Ariane's hand comes down to her side after she knocks at the door. She sighs as she shoves her hands in her jacket pockets. Seconds later, the door is pulled open. As she looks up, she's met with a smiling Peter.
"Well, look who it is."
Ariane rolls her eyes, "Is Derek here?"
He steps aside and holds his arm out. Ariane steps in and looks around as Derek stands up from the couch, "Ariane?"
"Hey." She says
"What are you doing here? Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, I just.." She pauses suddenly becoming aware of the other presence in the room. She looks over toward the stairs finding Peter sitting there.
He looks between the two, "What?"
Derek's brows raise before Peter sighs. He stands up and makes his way upstairs. Derek turns back to Ariane as she takes a few steps closer, "You're sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine. I just promised Luisa that I would come check on you. She's been worried since you've gotten back to your normal self so.." She says, "Are you okay?"
Derek smiles as he nods, "I'm okay."
"Good." She says before pointing up toward her eyes, "And what about the..?"
"I'm getting someone to look into it." He says, "Well, to find Kate and maybe I can get answers from her."
"Right. The mercenary."
"Well, I guess if anyone can find her, it's Braeden."
"Hopefully." He shrugs before it goes silent
Ariane smiles awkwardly as she looks up at him, "Okay, well, I'll let Luisa know that you're okay."
"Okay." Derek nods with a small smile
"Okay." Ariane repeats before turning away. Derek watches her walk out while his smile widens.
"An axe murderer?" Kira repeats
"A family murdering axe murderer." Stiles corrects as he follows them down the hall
"I already heard about it." Scott says as they stop at his locker
"Wait. What? You did? How?" Stiles rambles
"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news."
"Perfect. Let's go."
"Whoa, whoa." Scott says stopping Stiles in his tracks, "We've got Econ in five minutes."
"All right. Did you forget the part about the family murdering axe murderer?"
"Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff? They'd want us to stay out of it."
"Are you guys kidding me? There's a family murdering axe murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"
"Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Kira says
Stiles scoffs as he looks past her. Relief instantly covering his features, "Luisa."
Luisa stops beside Kira with a smile, "Hey."
"Family murdering axe murderer."
"Oh, yeah. Ariane told me about it."
"Perfect. Let's go."
"She also told me to stay out of it."
"What?" Stiles exclaims, "So the three of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class." He lists as he looks around at his friends before turning away, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life."
"See you at tryouts?" Scott calls out. Stiles waves him off as he turns down the hall.
Luisa giggles before turning to Kira and Scott, "I'll see you guys later."
As Luisa made her way toward the field to watch tryouts, she catches Anna walking toward the parking lot, "Hey, Anna."
The redhead turns as Luisa walks closer, "Hey."
"Hey. You're not staying for tryouts?"
Anna chuckles, "I didn't think I needed to. I'm not trying out."
"Well, no, but it's fun to watch." Luisa tries, "Come on, we're all staying to watch Scott and Stiles and to see who else makes it."
"Luisa, I don't-"
"Come on." Luisa says grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the bleachers. They both knew she could stop Luisa in her tracks if she wanted, but a huge part of Anna knew she didn't want to. Whatever Luisa wanted to do was what Anna was willing to do.
"Hey." Luisa smiles at Kira and Malia. Kira smiles back as Luisa takes a seat beside her. She pulls Anna down to plop beside her as she sets her bag down at her feet.
Malia looks up from her book and turns to Kira, "What's wrong with you?"
"Me? Nothing."
"You reek of anxiety."
"I didn't want to say it," Anna chimes in, "but you do."
"And it's distracting. What's going on?" Malia asks
"Scott and I sort of had this thing happen." Kira starts and Luisa immediately lights up, "But it wasn't much of a thing. And I'm starting to think it never was anything at all."
"What do you want it to be?" Luisa asks
"More." Kira sighs leaning on the spare lacrosse stick she had in her hand. Luisa's hand comes up and rubs at her shoulder comfortingly.
The girls watched as Stiles stepped up with his lacrosse stick. He twirls it before attempting to score a point. Luisa winces as the ball lands right in the goalies stick. The team chuckles as he tosses it back while Stiles makes his way to the back of the line with Scott.
Another boy then steps up. One Luisa hadn't seen before. He readies himself before tossing the ball and scoring a point. He smiles as he steps out of the line to let the next person go. A few more boys go before Scott steps up.
He places a ball in his net before tossing it. The girls watch the ball fly before it hits the goal post. The team laughs as Scott deflates.
"Nice, McCall." A team member teases
"Hey, Garrett..." Stiles says before smiling sarcastically, "Shut up!"
The next few times that Scott and Stiles step up, Luisa finds herself embarrassed. They missed goals left and right and hadn't seemed to be getting any better as time went on.
As Scott misses another goal, Kira leans over to Luisa, "Isn't the captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team?"
"Or good?" Anna cringes
"Maybe for whatever reason, they're having an off day." Luisa suggests
"Stiles plays like this all the time."
"Scott's having an off day." Luisa nods, "Maybe your thing earlier is throwing him off."
Kira frowns as the boys line up for another exercise. Scott and Stiles setting up in front of the goalie. Coach blows the whistle and Garrett is the first to take off. As he runs toward Scott and Stiles, he side steps Stiles before Scott knocks his stick out of his hand.
"That's my boys!" Coach cheers, "Those two are like sons to me."
"Yes!" Kira and Luisa cheer
Coach blows the whistle and another boy runs at Scott and Stiles. The two run at him before shoulder blocking him and knocking him to the ground.
Coach blows the whistle again and the boys do the same thing they'd done before. Luisa and Kira cheer again making Anna and Malia smile.
"That's how you do it! That's how it's done!" Coach cheers
While Scott and Stiles celebrate, the boy Luisa noticed before steps up. He swings his stick before picking up the ball. As soon as Coach blows the whistle, the boy takes off. He dodges Stiles causing the boy to fall before twisting around Scott and shooting the ball, scoring a point.
The team cheers as Luisa and Kira groan. Malia frowns before standing, "That was luck!"
Luisa looks up wide-eyed, "Malia, what are you doing?"
"Sweetheart, there's no do-overs. This is a practice." Coach scoffs waving her off
"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles."
"I'll take that action." Coach says before turning back to the field, "Hey! Get back in there, Liam."
The boys reset before Coach blows the whistle again. Liam runs at Scott and Stiles and brushes past Stiles. Scott runs up and flips Liam over his shoulder. He lands on the ground hard.
Coach runs over as Liam struggles to stand, "Don't move! Don't touch him!"
"I'm okay, Coach. I'm all right. Ahhh!" He yells out as he attempts to stand. Scott and Stiles rush to his side to hold him up, "I think it's my leg."
"I think we better get him to the nurse." Stiles says. Coach steps aside allowing the two boys to carry Liam to the school.
"You guy's take a lap. Run around..." Coach says before he shouts, "Start running around the field!"
"I'll be back." Luisa says before following Scott and Stiles into the school
"Stupid!" Coach yells before throwing a ball. Kira gasps as she holds the lacrosse stick out and catches it before it hits Malia, "Oh! Wow! Nice catch. Throw it back."
Kira stands and throws the ball back. Her eyes go wide as it hits Coach square in his chest, "Oh, my God."
"Someone ask her if she's ever played lacrosse." Coach groans
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