Lᴏᴠᴇ Fᴇsᴛ (3)
Liz sat on the chair as River stood behind her curling her hair. River looked in the mirror as she finished a curl.
"So.." She says as she parts another piece of hair, "Dakota and I are probably gonna go on a road trip for our anniversary."
"Really?" Liz says softly as she looks at River in the mirror
"Yeah." She nods
"That's cool." She mumbles. River sighs as Liz looks down at her hands
"What's wrong?" Liz looks up as River starts another curl.
"Nothing really. Just thinking about how this is more than likely our last night all together in this house." River smiles sympathetically, "I've spent the last 18 summers here and now it's just done?"
"It's not just done." River shakes her head, "There's still a chance to save it."
"A very slim one. Just like Skye said." Liz scoffs, "Julia really just came in and completely ruined our lives."
"Well.." River says as she sets the curling iron down. She takes Liz's hair and pushes it to the front over her shoulders, "That's why we're gonna get drunk, just like Dakota said, and act like this morning and last night never happened." She shrugs. Liz smiles as she nods.
Liz laughs as Dakota grimaces from taking his shot. He cheers as Jeremiah shakes his shoulders.
"I'll be back." She yells over the music. River nods as she turns back to Dakota. She walks through the house and smiles as she sees Belly. The girl smiles wides as she skates up to her.
"Hey, Bells." She laughs
"Come say hi to the girls." Belly says as she takes Liz's hand
"What girls?" She frowns. Belly takes her hand and leads her into another room. Liz smiles as the deb girls greet her.
"Hey, Liz." Nicole says
"Hey, guys."
"Oh my god, I love your boots. They're so cute."
"Thank you." Liz smiles as she spins around showing off her turquoise leopard print dress with flared sleeves and white go-go boots, "You guys look so cute, too." The girls smile as they thank her. Liz puts her hand on Belly's arm, "I'm actually on the hunt for a drink, but I'll see you guys later."
"Yeah, I'll come with you. I'm all out." She says as she holds up her empty bottle. Liz nods as she and Belly turn away.
"Liz, Liz, Liz." She hears. She turns and sees Conrad waving her over.
"Come here. Steven's gonna take a picture."
"Ooh. Here." Steven says as they stand in front of a wall. Belly smiles before she skates off to find more alcohol.
"Let's do it." Liz says as she stands by Conrad. She wraps her arm around his back as he wraps his around her upper rib area.
"Liz, smile. Ready?" Steven says as he brings the camera up to his eye.
Liz smiles wide as she holds her other arm out. Conrad smiles down at her before he looks to Steven.
"Three, two, one, cheese." Steven says as he takes the photo, "Oh!"
"Okay." Conrad says as they pull apart.
"Don't lose that. I'm gonna need it for my board." Liz points before she walks toward the kitchen.
"What's going on bro?" Dakota says as he walks up putting his arm around Steven and Conrad. Steven daps him up as Conrad watches Liz walks away. Dakota looks at him before following where he's looking, "Right." Dakota nods, "Look, I'm rooting for you, bro, just don't fucking break her heart again."
Conrad nods as Steven agrees. Conrad frowns playfully as he points to Steven, "Says the guy
who's been following Taylor around all night."
"Oh, uh, no, I fully cop to that." Steven laughs, "Come on, man, who's she fooling, you know?"
"You know she has a boyfriend, right? Just..." Dakota waves his hand around, "Technically."
"Okay, but he's all wrong for her, so..."
"All right, all right. I'm not snitching. I'm just saying, bro." Dakota says
"Be careful." Conrad smiles
"Group shots!" Liz yells as she and Belly walk up together. Jeremiah, Taylor, and River behind them.
"If that's gin, I'm killing you." Conrad points
"Aw, it's tequila, come on." Jeremiah says
"Yes, yes." Steven laughs
"Okay, cups up. Listen, no matter how much time passes or how far apart we are, we're always gonna love you guys, okay? All right? All right." Jeremiah smiles
"Aw, Jeremy, you cheeseball. That's so cute." Taylor says
"All right, to the last night!"
"To the last night!" They yell as they hold their glasses up. They take their shot and Liz frowns as she finishes.
"Oh, god." She coughs.
"Whoo!" Dakota screams as he holds his arms up. The boys laugh as they pat him on the back.
River holds Dakota's arm as she pulls him along outside. Red solo cup in her hand as she groans.
"What's wrong, baby?" Dakota says as he finally comes up beside her
"These people are dumb. They won't move." She says as she yells the last word. Making the person in front of her move out of the way.
Dakota laughs, "It's a party, River."
"I understand that, Dakota. Doesn't give people an excuse to be stupid."
"It's the exact reason why people act stupid." He smiles
"Whatever." She rolls her eyes. As she looks around, her eyes widen.
Dakota frowns, "What?" He looks around and laughs as River gasps. They see Skye and Cam Cameron kissing, "No fucking way." He laughs
"Oh my god." She grimaces. She puts her hand on Dakota's chest, "We need to go."
Dakota continues laughing as River grabs his arm again to pull him inside.
River and Dakota push through the crowd as they make it inside. They finally make it to the main room and River stops. Dakota bumps into her back as he stumbles. In the middle of the room, they see Steven and Taylor performing an entire dance routine.
"What the hell?"
"Oh my god, it's the party in the usa dance." Dakota says, "I haven't seen that shit in years."
River looks around and sighs in relief. Dakota almost trips as he feels himself being pulled again.
"Liz. Oh my god." River says as the dance ends, "You're not gonna believe what we just saw."
Liz turns as her laughter dies down, "What?"
"Skye and Cam were fucking kissing."
Liz gasps, "What?"
"Yes." River and Dakota say at the same time
"Oh my god." She laughs. Dakota turns as he hears Steven.
"Bro, you need to go."
"Shit." Dakota mumbles
"I don't think that's up to you." Milo says as he stands in Steven's face.
"Can we just go outside and-and cool off a moment, please?" Taylor says
"She doesn't even want you here."
"Shut up, Steven."
"Oh, trust me, she wants me. Everywhere. All the time." Milo smirks
"Can you not do that right now?"
Steven pushes Milo. The crowd gasping as River and Liz finally look over.
"Oh, my God." Taylor groans
"Yo, Steven." Dakota says as he and the boys walk up.
"Babe, this is for you." Milo says before he swings at Steven. Missing as Steven backs up.
"I literally don't even want this." Taylor says
"What is happening?" Belly asks as she comes up to River and Liz
"No idea." Taylor says
"Guys, stop!" Belly yells as Steven and Milo start fighting.
"Come on, man!" Jeremiah yells as Steven pushes Milo away
"Come on!"
"Come on, Steven." Conrad says
"Come on, man!" Steven yells
"Kick his ass, Steven." Dakota says
"You got it, Steven." Jeremiah says as Steven tackles Milo to the ground.
"Oh, my God." Taylor says as she and Belly run up to them
"Steven, Steven!" Belly says, "Get off the ground! Come on! Get over here! Help!" She yells as she waves over the boys. They walk over and try to pull Steven off.
"Steven, get off of him." Taylor says
"Get off me, get off me " Steven yells as the boys pull him away. He huffs as he pushes their arms off.
"Are you okay?" Taylor asks as Milo stands up
"Come on." Steven says
River frowns as Milo gets into a karate like stance. The boys circle each other as the crowd looks on. Milo spins and kicks at Steven who backs up behind Taylor.
"Milo, stop! You're embarrassing me right now."
Milo scoffs as he looks around, "Man, fuck this. Come on, Taylor, let's go. These people are too pedestrian for us anyways."
"These people are my friends. Do you even know me? Like, at all?"
"Babe, what are you talking about? You're my girl."
"What's my middle name?" The room goes quiet as Milo looks down. Taylor shakes her head, "Yeah, I can't do this anymore. It's over."
"Taylor..." Steven says as she walks out. He turns back to Milo, "It's Madison. Her middle name is Madison."
He follows after her as Milo exhales. He walks out and the party starts up again. Liz chuckles as River makes a face. Dakota pulls River away to another room.
"Yes! Yes!" Liz looks to her left and sees Skye smiling, "I need to talk to you."
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