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Luisa walks over to Stiles and his dad as they stand in front of Eichen House, "Stiles."
"Why didn't you tell me?" Scott says walking up beside her
"Because we wanted to avoid something like this." Stilinski sighs
"It's only 72 hours." Stiles says
"This is the same place where Barrow came from, you get that right?" Luisa says, "The guy who had a tumor inside him filled with flies."
"You don't know everything yet." Scott says to Stilinski
"I know enough. Nogitsunes, Kitsunes, Oni, or whatever they're called."
Stiles nods, "Wow, that was actually all surprisingly correct."
"Kids, I saw an MRI that looked exactly like my wife's. And it terrifies me. I'm headed down to L.A. tomorrow to talk to a specialist."
"Then why are you putting him in here?" Scott says
"He's not." Stiles speaks up, "It was my decision."
"Stiles, we can't help you if you're in here." Luisa says
"And I can't hurt you." Stiles says. His eyes landing on the bruise sitting on her cheek. Luisa's shoulders fall as he stares at her.
"Deaton's got some ideas. Argent's calling people. We're gonna find something. And if we can't..." Scott starts
"If you can't..." Stiles says stepping closer to the two, "If you can't, then you have to do something for me, okay?" His eyes bouncing between his friends, "Make sure I never get out."
As he steps back, Stilinski nods, "Come on."
The two teens are left standing there as the door opens and closes.
Luisa was with Allison and Scott as they stood in the animal clinic. Deaton talking on the phone with Argent.
"Did you have any trouble with Ikeda?"
"Only minor. The white wolf was exactly where you said it would be. But we have two problems now. First, the lichen is not a cure. It'll wear off in a matter of days."
"But while it does work, the Oni won't go after Stiles, right?"
"I hope. Eichen House has an unusual history. It might not be all that safe for the Oni there as well."
"What's the second problem?"
"I checked with your contacts in Japan. The Yakuza Boss you saw killed by the Oni never found the scroll."
"What scroll?" Scott says
"A Shugendo Scroll." Deaton says, "The Shugendo were the ascetic mystics of Japan."
"The scroll had information on how to exorcise a Nogitsune."
"So we need to find that scroll?" Luisa says
"Exactly." Deaton nods, "And I did get a name of the man who last purchased it. Kincaid."
"He was with Katashi." Allison says, "He's the guy who met with Isaac to buy the gun."
"Sounds like Katashi wanted the scroll for himself."
"But Stilinski already told me nothing like it was found among his things." Argent says, "And a paranoid like Katashi would keep it close. Probably on him at all times."
"What does a Shugendo Scroll look like?" Allison asks
Deaton stands and grabs something in his drawer resembling what they were looking for, "Something like this."
Luisa looks over as Allison takes it from him, "Do these come in different sizes?"
"Any size."
Allison looks up, "Then I think I know where it might be."
Ariane's eyes were shut as she sat in a cell at the Sheriff's station. Argent and Derek in two different cells beside her.
"Still nothing?" Argent asks, "Derek?"
"Hold on." He mutters. It stays quiet for a few seconds, "You were right. They're moving all the evidence."
"Was there anything about the murder itself? Any other details?"
"Just about putting Katashi's things in a Federal Lockup and something about Stilinski being out for the day." Derek says, "You know, if all of this is true, people are dead because of Stiles."
"But is it really Stiles?" Argent counters, "Remember, we've had this problem before."
"But we got lucky with Jackson." Ariane's eyes open as a deputy passes by. The room going quiet until he leaves, "What happens when you don't get lucky?"
"Guess it depends on how much or how little of Stiles is left." Argent says, "You ever heard of the Berserkers?"
"Germanic warriors." Ariane answers, "They wore the skins of bears to channel their ferocity."
"They didn't just wear them. They became them." Argent says, "You know, a couple of years ago, a family came to your dad and I for help with their son. This group of teenagers, they were doing all sorts of rituals with animal skins. Somehow they tapped into it. But with Berserkers, the human side doesn't last long. They're not tempered by the moon."
"He killed people?" Derek says
"He tore them apart." Argent says, "Eventually, we had to tell the family their son was gone. It took three of us to take him down. Almost every bullet we had. And when it was over, I felt no remorse. None. I knew that kid was long gone."
"Would you feel any remorse putting Stiles down?" Ariane asks as she stares ahead of her
"Stiles? Yes. But not a Nogitsune."
Luisa follows behind Scott as they enter Allison's apartment. Anna and the twins right behind her.
"My father said all of the Katashi evidence is being moved to a Federal Lockup by armored car tonight. Probably within the next few hours."
Ethan frowns as they stop, "We're going to rob an armored car?"
"Well, we're going to try." Lydia says
"This is a really bad plan." Scott says as they stand in Argent's office
"It's not that bad." Lydia says
"It's not that good." Ethan adds
"This is usually why Stiles comes up with the plans." Luisa sighs
"None of us knows the route they're going to take." Lydia says, "If Allison can get one of her dad's GPS trackers on the armored car then we can follow it."
"So when it gets here..." Allison starts
"We attack them?" Aiden interjects
"Your bikes will be in the middle of the road, looking like you guys got into an accident. And when the driver gets out to help..." Lydia says
"We attack him?"
"No." Allison and Lydia say. Anna sighs as her eyes shut, "We'll distract him and Scott will break open the back door."
"I hope." Scott says
"And you'll get Katashi's finger." Lydia says turning to Ethan
"It's not his actual finger, is it?" He asks. Lydia's eyes widen as Scott and Luisa turn to her.
"We are so out of our league."
"Why aren't we just going to Stilinski for help?" Anna asks
"Because if he gets caught, then it's the Sheriff tampering with federal evidence." Scott says
"Guys, this is going to work. We can do this." Allison nods, "We're losing Stiles. My Dad and your sister are in jail for murder." She says looking to Luisa, "We need to do this."
Ariane sighs as a deputy opens a door for her. As she steps in she looks up and stops. The door shuts behind her.
"What are you doing here?" She snaps
An older woman turns to her with a smile, "Hello, Ariane."
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