chapter 4
Izuku gripped the man's shirt and sobbed.
He sobbed so loud that he was sure the whole hospital heard him.
"Kill me! Just kill me already! Fucking kill me!" He begged.
Eraserhead could do nothing but hold and comfort the sobbing boy. Gently he ran his fingers through dirtied white hair, and rocked back and forth.
"Shhh, you know I can't do that, so take a second to breathe. Just breathe with me. In. . . . .out." The words fell to deaf ears (pun intended) for moments at a time.
The front of Eraserhead's shirt was soaked with salty tears.
"Hey kid. You said your name was Midoriya, right?" He didn't receive an answer, but assumed he was correct.
"Well Midoriya, I need you to focus on my breathing. Steady. In. . . . .out." With each breathe he counted aloud, and the white haired boys sobs slowly turned to hiccuped sniffles.
Gentle he coaxed the boys iron grip from his shirt and looked into his eyes.
Without his shirt to hold onto, Izuku held his hands to the sides of his head, desperately holding at his white locks.
Eraserhead gently pulled his hands away again and brought them to his shirt, right over his heart. Making sure that the boys palms could feel his heartbeat he spoke.
"I need you to listen to me okay? Can you list five things that you see?" He kept his voice level and firm.
The muffled words just barely registered in Izuku's head.
"U-Um, Y-your shoes, w-walls, railings, yo-our scarf-f, my bandag-ges." The white haired boys voice was quiet and uncertain, like he didn't know if he was really supposed to talk.
The black haired man rested a gentle hand atop Izuku's hair.
"Good job, now can you list four things you can touch."
The boy took a laboured, shaky breathe.
At least the hyperventilating stopped.
"Your h-hands, my hands, th-the gro-ound. . ." He took a moment to think.
"H-His h-hands. . ." His breathing began picking up speed again.
Eraserhead didn't know who 'he' was, but he obviously wasn't good.
"No no, kid you're in a hospital. Whoever 'he' is, isn't here right now." The black haired man gently squeezed Izuku's hands closer to his heart
The white haired boy was trembling, but it wasn't as violent as before.
"I-I can touch the a-air." Izuku voice rung out with confused confidence.
Eraserhead chuckled at the response.
"Very good, now how about three things you can hear?"
"I c-cant hear th-that well, Mr."
Eraserhead silently cursed out. 'Partial deafness. . .' He guessed.
He began tapping his shoes onto the echoing floor.
"How about now?"
Izuku nodded. "I can hear you t-tapping. . ." He awaited for a new sound.
Eraserhead whistled, and started snapping.
Izuku responded.
"Now how about two things you can smell."
The white haired boy closed his eyes for a moment. "Chemicals. . . .and coffee." The black haired man snorted at that.
"Last one, name something you can taste."
--- (that was deadass half the word quota)
Eraserhead had gently picked up the trembling boy and hurried him back to he room, where multiple doctors were waiting with panicked looks.
Wen he walked in they all relaxed greatly.
"He tried running to the roof when he woke up, had a panic attack afterward." Izuku clung onto him tightly like a koala.
As the doctors began busying themselves with checking over the boy, he answered questions in a tired voice.
"Can you tell me your name?" One man in white checked his eyes. 'Left is fine, blind in the other.'
"Izuku Midoriya." Another man came to check his ears. He was slightly unnerved by the blackened, charred flesh that crowned his ears.
"Can you tell me how your ears got like this?"
"Bullies. I can't hear very well, if you were wondering." After he said that the doctors made an effort to make their voices louder.
'Partial deafness.'
'Extreme trauma scarring, impact point is mid shoulder.'
'Blind in one eye.'
'. . . Self harm scars.'
'Possible home abuse?'
"Hey Midoriya, what's your home life like?" Izuku tensed at the question.
"Father beats me. My mother left. . ." He trailed off slightly.
One woman nodded to someone outside the room, and the clacking of shoes slowly got farther away.
"Is the brat finally dead?"
Shock courses through the secretary when the phone finally picked up.
"Sir? What do you mean?"
"What the fuck do you think I mean woman? This is a hospital right? I'm asking is the brat, Izuku Midoriya, is fucking dead yet?!"
She gently leaned towards her coworker when she saw him coming down the hall.
Carefully she mouthed a few words, and it seemed the man was already on that same mission.
He took out his phone and began emailing a nearby detective, just to come over and confirm any suspicious they had.
Soon enough, a sleek black car pulled up to the hospital, and a man wearing a beige trenchcoat and hat stepped out.
"Room 302 he's in."
A quick nod and he was off.
Eraserhead wasn't all too surprised when a familiar face stepped into the white room.
He knew the moment Izuku admitted to his abuse, Tsukauchi would be here before anyone knew it.
"Hello Midoriya. My name is Tsukauchi Naomasa, I'm. . ." He thought of the words carefully. He wasn't sure what kind of psychological damage or manipulation the father of this child used.
"Just going to ask a few questions for your erm. . .health." In truth it wasn't really a lie, though it wasn't the whole truth.
He got a tired and dazed nod in return.
Carefully Naomasa knelt down in front of Izuku with a pen and small notebook in hand.
Dull green stared into muddy brown.
"Alright, first one, how are you feeling right now." Easing into the situation, he began with basics.
". . .Tired, and. . .sick. Of everything." He ran his shaky hands towards his hair, dragging bandages over his face in the process.
"I'm sorry to hear that-"
"No. No you're not. I'm not stupid. You're here to ask me about my father, right? Just get it over with." It took a moment for Izuku to process what he just said. His green eyes widened with fear and he slightly moved backward on the bed.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'msorryI'msorry-"
"Kid! It's okay, you're not in trouble. All you need to do is breathe and answer his questions. Don't worry."
"You're safe."
i hate that i basically just made a filler chapter and that half of it was just dadzawa - depresso
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