Chapter Twenty
~ Jungkook's POV ~
I walked into school and went straight to my locker
"I can't believe Taehyung said that " I thought to myself as I put my things in my locker and walked to my first period
" Hello Oppa ! " I heard an annoying high pitched voice as in front of me . It just Somi's best friend Seuigi
" What do you want Seuigi ? " I said rolling my eyes and drawing random objects in my notebook
" I just wanted to make sure you were okay , since Somi cheated on you " She said twirling her fingers through her hair and batting her eyes
" I'm okay , now , can you leave me alone " I said , getting annoyed
" You'll want me later Oppa " She said walking back to her little group of friends and flirted with some boys
Yep , she's definitely a slut
" JUNGKOOKIE " I heard Jimin and Jin yell my name as they walked towards me with smiles on their faces
I let out a small hello and continued to draw
" Whats wrong Kookie ? " Jimin said frowning
" Nothing ...." I said whispering and looking down
" You usually happy and cheerful , what happened ? " Jin said to me . I sighed and started talking
" Me and Taehyung got into a argument about our break and he said some hurtful things " I said looking down and sniffing
" What ! You guys broke up ? " Jin said with wide eyes
" Y-Yeah...." I said sadly
" Why did he breakup with you ? You guys looked like the perfect couple " Jimin said rubbing my back
" Well...He didn't break up with me...I-I broke it off with him...That's why we get into the argument...."
" Why did you break up with him Kookie...You guys looked so happy together..." Jin said quietly
" I don't know...I guess I started to think about my moms feleling....She finally found someone to make her happy...Then her own flesh and blood son is screwing him...I couldn't handle the guilt...." I said wiping my tears
" Oh....we understand Kookie...." Jin and Jimin said hugging me and going to their seats as class was about start
" Attention Everyone! We have a new student " Our teacher said smiling and pointing the new student , which was a girl
She was actually really pretty and didn't look like a slut , better than half of the girl here. She had light brown skin , pretty white teeth , curly purple and blue hair with big doe eyes
( Can y'all guess who she is 🤣)
" Hello ! I'm Leah Liu and I'm from America...I transferred here to Seoul about a week ago..... I'm....half American and half Korean , treat me well " Leah said bowing and taking a sit next to Jungkook
" Hello Leah , I'm Jungkook but you can call me Kookie ! " I said smiling since I like meeting new people plus , she was new
" Hi Kookie ! I'm Leah ! " She said smiling , letting her pearly white teeth show
" I like your hair " I said looking at her pinkurple ( Pinkish Purpleish 🤣) hair on the right side and Blue on the left
" Thank you ! and your hair looks fluffy ! " Leah said smiling
" Listen class ! Today , you will need to be in partners! Presentation about Chief Executive Officers and appliances ! groups of 4 only ! "
" Wanna be in a group with me and my two friends ? They're nice " I said waving at my friends to come over
" Hey guys , this is my new friend Leah . Leah , this is Jin and Jimin " I said pointing at them
" Annyeong , I'm Leah " she said bowing and waving
" Hello Leah , nice to meet you " she said smiling
" Just to let you guys know , I have no idea what we need to do..." Jimin said scratching his head
" I do I do ! " Leah said smiling at the paper
" Really ? " Jin , Jimin , and I said in unison
" I'm studying to be a CEO ! which is basically a chief executive officer , which we are working on now ! This is easy ! " She said happily and getting to work
I'm glad I made a new friend
It was now lunch time and I put my things in my locker . All I looked around for Jimin and Jin . I saw Leah looking around confused.
" Need help Leah ? " I said walking up to her
" Yes please ! Everyone is staring at me !!! These boy are creepy and constantly asking for my number and these girls are looking at me like I'm doing something wrong even though their boyfriends are coming on to me ! Like control your boyfriend ! Like girl don't come at me cause your boyfriends isn't loyal" Leah said as she rolls her eyes at another boy asking for her number
" Wanna sit our me and the guys at lunch ? " I said nicely
" Yes , thank you " She said smiling like a red panda and walked into the lunch room . I wasn't hungry so we just sat down at my usual table with Jimin and Jin
" Aren't you hungry Kookie ? " Jimin said with a frown
" I'm good and i offered Leah to sit with us " I said smiling and just resting my head on the table
Jin and Jimin just looked at each other and frowned but then smiling nicely at Leah
" W-who...who's she...? " Leah said pointing to a table filled with popular girls
" Which one ? " I said mumbling and looking at the girls , who were looking back at us
" The girl with gray shoulder length hair with the bangs......" Leah stayed staring at here
" That's Lisa Manoban , shes the leader of the dance team here " Jin said eating his apple
" Wow " Leah said looking away and I just put my head back down
Today really isn't my day
School had finally ended and I put my things in my backpack and walked out side
Shit ! Taehyung always picks me up
All of a sudden , my mom's car pulled up . I got in and looked at her with confusion
" Hey mom , Where is Taehyung " I said kissing her cheeks and putting my backpack in back seat
" Taehyung said that he won't be able to pick you up from school anymore , he said something came up at work and that he has to work , even when your at school " Mom said sadly and squishes my cheek
Why do I care ? I'm mad at him remember
" Okay " I said smiling at plugging my earphone in and listening to music
We pulled up at home and I reached behind me to get my backpack . We walked into the house where we said Taehyung in the kitchen making dinner
" Hello Baby " Taehyung said smiling at my mom and giving her a quick peck on lips
Not even looking and glancing my way...It like I wasn't even there
" I'm going to go finish some homework " I said mumbling and walked upstairs to my bedroom and laying on my bed
After about an hour , mom knocked on my door , telling me that dinner was ready
I lazily walked downstairs and sat at the dinner table and slowly picked at my food while Taehyung and my mom were just flirting away
" This steak is really good honey " My mom said kissing his cheek as he feed her a piece of steak
" My grandma thought me how to make her special seasoning so thank you" Taehyung said kissing her on the lips and wrapping his arms around her waist
" I'm done , goodnight " I said quickly putting my plate up and bowing and walking back to my room
I take a shower and laid in my bed , looking up at the ceiling . I was just rethinking my life decisions and choices ( That's What we I-army think every night when know we can't meet BTS 🤣 )
What have I done....
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