Tᴀᴛᴛᴏᴏ (2)
Ariane had finished bringing the last of everything into the apartment. The apartment was actually pretty nice. Ariane had been saving money over the years because of Luisa constantly asking to come back to Beacon Hills. She knew she'd eventually come back here, not by her choice, but she knew she'd be back.
As she steps out of the elevator, she almost runs into someone.
"Oh, excuse me." She says
"Sorry." They say. Ariane walks past them towards her apartment.
The girl frowns instantly as she turns. She comes face to face with Chris Argent, "Argent."
"You're back in town? When did you get back?"
"We got back yesterday." She says
"You and Luisa?" She nods as she looks away, "Ariane-"
"I have to unpack." She says, "I'll see you around." She turns away and gets back to her apartment.
Scott left class a couple of minutes. Luisa had no idea why, but she knew she envied him. She felt like class was dragging on and she didn't know how much longer she could try to pretend like she knew what she was doing.
"Hey, Lydia." Stiles whispers. Luisa looks up as the girl with long red hair turns to him, "What is that? Is that from the accident?"
Luisa looks down to where he's pointing and sees Lydia's ankle occupied by a huge band-aid.
"No. Prada bit me." She says turning back to her work
"Your dog?"
"No, my designer handbag." She says sarcastically. Luisa chuckles softly, "Yes, my dog."
Silence isn't long lasting as Stiles starts with more questions, "Has it ever bitten you before?"
"Okay. What if it's, like, the same thing as the deer? You know, like, how animals start acting weird right before an earthquake or something?"
"Meaning what? There's gonna be an earthquake?"
"Or something. I just..." He sighs, "maybe it means something's coming. Something bad."
"It was a deer and a dog." Lydia nods, "What's that thing you say about threes? Once, twice..."
Everyone in class jumps as a bird flies at the window. Luisa puts her pen down and furrows her brows as she stares at the window. Blood splattered from where the bird hit.
The teacher puts her chalk down and walks toward the window. Luisa and Stiles sit up as a flock of birds fly towards the window. The girl can feel her heart rate start to pick up as she realizes the birds aren't slowing down or going over the school. She jumps as another bird hits the window. The others hitting it as well before one of them comes through the glass.
Luisa gets down on the floor as more come through the window. The other students following as the teacher looks around frantically.
"Get down, everyone! Get down, down. Get down! Get down!" She yells. Luisa goes under her desk quickly as more and more birds pour in and fly around. Clawing at students heads and hitting against the walls. She watches as Stiles hurries to push Lydia's desk away to cover her.
Luisa buries her face in her knees as she breathes heavily. She could hear the birds still cawing and students screaming as they tried to get away. It was a couple of minutes of this before it finally stopped.
Luisa slowly lifts her head up to look around. She can see dead birds littering the floor as she crawls out.
"You okay, Luisa?" Stiles breathes as he steps over to her
Luisa sighs heavily as she looks around wide eyed, "What the hell just happened?"
As soon as Ariane got the call, she sped over to the school. She definitely could've gotten a ticket, but she didn't care. She was worried about Luisa. She walked into the class frantically looking around. As soon as she spots Luisa, she runs over.
"Luisa." She says as she approaches her. The girl is sitting on top of a desk. She sighs in relief as soon as she sees her sister, "¿Qué pasó?"
"I don't know birds just came flying through the window."
"Birds?" She frowns
"Yes. Birds." She says as she points to the ground
Ariane looks down suddenly aware of the dead birds surrounding them. She continues to look down as she takes careful steps closer to Luisa.
"Hey. Are you sure you're okay?" Stiles says walking up
"Yeah. As okay as I can be." Luisa nods. She starts feeling around her head, "Does my hair look bad?"
Ariane looks up with a soft chuckle, "You look fine, Luisa."
"Hi, Ariane." Stiles smiles softly
"Hey. Stiles. You okay?" She asks pointing to his forehead.
"Oh, yeah." He waves her off, "Nothing that hasn't happened before."
Luisa frowns, "Something like this has happened before?"
Stiles goes wide eyed, "Oh, no, no." He stammers, "just- um.."
The sisters look back at him with their own looks of confusion. His mouth opens and closes as he tries to come up with an answer.
"Nevermind." He chuckles awkwardly. He waves her off before he walks off towards his dad.
"That was weird." Luisa says
"It's Stiles." Ariane says simply
Luisa nods, "That's true."
Ariane looks around the class at the damage and the other students. Her eyes land on Argent and his daughter, Allison.
"Do you know them?" Luisa asks
"Yeah. Mom and Dad knew him."
"Who's the girl?"
"His daughter, Allison."
"Oh." Luisa nods. As the girls look at the Argents, Chris looks over at the girls. Luisa smiles and waves politely. Argent waving back before he turns to Ariane. She sighs before she turns back to her sister.
Scott woke up in the chair from passing out. Looking around he remembers he's in Derek's old house. He looks down at his arm and gasps as his tattoo is finally visible, "Aah! Aah! It worked." He chuckles
Stiles nods with a grimace as Scott puts his long sleeve on. He stands up with Stiles walking beside him as he rolls his sleeve up to look at his tattoo.
"Well, it looks pretty damn permanent now."
"Yeah. I kind of needed something permanent. Everything that's happened to us... everything just changes so fast. Everything's so, uh..." He pauses, "Ephemeral."
"Studying for the psats?"
"Nice." Stiles nods as they make it to the door. As Scott opens it, he stops and looks it over.
"You painted the door." He looks over to Derek, "Why'd you paint the door?"
Derek looks up, "Go home, Scott."
"And why only one side?" He mutters. He flicks out his claws and draws a line through the paint
"Scott." Derek says walking over. Scott ignores him as he scratches. Stiles stepping back as the paint flies towards him. When Scott stops, he reveals a symbol.
"The birds at school and the deer last night..." He says as he turns to Derek, "just like the night I got trampled by the deer when I got bit by the Alpha. How many are there?"
Derek sighs, "A pack of 'em. An Alpha pack."
"All of them? How does that even work?" Stiles asks
"I hear there's some kind of a leader. He's called Deucalion. We know they have Boyd and Erica. Peter, Isaac, and I have been looking for him for the last four months."
"Let's say you find them." Scott says stepping closer, "How do you deal with an Alpha pack?"
"With all the help I can get." Derek says. Scott looks to Stiles who tilts his head before looking around.
"Where is she?" They hear as Isaac sits up, "Where's the girl?"
"What girl?" Derek asks. Isaac sighs as he looks down.
"This is just great. Absolutely perfect." Stiles says sarcastically, "Even more we have to figure out."
"It'll be alright. We'll come up with a plan."
"A plan." Stiles mumbles, "Scott, you do realize that this plan also has to include hiding all of this from Luisa right?"
Scott sighs as Derek straightens up, "I forgot about that."
"Wait, Luisa?" Derek asks, "Luisa who? What's her last name?"
"Martinez?" Stiles says carefully as he furrows his brows, "You know her?"
Derek looks down, "No, um, the name just sounds familiar."
Scott watches as he walks away. He heard Derek's heart speed up as soon as Luisa was mentioned. He looks to Stiles who frowns asking 'what?'. Scott shrugs before looking to Derek who leans on a broken table.
Scott's brows furrow as he smells anxiety rolling off of Derek in waves.
¿Qᴜᴇ́ ᴘᴀsᴏ́? - Wʜᴀᴛ ʜᴀᴘᴘᴇɴᴇᴅ?
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