immediately, Trudy first, and a grin spread across her lips as she hurried up to hug the group in turn. Even Lily, whom she had grown to adore over the years.
"When did you lot arrive?"
"We didn't even know you were going to be here!"
Aliona shrugged, "well Trudy's cousin is starting today– Master Theo Nott over there, he's playing with that new Malfoy boy. We might need to have a word about influences– no offence, Sirius."
"None taken."
The last to join their group was Peter, Esme-Leigh and Mary. They found the crowd minutes before the train was due to set off. James and Sirius were putting the trunks into a staff compartment while the marauders remaining in London said goodbye to their children and family members. Esme and Mary were bidding goodbye to Mary's twin sisters, fourth year Ravenclaw's, when they saw each other.
Esme turned, her hair was a sensible dark brown but it was distinctly her. Upon seeing James and Sirius, and then the rest of their group she lit up with happiness. Mary was grinning too as they rushed to embrace them all.
Esme-Leigh squeezed James tightly, "I didn't realise Lily would he showing this early?! It's all a bit too real now!"
James laughed, hopping off the train and onto the platform towards Lily. She gazed up at him the same way she had for years and he couldn't help but blush.
"It's a girl this time, though. I know it."
"James! Don't jinx it!"
Harry, who had joined them moments before to say hello to his aunties and uncles, "all I'm hearing is you didn't want me to be a boy first time."
"Don't be ridiculous, sunshine. It's just a feeling."
"You know what, smart alec? Get on the bloody train and we will be having words later on, young man."
Harry stuck out his tongue and hopped on the train with a final goodbye to the rest of them.
That left the rest of them, alone once more. Every person that had ever meant anything to anyone. They stood together, as if they were too scared to disperse and never see the other again.
Life had tugged them in all sorts of fantastical directions, and the years to come would surely do the same, and yet they didn't quite want to face that idea just yet.
"You'll miss the train," Peter said quietly, sounding more afraid that they would get on the train than miss it.
"I know," James nodded solemnly, "we're going to have to say goodbye at some point."
"And it's not like we don't write all the time, and we see each other as well. You'll be teaching my sisters this year too," Mary added.
"We can always come and visit on Hogsmede days?"
Lily's eyes were gleaming with tears, being a part of this was all she ever wanted and yet saying goodbye to what she was leaving behind felt impossible.
The train whistled for last call.
"That's our queue," Remus nodded towards the train.
"We should probably go..."
Esme-Leigh was the first one to throw her arms around Sirius, after that everyone was hugging each other like the world was about to end.
When, eventually, they boarded the train, Lily did so with her arm in James' and she thought about that letter she'd received all those years ago. She used to think that she'd trade anything for a chance to go to Hogwarts with that letter, but looking back now at how things worked out in the end... nothing, absolutely nothing, would convince her to change a thing.
But, when Harry got his Hogwarts letter, like they knew he would, Lily made sure to put it up in a frame so he would never be ashamed, never have to hide. Just in case.
(27th March 1992)
"Say happy birthday to daddy!"
The little girl clapped her hands in delight, "ha! Daddy!"
James laughed, throwing his head back as he picked up his daughter and lifted her into the air.
"She's not even two yet, love. Let's not be giving her whole sentences to say."
Lily and James Potter sat on the floor of their sitting room, inside their Hogwarts quarters. The little girl, their daughter, flashed a cheeky grin and a high pitched shriek as James flung her up into the air, catching her when their noses were almost touching.
"I'm surprised she doesn't take your glasses when you do that. It'd be your own fault."
"That was Harry. Mia wouldn't dare," he replied with a grin that was already strikingly similar to his little girl.
Their daughter, with curly red hair and hazel eyes, didn't seem to notice her parents were bickering. Mia Lily Potter wasn't yet two after all.
The school day finished an hour ago, and they were waiting for Harry to arrive after his last class of the day so they could celebrate James' birthday. No doubt Remus and Sirius would make an appearance too.
"Well if Mia can't say it, then I will. Happy birthday, you big idiot."
It was a rare thing, James thought, to spend your whole life wishing for something, only for it to be a million times better than one expected.
He tucked Mia into his side, despite the fact they were all sitting on the floor and she could have toddled away.
"Well that wasn't very nice. I don't even get a kiss?"
"Kiss your daughter."
"It's my birthday, shortstop! I don't even get a kiss?!" He placed the hand that wasn't supporting Mia on his heart, gasping for dramatic effect.
Lily crawled closer him just as James leant back.
"No no no, I don't want one anymore. Not if you're going to grumble about it like a child. We've already got two of them."
"Okay then. Your loss. It was going to be the best kiss of your life, but I guess you'll never know," Lily grumbled as she began to turn away, in a mocking huff.
"I do."
Lily's head whipped around, "what?"
"I had the kiss of my life when I was seventeen, shortcake. Try and top that."
He loved it when she blushed, even after years of being together, the right words could still make her cheeks flood with the most adorable pink heat.
"Fine, your twisting my arm, here, mate."
"Oh so now I'm friendzoned?" He had let Mia crawl away to play with the building blocks on the other side of the rug.
"Yup. Didn't you know? Pranked you!" She was leaning over him now, so close that he could feel her words on his mouth.
"I'm going to kiss you now."
Every kiss from Lily felt like more than a gift. It was like they were kissing on stolen time– but he supposed they were. Sixteen and a half years of their life, they had spent in different worlds, never crossing paths, never overlapping once. Every second he got to spend with Lily felt like a gift, or like sheer luck.
"Happy birth— GAH!"
Lily and James jumped apart to see Harry at the door, Remus and Sirius behind him. Remus wore a bemused smile while Sirius was doubled over with laughter.
"Merlin's sake! I'm twelve!"
"In fairness, you did know he was coming," Remus chimed in, still wearing the smirk along with his professor's tie that Marlene had bought him with the Puddlemere colours (James and Marlene's team).
"It was a kiss, Harry, keep your hair on. Come and say happy birthday to me, please."
"Only if I don't have to do it the same way as mum."
James was positive Sirius had actually broken a rib from laughter. To be fair, all of them were laughing.
♣ ♣ ♣
(27th March 1992)
It was after dinner, Lily and James were back in their quarters with their daughter. James sat on the edge of the bed, bouncing a restless Mia on his knee.
"I forgot to give you your present!" Lily exclaimed suddenly from the bathroom where she was brushing her teeth.
"At least wait until Mia's asleep!" James replied in a mockingly scandalous tone.
"James, shut up! It's a real present. Hold on, I'll get it."
She came back seconds later with a small wooden box, tied with a bow.
"Is something going to jump out at me?"
"No, James, just open the bloody box."
Gently, he pulled the bow and lifted the lid of the box. Inside was the most beautiful set of marble dominos.
"Hey," she sat down next to him and took Mia from him to sit on the bed.
"Why don't you and Mia set them up? It might tire her out."
Ten minutes later, a spiral of dominos curled along the bedroom floor.
James took a deep breath before helping Mia push over the first domino.
Dominos had always held significance to James after the death of his mother, but only before they began to fall, did he really consider how they had affected him. Everything is connected in the end. Had Millard not been attempting to push Fleamont out of office, they wouldn't have ended up in Cokeworth, protecting Lily. If they hadn't moved, he wouldn't have met her, if they hadn't have met then he would never be here. In fact, he would probably still wonder, on days when he couldn't sleep, who Lily Evans was. In hindsight, everything happens for a reason. The dominos had brought him here, so what was there to be upset about? There was nowhere in the world he would rather be. In hindsight, he was grateful for the dominos. He was grateful for every terrible thing that ever happened to him, because without them, he would be somewhere else.
James used Mia's hand to push the dominos...
Nothing happened.
He looked up at Lily who was smiling wryly as she watched them attempt to push the dominos over to no avail.
"I charmed them. They can't fall."
Tears clouded James' eyes, almost instantly, "you... Lily."
She was at his side before there was time to blink, holding his head into her chest and stroking his hair.
"It's okay," she whispered in his ear.
And it was okay. It was more than okay, in fact. The dominos wouldn't fall, neither would he. Never again. And he wouldn't let Lily fall, or his children. Nothing, not the dominos, not Lucifer, nothing would hurt them anymore. This was their happy ending, and that's why he was crying. Because a happy ending had once seemed impossible, but here it was, in his arms.
"Thank you."
Lily kissed his hair, "happy birthday."
♣ ♣ ♣
(28th March 1992)
Lily awoke to the soft sound of footfalls on the floor as Mia trailed into the room, carting a blanket around her shoulders like a cape.
"Mummy?" She whispered, rubbing her hazel eyes with a tiny fist.
James, whom Lily hadn't seen stir, wordlessly lifted a corner of the blanket for Mia to crawl in between them.
"I didn't realise you were awake?"
James snorted, "I'm not," he whispered and Mia giggled, "love you girls."
He tucked Mia under one arm, and used the other to reach over and tuck a lock of hair behind Lily's ear.
"Go to sleep, shortcake, we'll be here when you wake up."
Her heart fluttered at his words, he knew her far too well. Every so often, a feeling like this one would consume her, and she must have been wearing it on her face because James could tell so easily.
This feeling, that none of it was real, that magic was all inside her mind, and that everything they had would slip from underneath her fingers.
The feeling had faded in recent years, but every so often it would be waiting for her. Though in the past, it might have hurt her, stolen her, like the shadows that crept under the cracks of the doorframes. In the past, magic had been a curse to Lily.
She had cried blood.
She had rained ash.
And still she was alone.
But not anymore.
There would be nights, every now and then, when the shadows would make them look twice, and send a bolt of fear down their spines. But in the end: shadows were just shadows. Nothing more, nothing less.
The devil is dead. The dominos have made their peace.
Only magic and memories remain.
The end ♥️
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