"If you are reading this, changes are I didn't-" You pause as you look back at the script confused reading through it. "Oh, shit! I said changes when it was supposed to be chances... Fuck!" You shout as you throw the script onto the ground while the others around you laugh.
"Well his life did change." Joseph joked as you shot a playful glare at him. "Shut it, Quinn, it's all fun and games till you can't get your lines right either! Please tell me this won't be in the blooper reel?" You defend trying your best to look intimidated but ultimately failing as you can't hold back your laughter.
"Don't worry it won't, wink." A voice says as you turn to look at them. "Why the hell did you say wink after that?"
"Fine by me, I like seeing you in my clothes." You smirked stitting back up, Nico whipped his head around to look at you, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of something to say. "That's kind of gay." Nico jokes making you and him burst into laughter.
"What the fuck Nico?!" You asked finally calming down from the laughter. "I'm sorry I-I had to." He said wiping the tears from his eyes.
Taking a look at the ribbon your smile faltered, as your hand reachs to feel the fabric. Giving it a slight tug the ribbon unwraps in you hand, looking over at the camera your eyes grew wide.
"Shit, sorry guys, I untied it." You says frantically trying to tie it back onto the stuffed animal. "I-I got it." You says still struggling with the ribbon.
"Are you sure?" Someone from the crew asked as you nod your head. "Yeah, I got it, don't help me. I can do it." You said with new found determination.
"Nevermind I lied, I don't know how to tie ribbons..." You say in defeat after realizing that you were getting no where, making everyone laugh.
"Um... Hi?" You says with a small wave, the girl flinched as she fidgeted with the ends of her sleeve only calming down when she noticed who you were. "Hi... I'm guessing your Eddie's brother?" Grace asked her voice was soft but shaky, making it clear that she was nervous.
"Yeahhh... Fuck! I forgot the line." You says looking over for the next line. "Yeahhh, I'm (Y/n)... I'm sorry could you excuse me for one second." The voice called out as you facepalmed, hearing Grace laugh as you hurry back into the room.
"It's always the easiest one that I screw up on!"
"Can I have one?" A voice asked catching you off guard as you could feel yourself tensing up, the fake cigarette accidentally falling out of your hand making you turn to Joseph.
"Nice going, if this was real the boat house would go up in flames and kill us." You joked bending down to pick up the cigarette as Joseph let out a chuckle. "At least that would solve all of our problems." He answered as you shook your head.
"Wrong, we'd get arson on our charges if we survive."
"I'm pretty sure... that I can't rember the rest of this line..." Joe says pretending to poke the tarp on the boat, there was rustling from the back as you popped out a grabbed Joe. "Woah, woah, I messed up the line, I messed up the line." Joe says as you stop looking back at Quinn.
"Oh, that explains why Joseph didn't move, I was wondering why he was holding me back." You says looking over at the camera and waving as the others around you laughed. "Sorry!"
"Woah, woah, slow down your gonna choke." Joseph warns, making you stare him directly in the eyes as you shoved another handful of cereal into your mouth. Only for you to end up coughing as you struggle to eat what was already in your mouth. "Shit! Are you okay?" Joseph asked handing you the Yahoo! As he tried not to laugh, you nod your head chugging it down.
"Told you so."
"Wait so she almost shot you?" You asked once you caught up to Joe, only for you to trip on your feet falling to the ground. "Shit!" You yelled holding your hands out to break your fall, turning onto your back you and the rest of the group started to laugh.
"Black Sabbath? He bit a bat's head off onstage." You jumped in but even those clues didn't seem to stick. "I don't-" Joe says shaking his head as you hung your head in defeat. You were about to say your next line when you and Joseph both tripped on the same vine, only difference is that you face-planted into the ground.
"Guess we woke up Vecna," Joseph says before turning to look at you giggling at his own joke. "Hey, are you okay dude?" He asked only for you to lift your hand up showing them a thumbs up but making no real effort to get up.
"Why do you keep falling?" Joe asked trying to hide his laugh.
You and Jamie stand in (Y/n)'s old room as the cassette deck starts to play Jump in the Fire by Metallica, the two of you begin to headbang to the song. Jamie stops as he holds his head commenting about how dizzy it made him, while you laughed looking back up the wig on your head was a mess.
"Alright, back to the dressing room, get all of that fixed up, and then we'll start."
"Perfect, check this out, The War Zone. I've been there a couple of times, Eddie even came with me once, it's massive." You say leaving a small pause. "That's what she said... Sorry, sorry I had to!" You yell as the group around you groans at the terrible joke.
The camera zooms in on your body laying in the empty wasteland of the Upside-Down, your eyes fly open as you sit yourself up. Arms out as if you were a vampire from one of those old Dracula movies.
"I live bitches!" You yell winking at the camera as you can hear Gaten and Joseph laughing off screen.
The camera zooms in on you and Joseph in the boat, the two of you look at the camera and stick your tongue out at the same time.
The camera is pointed at you sitting in the trailer as you flip through the script a smile on your face.
"10 out of 10 ending, I'm gonna traumatize the viewers with this." You say lifting up the script with a smile on your face.
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