Lᴏᴠᴇ Gᴀᴍᴇ (4)
Liz smiles as she walks up to Conrad. He groans playfully, "What?"
"Nothing. Nothing. I just," She inhales, "Do you smell that?"
"I think I smell, uh... a comeback."
"Oh, do you? Okay, yeah."
"Oh, yeah. I do." She laughs
"You sure about that?" He asks. She tilts her head with a cocky smile, "Cause if you're sure, I mean, I'd be willing to make a little side bet." He says as they walk together
"All right. Keep talking."
"I was just thinking, if you wanted, um... maybe whichever one of us loses has to ride the Tower of Terror."
Liz laughs, "You used to cry every time you looked at the Tower of Terror."
"I... I..." He stammers
"Yeah. I'm very excited to see it happen again."
He looks at her, "Okay."
"You're on then."
"Okay." She says as they walk to the game.
"Ready? Yeah?" Jeremiah says, "My moves... are legendary."
"Yeah." Dakota nods
"Oh, I know." Conrad says
"I got this."
As Taylor steps up, Liz stops her, "Skye's up."
"Oh." Taylor nods
"Really not a great idea if we want to win."
"You'll be great at it. It's basically just math with your feet." Belly smiles, "They'll never see you
coming. This is how we win. All right?"
Skye nods as they step up beside Jeremiah.
"You got it." Belly says
"Bring it on, cuz." Jeremiah smile, "You know, Skye, I feel like we've gotten closer today. It would be a shame if my dance moves were to affect our relationship."
"We'll see." Skye shrugs
Jeremiah chuckles, "All right."
"Let's go, Skye." Taylor says
"Come on, Jere." Conrad says
"All right. Game on." Jeremiah claps
"Come on, Skye!" Taylor yells
"All right. Whoo! You got it!" Belly says
"Come on, Jere."
"I got this." Jeremiah waves them off as the song starts
"Keep it up, keep it up."
"I got it."
Liz chuckles as she watches Skye get perfects and greats, "That's all you got, Jere? Come on."
"Oh, yeah?"
Conrad frowns as he leans over to look down at Jeremiah's feet, "What?"
"I think Skye might actually be good at this." Taylor chuckles
"I mean, I was just making the math thing up, but I think you're right." Belly laughs
"Fuck me. You're incredible." Jeremiah says as he keeps his eyes on the screen, "Go, Skye!"
"Jeremiah, come on, dude!" Dakota yells
"I'm trying!"
"Ah!" Belly cheers as Skye keeps getting perfects.
Jeremiah stops and puts his hands on his knees. The boys immediately yell at him, "I'm tired!"
"Get them!" Steven says
"Just step it up!" Conrad says
"Go, Skye!"
"Get them, dude."
The song ends and the girls cheer as Skye wins. Taylor and Belly immediately go in for a hug. Skye tenses up.
"Ooh! I don't do hugs. I don't do hugs." They say and the girls pull away.
As Jeremiah steps off, all the boys hold an annoyed expression, "What?"
"Really?" Dakota says
"Okay. Like, all right. Where next?" Jeremiah says
"Follow me." Liz says as she walks away, "Let's go."
"I'm baffled right now." River says
"Really? Those are... those are your legendary moves?" Dakota says
"Oh, okay. Like you could do better?" Jeremiah says
"I could actually, like, 100 times better."
The girls laugh as they exit the building behind Liz.
"Okay, when I woke up this morning, I definitely did not expect to be here doing this again. I used to love the Great Boardwalk Showdown. Maybe I loved it a little too much. All I cared about was if I won. But today is about us. River, you've shown up for me over and over again this year, and despite you not participating, I really appreciate you being here." She says as River smiles at her.
"Skye, I know we just met and you probably think we're all way too competitive," Liz laughs as she looks at Skye who nods, "but our-our team wouldn't be where we are without you. You two girls are the most competitive people I know and I definitely would've given up a lot time ago if you guys weren't here." She says as she faces Taylor and Belly. The two girls smile at her.
"When Conrad chose this team, he thought they had it in the bag. But we have proven them wrong. And whether we win or lose, we are worthy of that giant bag..."
"Oh, you can be as inspirational as you want, Lizzie. We're still going to kick your asses." Dakota says as the boys jump over the railings
"Shut up, Dakota."
"All right. I don't know about you guys... but I feel the need..." She smiles
"The need for speed!" The girls yell. Liz claps as they follow behind the boys to the go karts.
River stood by the edge as the rest of them got into their carts. Cam stood on a ledge and held his flag up. There were two in a cart. Belly and Liz, Steven and Jeremiah, Conrad and Dakota, and Skye and Taylor.
"Let's go! Drivers, start your engines!" Cam yells, "First team with all their cars past the finish line wins. On your mark. Get set. Go!"
"Go, go, go!" Jeremiah yells as Belly and Liz take off
"Floor it!" Dakota yells
"You're going down!" Belly yells
Belly and Liz round a corner as Conrad and Dakota come up right behind them, "I'm coming for you, Liz!"
Belly and Liz stay in first place as Belly looks around, "Come on. Where are they?"
"Oh, you're going down!" Dakota laughs
"Watch your back!" Conrad yells
"Eat my fucking dust, bro!" Liz says
River jumps up and down as she watches Liz, "Come on, Liz and Belly!"
"Suck it!" Conrad says
"Fuck. Oh, no!" Liz yells as they come up beside them. Conrad and Dakota beat Liz and Belly by a millisecond as they pass the finish line.
The girls watch as Jeremiah and Steven pass up Taylor and Skye and cross the finish line.
"Yeah!" Conrad yells as Dakota drums on the wheel.
"No! Oh, my God!" Belly says
"Oh, my God." Taylor groans
"That's my boy! That's my boy!"
Everyone stood in the candy store looking around.
"Get ready to pay up, Liz." Steven says
River laughs as she and Liz looked around at the candy, "How you doing?"
Liz looks up, "I'm okay, why?"
"Because the breakup between you and Conrad wasn't a normal one. I know it has to be hard being around him."
Liz shrugs, "I mean, yeah, it was and still kind of is, but I'm gonna have to be around him anyway. Might as well get used to it."
"God, you are a way better person than I am. I definitely would never be around my ex if our breakup went down like that."
"So, if something terrible happens and you and Dakota break up." She nods, "You'd never be around him again?"
"Well, Dakota and I are never breaking up so.." River says as she looks at Liz. The girl laughs as she shakes her head.
Conrad clears his throat as the group walks up, "Sorry to interrupt."
Liz sighs, "Is it time?"
"It is time. The Tower of Terror awaits." He nods
"I'm gonna go get you a barf bag." Dakota laughs, "Yeah, come on." He says as he wraps his arm around River and leads her out.
"Let's go." Skye says
"Actually, I think I wanna do it." Belly says
Liz raises her brows, "You wanna go on the Tower of Terror?"
"Yeah. Why not?" She shrugs
"What? No, that wasn't in the rules. You have to go." Conrad says
"I can't hear you." Liz says as she looks to Belly, "It's all you Bells."
"What?" Conrad says
Liz laughs as she passes him. He continues complaining as they both walk out of the store.
Liz squints as they look up at the Tower of Terror. They watch the ride make its way up and rush back down.
"All right. It's now or never, I guess." Belly sighs
"Butterflies." Taylor says
"I guess so." Jeremiah says
"Come on!" Dakota says as Belly and Jeremiah walk onto the ride.
"You got this!" Liz says
"Come on, Jere." Steven says as he claps
"Come on, Jere! You got this!" Conrad says
"Make sure you're really buckled in, man." Steven jokes.
Conrad looks over at Liz who has her eyes on the ride as it goes up, "You definitely broke the rules."
She looks over at him and scoffs, "What rules? It's the Great Boardwalk Showdown."
He laughs as she looks back up at Jeremiah and Belly. They watch as the ride comes back down again. The teens cheer as Jeremiah and Belly come off the ride.
"All right, so what's next?" Jeremiah says as he high fives Dakota
The group made it home after a couple of hours of playing different games with Cam Cameron tagging along. Laughter was heard as they all got out of the cars.
"Oh, my God. I cannot wait to crash in my bed." Steven says
"Or you take a shower? That's disgusting." Taylor says
"Yeah, stop picturing me in the shower. You perv." He jokes as he pushes her. They laugh as they make their way up the steps.
"Hey, Liz." The girl turns, "you dropped this."
"Oh, thank you." She says as Conrad hands her the stuffed animal.
"Do you have a name yet?"
"Her name is Owlive."
"Owlive. I like it." They laugh. He lets Liz walk in first. He frowns as she suddenly stops.
"What the fuck?" Jeremiah yells.
Liz looks around in complete shock as Conrad walks past her to Jeremiah. She could feel her heart drop to her stomach as everyone was silent.
The house was completely empty.
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