☠︎︎𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 5☠︎︎
And Jessica had been right, (Y/n) didn't mean it, it was something said in the heat of the moment. Something that (Y/n) thought of on the spot because his emotions were bouncing all over the place and he could barely understand what any of them meant.
"Sorry, Wayne," he mutters to himself, but (Y/n) knew that sorry would never be enough, Wayne had done so much for him since he was 8 that it would be almost impossible to pay him back. Especially after all that he had been through in '74, the worst year of his life.
The beatings had become a more common occurrence but (Y/n) made it his life's mission to ensure that Eddie was never on the receiving end, but of course, he could only protect him for so long.
He has gone off to the store to get the grocery, and when he went to walk up to the door he heard Eddie's loud cries from outside the house. And without a second thought he threw the groceries down onto the floor running to the door, he stumbled to grab his keys almost dropping them onto the floor before getting them into the keyhole. As he rushed into the living room he could see that Eddie was tied to the chair using a rope while his father was giving him a buzz cut. (Y/n) saw red.
"What the hell are you doing to him?! Let him go!" He yelled as his father looked up at him with a frown. "I'm fixing the damage you caused, thinking you can tell him he can grow his hair out like you! Showing him the devil's music! What were you thinking, you may have turned out a disappointment but I will not let him end up like you. Next thing you know he's gonna wind up in a cult sucking faces with a fairy! After all, he knocked down the vase in the hallway, I have to punish him somehow. Maybe then you'll learn a lesson as well." His father explained walking over to him, but (Y/n) didn't care about the explanation as he moved his arm back and punched his father in the face.
John stumbled back in surprise before looking back and glaring at the boy. (Y/n) even looked down at his hand in shock, his knuckles were red and his hand began to shake. Before he knew it his father had already grabbed the collar of his shirt and threw a punch at (Y/n)'s face.
The boy yelped as Eddie's cries grew louder, (Y/n) could already feel the blood that was dripping down his nose, but his father continued throwing him onto the ground.
This went on for a while till John left the house, Eddie was still crying as (Y/n) lays on the ground, this scene felt all too familiar. (Y/n) struggled to get up and even when he did he needed to lean up against the wall to support himself.
"Hey, It's o-okay Eddie. I'm fine." He says slowly making his way over to him, he struggled to untie the rope but when he did Eddie was quick to hug him burying his face in his brother's chest, which made the other wince but he ignored the pain. "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have left you alone with him. I'm sorry Eddie, God I'm so sorry." He repeated over and over again bringing his arms around Eddie's shaking form.
"The next time something like this happens I want you to run Eddie, you hear me? Never feel ashamed to run, don't even think twice about it, your safety comes first." (Y/n) says but little did he know that was the day that Eddie began to follow him everywhere he went.
"Hey (Y/n)! (Y/n)? (Y/n) wait up!" Jasper says running after him, (Y/n) let out a sigh as he turned around and smiled at him. "What do you want, Jasp?" He asked as he stopped in front of him trying to catch his breath.
"Um, Calvin and I are gonna meet up at Slyvia's house if you wanna pass by. It's been a while since you came by, Adder Agony is not the same since I can't hit the high notes like you do." He joked, letting out a chuckle as he looked up at (Y/n) with hope in his eye. "Um, I would love to Jasper, I really would but I can't." He replies, watching as his smile fades.
"What, why?" He asked frowning his eyebrows together as (Y/n) sighs. "Because I can't Jasper, it's personal stuff." He says, Jasper rolls his eyes.
"Oh right, I must have forgotten, it's always personal stuff with you. You know we are your friends we can be there for you and support you." He adds, which irritated (Y/n). "Jasper, I said I can't alright, just because we're friends doesn't mean I have to tell you everything, just accept that I can't go." He says.
"Can't? Or do you just not want to? Ever since middle school it feels like all you do is avoid us! I mean for fuck sake (Y/n) if you don't want to be in the band or you just don't wanna be friends with us you can say it to my face. No need to walk around school pretending like you don't even know us!" He shouts earning a few gazes from the passing students, (Y/n) looked down at the ground before looking back up at him. "Alright fine, you want the truth. I can't fucking stand you, Slyvia, or Calvin. The band was just one huge mistake if you wanna continue it with them then fine go ahead but I'm out!" He lies tears stinging his eye as he tries his best not to cry. Jasper looked at him in shock before tears formed in his own eyes, he then glared at him.
"So that's how you really feel... Okay, good to know, I wish I never met you! And I hope the door hits you on the way out, Munson!" He yells as he storms away, (Y/n) looks down at the ground tears streaming down his face as he walked to the school's exit.
Arriving home he opens the door and notices his father in the kitchen making a sandwich.
"What are you doing?" He asked placing his backpack down on the couch, his father looks up at him with a frown. "Making that brat a sandwich, you were taking too long and he wouldn't stop whining that he was hungry," John explains as he smears peanut butter onto the bread.
"Well that's wrong, Eddie hates peanut butter, especially the chunky kind. He says it has a weird texture." (Y/n) says walking up to the counter and turning the container to see the label, sure enough, it was chunky. "What do you mean it's wrong? Edward is my kid and he'll eat whatever the hell I give him." John says placing the slice on top of the other slices, (Y/n) laughs.
"No, he won't, he's going to see that it's peanut butter and he'll refuse to touch it. Just eat it yourself I'll make him something," John rolled his eyes picking up the plate. "Who the hell are you to tell me what my son likes, huh?" John asked getting up close to (Y/n) face.
"The one who raised him, ever since we were kids I was the one taking care of him! I was the one who ditched my friends because Eddie would be home alone if I didn't, I was the one who took him to school, I was the one who skipped school when he was sick, I was the one raising him since he was 4!" (Y/n) shouts all his rage finally spilling over as his father looked at him with a scowl, he was losing his patients. "So better yet who are you to tell me what my brother likes?" (Y/n) finishes with a smirk as he walked past his father though he doesn't get far as his father grabs onto his hair pulling on it till (Y/n) was on the ground and the cycle started all over again.
John began to beat (Y/n) dragging him into the living room and throwing him onto the coffee table causing the cups to fall to the ground shattering. The noise startled Eddie as he left his room walking to the living room only to spot his father punching his older brother several times, John paused as he felt eyes on him turning to see Eddie.
"What?! You want some of this too?!" John shouts as Eddie shook his head pausing in fear but John didn't care as he stood up leaving (Y/n) on the ground who was struggling to look up. "E-Eddie, run, p-please for the love of God just run!" (Y/n) yelled coughing from having the air practically punched out of him, but Eddie stood still only moving when John had lunged to reach him. Tears streamed down his face as he ran out of the house not even bothering to try and get some shoes on, the concrete below scratched the bottom of his feet but he didn't care he needed to find someone anyone who would save his brother.
John watched him run out of the house but didn't bother to chase after him, he knew the other could outrun him. So he turned his attention back to (Y/n).
"Now look what you did! You ungrateful brat, get over here!" He yells picking the other up by the collar and slamming him back up against the wall. "You have been nothing but a pain in my ass for the past eighteen years and I'll be damned if I let it go on for any longer!" John tossed the boy onto the couch making his way over to the kitchen where he pulled out a knife, (Y/n) was in a daze from the loss of blood as he tried to stand up from the couch but he had lost all his strength.
'This is it." (Y/n) thought seeing his father come into view with a knife. 'This is the day I die... Eddie's gonna be alone with him..." John held the knife, grabbing (Y/n) by the throat and making him look at him.
"Don't worry, I'll make it quick, that way I can go and find the other brat." John moves the knife to (Y/n)'s throat, putting a small amount of pressure on it so that (Y/n) could feel the blade, tears poured down his eyes.
Then the room was filled with sirens and the flashing lights of blue and red.
(Y/n) was saved.
"Don't you dare take another step! Put the knife down and let the boy go!" The policeman shouted, John paused but he didn't move, keeping a firm grip on (Y/n). "Sir, I'm gonna ask you again to put the boy down or we will open fire!" The cop shouts once more, this time John listens throwing both the knife and (Y/n) down to the floor. (Y/n) gasps for air once he hit the ground, his eyes fighting to stay open.
Once the cops arrested John an ambulance came and inspected both Eddie and (Y/n).
"And how old are you and the kid?" The cop asked once (Y/n) was properly taken care of. "18 and 8, Sir." (Y/n) says, as the cop nods right.
"Do you two have any other family we can call?" He asked as (Y/n) nods his head. "Our Uncle. His name is Wayne, Wayne Munson." The cop quickly jots it down on the notepad.
"Alright, come with us to the station and we'll call him there." The cop closed the notebook nodding over to the police car, (Y/n) gives a silent nod as he holds his hand out for Eddie. "Come on Eddie, we have to go with the police, they'll call Wayne for us over there." (Y/n) explains but Eddie shook his head, refusing to go with him.
"Eddie, we have to go buddy." (Y/n) says kneeling down to Eddie's level, wincing as he bent down, slowly placing a hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright, he can't get to us, we're safe." (Y/n) adds sending a weak smile to Eddie, who turned to look back at the house, police swarming in and out not even sparing a glance at them.
"Look if the kid needs some time he can have a few minutes but we need to get you down to the station for questioning." The officer says, making (Y/n) turn to look at them. "Yeah, a few minutes is all we need." The officer nods at (Y/n)'s reply standing off to the side as (Y/n) turned back to Eddie.
"(N/n) what about our stuff?" Eddie asked looking back at his brother. "Our stuff will still be here Eddie, they're not going to take anything that they won't give back. Once this is all over they'll let us back in. It'll be alright." (Y/n) explained slowly standing back up his arm outstretched, though it hurt to do so. Eddie looked back once more before taking his brother's hand and following him inside the car.
Wayne dashed into the doors of the Police Department rushing over to the receptionist.
"Wayne Muson, I'm here for my nephews, (Y/n) and Edward Munson." He says the receptionist looked up at him before typing away on their computer. "I.D., please?" They asked, Wayne, scrambled to get his I.D. out showing it to them. They took a brief pause looking it over before picking up the phone.
It took a while for them to process everything but eventually (Y/n) and Eddie walked out with an officer who lead them to Wayne. His eyes widened as he looked over (Y/n), his eyes look red and irritated, his hair was a disheveled mess, there was a red ring that went around his neck presumably where John had been holding him, and there was also a light bruise that would probably end up looking more prominent later on. Wayne stared as he looked the oldest up and down, there was probably so much more he couldn't see.
"God, (Y/n)," Wayne says once the officer had left, but the boy doesn't respond as he looks down at the ground, while Eddie stood by reaching out to hold (Y/n) hand. (Y/n) lifted his head to look over at his brother giving the younger boy a weak smile. "Can we please just go home?" He says finally meeting Wayne's eyes, Wayne sighs but ultimately nods his head leading them to the car.
The next day at school was absolute hell, the moment he stepped out of his car he could already hear everyone breaking out into soft whispers. It made no sense he already knew they were all talking about him whispering only saved him the pain of knowing what they were saying. He walked over to his locker, opened it, and took out a few of his books.
"(Y/n)?" A voice asked making him turn around, pausing to look at the boy. "What do you want, Jasper?" He asked closing the locker before giving him his attention, he gasped finally being able to see the purple bruise that had formed on his cheek, and his eyes welled up with tears.
"Oh my god, (N/n), I- does it still hurt?" (Y/n) knew what he was trying to do the guilt from their fight was still in his eyes, he had planned to apologize after hearing the news, but now that he had come face to face with him it threw him off. "A little." (Y/n) replies looking away as the two fall back into silence.
"Where are you staying now?" He asked after a while. "We're back at Wayne's." He nods following (Y/n) as he walked down the hall to his next class.
"Why are you still following me?" (Y/n) asked turning to face him as he came to a halt in front of him. "Because now I understand why you said all that yesterday and why you stopped coming over. You were protecting Eddie, but no one was there to protect you, and even if you can't stand me you can pretend to because you need a friend." He says reaching out to hold (Y/n) hand.
After the case was settled (Y/n) and Wayne were finally allowed to head back into the house and grab all their stuff. (Y/n) stood in the bare room as Wayne watched from the door frame.
"You ready to go?" Wayne asked taking the kid out of his thoughts before he nods. "Yeah..." He says making his way out of the house and into the car, the drive home was silent. When they arrived Wayne unlocked the door and helped (Y/n) carry the boxes in.
"Thanks for letting us stay here, I promise I'll get a job as soon as I can." (Y/n) says placing the box down on the floor. "No, no, don't rush yourself. Take your time and focus on healing up, you've been through enough already." Wayne adds shaking his head and moving the box full of Eddie's things into the hallway.
"What room do you want?" Wayne asked, (Y/n) followed him into the hallway and looked into two of the rooms. "I'll take the small one, Eddie is gonna need more space as he grows." (Y/n) says placing his box down in the smaller room while Wayne places Eddie's things in the bigger room.
(Y/n) let out a sigh as he plopped down onto his bed his eyes glued to the ground as he spaced out, no matter how hard he tried all (Y/n) could think about was his father, but that was absurd, right?
He should be happy jumping for joy even, but he couldn't because it didn't feel like a victory, his father may have been locked away but that didn't stop the looming fear. Questions filled his head as his vision began to cloud over. What if his father escaped? Did he know where Wayne lived? No, he probably didn't the last time he had come over Wayne was still living in a house not a trailer, but even if he did find them would he even dare to come here? What if he was home alone when it happens? No doubt his father wouldn't hesitate to kill him like he was about to a few weeks prior.
Tears began to stream down the boy's face but he couldn't even find the energy to lift his arms and wipe them off, instead, he bit his lip holding back the sobs in hopes that Wayne wouldn't hear him. After all, all he knew was how to suffer in silence, it was like an old acquaintance of his the one friend you never truly forget.
"-n), (Y/n)?" It was Wayne's voice that was calling for him, (Y/n) could see his fuzzy silhouette poking out from behind the door before the older man walked over kneeling down in front of the other. "Hey, hey, what happened? Are you alright?" Wayne asked the concerns he had reflected in his eyes as the other stayed silent making Wayne frown.
"Hey, listen to me it's alright, you're okay." Wayne comments but (Y/n)'s eyes stayed glued to the floor. "Look I'm gonna move to touch your shoulders, okay, you can stop me at any time," Wayne explains moving his arms to hold onto his nephew's shoulders, his thumbs moving side to side as he tries to soothe the boy. At first (Y/n) tensed up but eventually relaxed as he tried to control his jagged breathing.
"There we go, just like that (N/n), breath in and out." Wayne guided him, a soft smile on his face as (Y/n) breathing slowly became even. "There we go, that's better, isn't it? Do you need a hug?" Wayne asked after seeing that (Y/n) had calmed down, the boy simply nods quick to throw his arms around Wayne, who was thrown back for a second before bringing (Y/n) in closer.
"It's alright (N/n), you're safe, I promise. He ain't gonna get you here and if he so much as thinks about it I'll be here for you." Wayne could still hear the boy's sniffles as more tears fell. "But... But..." (Y/n) starts off trying to find the words as Wayne stayed silent giving the others as much time as they needed.
"But, it's my fault... I was being snarky, I should have known it was gonna upset him." (Y/n) beings to explain but leaves no room for Wayne to jump in as he continued, "I should have kept my mouth shut, but-but if I did then he would have gotten mad at Eddie." (Y/n) finished, Wayne immediately pulled away looking into (Y/n) eyes.
"Listen, (Y/n), I never wanna hear that out of your mouth again, you got that? None of this is your fault, the only one to blame is John, who quite frankly has a temper worse than bees who were knocked out of their hives." Wayne says making (Y/n) let out a small chuckle. "Wayne, that's just insulting to the bees, their anger is justified." (Y/n) explains making the other laugh.
"Yeah, I guess you're right, but either way I don't want you blaming yourself ever again, alright? Please remember that you were still a kid, if anything I should have tried harder when you declined to move back in." Wayne says as the two recall the night in '72 that Wayne had called to give (Y/n) the news that he could officially move him back in.
It had been a while since Uncle Wayne had called as he often checked up on the boys through the phone, (Y/n) chalked it up to him being too busy at the factory since they made him work late into the night.
Last he heard Wayne had to move into a trailer by the town's trailer park, though he mentioned that it would take a while before he could take (Y/n) back. Though truth be told (Y/n) didn't want to go back at least not without Eddie and (Y/n) was sure that Wayne was only saving up to take care of him, since none of them were able to actually get in contact with Wayne to tell him what had been going on.
Later the next day (Y/n) was relaxing on his bed when his father came busting through the door.
"Didn't I tell ya to do the dishes?!" He yelled causing the other to flinch as he quickly sat up. "I-I did do them." (Y/n) says but that only seemed to anger him as he walked over and pulled the boy by the ear, dragging him to the kitchen before letting go.
"Yeah, and what is this?!" He asked as (Y/n) could now see that there was a bowl as well as a glass now in the sink, but it wasn't there before. "I... That wasn't there when I washed them." (Y/n) responds but his father wasn't having it.
"I don't want excuses, hurry up an-" The phone began to ring cutting him off as he let out a huff walking over to and picking it up. "John Munson, what do ya need?" His father asked over the phone listening to the other end.
"Oh, it's you. What do you want?... You wanna talk to (Y/n) alright fine, give me a second." His father as over the phone putting it down and walking back to the kitchen. "It's Wayne, if you know what's good for ya, you are going to tell him that you're staying here and that everything is going good. Better yet tell him to stop calling ya." John whispers to prevent Wayne from hearing anything, (Y/n) nods as he slowly shuffles over to the phone.
"Uncle Wayne..." (Y/n) starts off turning around to look at his father mouthing 'Do it,'
"Ah, (Y/n), it's good to finally be able to talk again. Sorry, I haven't been checking in lately I've just had a lot of work on my plate. But guess what, I think I'm finally in the position to bring you back with me, what do you say?" Wayne asked, (Y/n)'s eyes widened as he realized that it was his chance he could finally go back with Wayne... But then he remembered Eddie, if he left now Eddie would be alone with his father.
Or even worse if he told Wayne what was happening and his father decided to take drastic measures, as he had no doubt that his father would do such things. There were some days when the beatings were so bad that (Y/n) felt as though his father had planned to kill him, and right now the look on the man's face was enough to say it all.
"Actually, Uncle Wayne, I-I like it here. I'm with Eddie and we get to spend lots of time with each other, plus all my friends live close by. I don't think I wanna move." (Y/n) explained but Wayne couldn't believe it, all (Y/n) had ever talked about was coming back to live with him, it made him suspicions of John. "(Y/n), please put your father on the phone," Wayne says making the boy pause before motioning his father to come over, John snatched the phone out of the other's hand and pointed back to the kitchen. (Y/n) immediately scurried back turning on the water and getting to work on the only dishes in the sink.
"What is it, Wayne?" John answered, Wayne's name leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. "What did you tell (Y/n)?" Wayne asked as John rolled his eyes.
"I didn't tell him anything, it's not my fault he decided he likes it here better after you abandoned him," John remarks with a smirk. "I didn't abandon him and you know it, I just had to get back the money I lost. Now you better have him ready by the time I get there o-" Wayne didn't even get to finish his sentence as John cut in.
"Listen here Wayne, (Y/n) is staying here! If you come anywhere near this house I will be calling the cops, and if I find out you sneak (Y/n) out while I'm not here there will be hell to pay. He doesn't want to live with you anymore he wants to stay here with his brother, better yet he doesn't even wanna talk to you anymore so quit calling this house." John says before slamming the phone and glaring at (Y/n) who had just finished the dishes. "Lift your shirt." His father commanded making (Y/n) look up at him confused.
"I said lift up your shirt!" (Y/n) flinched as he lifted it up showing off the faint bruise from the last time he had gotten beat. "You got lucky, knowing Wayne he'll probably try to send the cops over for a check on you. Now hurry up and help me clean this place up. Move it!" (Y/n) nods as he leaves his father, picking everything off of the ground.
"I knew something was off and yet when the cops told me everything was okay, I just accepted it. I knew John better than they did, so I should have known better." Wayne adds as he also had tears in his eyes as he tried to force a smile. "No, you did what you could, I-I should have been smarter." (Y/n) cuts in as he looked back down at the ground in shame.
"I was so scared that me and Eddie would get separated, that I let him get into my head, it could have been over that night but instead I told Eddie to stay quiet. I put him through all that pain and I'm supposed to be the one to protect him!" The tears began to roll down (Y/n)'s face once more but this time Wayne was there to wipe them away. "(N/n) please, stop blaming yourself, you couldn't have known any better. And you did protect Eddie, you did an amazing job too whether you admit it or not. I always did tell you that you would make an amazing brother didn't I?" Wayne asked as (Y/n) nods still looking at the ground.
"And I still mean it, now come here," Wayne says opening his arm for another hug, which (Y/n) was quick to accept, crying into Wayne's shoulder.
It stayed like that for a while till (Y/n) had fallen asleep on Wayne's shoulder, exhausted from all the crying he had done. Wayne smiled as he laid (Y/n) onto the bed, making sure to take off the boy's shoes, and then draped a blanket over him.
"Rest up kid, you deserve it," Wayne says walking over to the door, hitting the light switch, and then closing the door, the room swallowed in darkness.
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