Bang Chan POV:
"Jeongin, follow Minho please. Your footing wasn't right." Minho showed Jeongin the footing for the dance break. The little guy was nervous, but otherwise he was doing great.
"Alright, once more just to see everyone has got the choreo." I watched, like a hawk, at their footing, the positions of their arms, the feelings their dance gave off. It needs to be destructive.
"Well done guys. You can go and have lunch now." They all exited the practice room, smiling, which I haven't seen them do since that meeting with JYP-pdnim. I stayed behind to just brush up on the choreo myself, working mainly on synchronising it to the rhythm, giving off a destructive feeling from my facial expressions. I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I didn't even notice the second pair of eyes in the room.
Once the music stopped I braced myself on my knees, panting slightly. I looked up and jumped. It was Yeji.
"You did well." she smiled and handed me a towel.
What is she playing at?
"Thanks shouldn't be here. We're competing against each other." I walked across the room to my duffel bag and sat on the benches. She followed me suit.
"Chan." She looked at me, a smile playing on her lips. "We're friends. It's not like I'm going to sabotage you or anything." I just rolled my eyes.
"How's practice going for your dance piece then?" She sighed and shrugged.
"It's going good. There's not much team play, if you ask me."
"As expected. I mean, you were just hastily put together by the company." There was a moments silence.
Suddenly she sat upright and put her hand on my shoulder, a sympathetic look masked over her face.
"I heard Ma-Ri broke up with you." I shrugged her hand off and got up from the bench with my back to her, not trusting myself to keep a straight face.
"If you're here to talk about that, you should leave. I'm fine." Lies.
"Well, clearly you're not. Not after that reaction."
I walked away from her to the speaker system, busying myself to save the explanations that I was so tired of giving.
"Listen, Chan. I'm just here as a friend. You've always been there for me and I just- I just want to make up for it." I sighed and faced her again. She's just trying to be a good friend.
"Who told you anyways?" I asked and she laughed.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm going to go and grab lunch really quickly. You want to come with?"
She bounced up from her seat. "Sure. I'm starving."
Park Ma-Ri POV:
"You still not going to tell me what's up?" Young-min was talking to the sky. It was a sunny day, the clouds big and white, encompassing the golden Sun, only allowing rays of light through. A big cloud suddenly blocked all the light, and the world was dimmed for a moment.
Young-min and I were laying on our backs, facing the sky as we welcomed the breeze on this rare sunny day.
I sighed. "Why is everyone making such a big deal out of it?"
"So you told everyone but not me?"
" and Chan broke up." There I said it.
He sat up straight and slapped my shoulder.
"Ow. What did you do that for?" I sat up too.
"Idiot. Why?" I shrugged.
"Just. I just wanted to."
"Do you think I believe that? You've been a miserable cow ever since and I don't think you wanted to break up with him."
"Why is it such a big thing? We broke up. That's it. Do you expect me to wallow in sadness?" I honestly didn't know why everyone thought it was such a big deal.
"It is. You can't just throw away your feelings for someone like that. And I bet you're crying on your own anyways." He was right there.
"Well...I decided that I'm not dating anymore. It was a mistake to get involved with him in the first place."
"Was it really? You were so happy with him. He didn't even distract you from your work anyways."
"But I distracted him." I muttered.
"What? Is that really why you broke it off?" Young-min sighed and lay back down on the blanket.
"Imagine how he's feeling. He's probably doing worse."
"He's probably moved on. Like you all should do." I felt bad for treating Young-min like this. He's only like this because he cares for me. But I don't know what else to do. He has enough worries with the band and the unknown new member.
"Oh yeah." I face my head to his. "How's it going with the selection for the new member?" He sighed and half shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. We've narrowed it down to a few members, but we're just scared about what Rhymer-pdnim thinks." "What do you mean?"
"Like, what if he doesn't agree with us, and then thinks we're not ready. And...what will he test us with? I'm most scared about that."
"Well I guess you'll have to wait and see. But there is something you can do to make everyone feel better though." "And what is that?" "To not worry. Not stress. Instead show your teammates that you're confident and that you believe in them. If you show that them that you're not confident in them, how do you think they would feel?" I punched him very lightly on the arm. "Besides, I know you'll do great."
Young-min went quiet for a few seconds. "You're very cringey, you know that?" He said as he started to laugh, and I punched him really hard.
I hope it bruises him.
Bang Chan POV
"Hyung, you got a letter." Hyunjin was going around with the mail during breakfast. I went into my room to grab my boots before heading to the JYP building, opening the letter on the way. I did not expect to see pictures of Ma-Ri. Each one was dated in red ink, one from 3 months ago with me, another from a week ago. The last from yesterday night.
My heart dropped. I didn't know what this meant. Was she in danger? That seems the most likely.
I looked at the one dated from last night. It was taken as she was walking through the gates of her dorm. Her brown hair tied billowing around her shoulders. It didn't take me time to realise that I had to see her. See for myself if she is okay.
I grabbed any shoes I could, a jacket and rushed through the door, the rest of the members calling my name as I whizzed past.
Even though I was meant to let her go, I didn't. I can't just throw away my feelings like that. Even if they hurt.
A/N: I know I'm late again, I guess that is just my style. So I guess you'll see new updates when I feel like it, sorry.
There will be mafia in this. It was a last minute decision, but I'm just going with it hee hee.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, although its not much.
Thank you, as always, for reading this and supporting me. It means the world.
Adieu 💛💙✨
(Word Count; 1114)
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