☆~•Since Then•~☆
A lot of people would say that Hoshiki Ruri, the 'Fire Pillar' and Shinazugawa Sanemi, the 'Wind Pillar' has a weird relationship.
They often fight and bicker with each other on a daily basis.
Other times, they would be seen going out and eating together. If some were lucky, they would either witness the two clashing swords over a simple dispute or they would be blessed with the sight of the two pillars contentedly walking together while holding each other's hand.
If they were really lucky, they might even see the two sharing occasional glances that only people with a deep bond can do. Other times, they would see the Fire Pillar hugging the other on the waist with a cheeky grin on her face.
After the Fire Pillar's long hiatus due to an injury, it seems that Ruri got only bolder and more enigmatic than before.
While on the other hand, the Wind Pillar was much more aggressive and sensitive during her absence. Some would even say that it was the Wind Pillar's way of showing how much he missed the woman's presence.
Fortunately for him, Ruri was once again back on duty after only a few weeks.
They say one year is enough to change a person completely.
The Fire Pillar's long hiatus didn't really did much of a change to Ruri. But for the Wind Pillar who knows her more than anyone, Sanemi could tell that something has change.
Or rather, someone has change.
And indeed, it took only one single sentence to confirm his suspicions.
"What... what did you say?" Sanemi asked, his fingers twitching as he stared at his childhood friend.
Ruri smiled, that pacified smile she always wear on her face.
"I'm quitting!" She repeated with glee as if she said the weather was nice or the sun was shining brightly. And dear god, he wished she was joking because no one should even say that with such a happy face and smile as if it was a normal thing to do everyday.
For fuck's sake, he couldn't even count how much blood was spilled by his own sword. And for the youngest person to ever be a pillar, for Ruri to say that, he couldn't understand.
Just why why whywhywhy?
"You must be wondering why, Nemi-chan?" Ruri asked him and yes, it was so damn obvious from his expression alone. He couldn't hide his shock and surprise because this was so unlike her and at the same time this was something Ruri would definitely do when things get drastic.
But the Ruri he knows would never quit being a demon slayer despite how much she hates going on missions.
She would never quit even though she disliked slaying demons, believing that they could still be turned to human if given some time.
And Ruri made a promise to protect people with her sword no matter how troublesome it is for someone like her, someone who hides behind a smile.
It pained her to the core and he knows she disliked the way this war would shed so much blood, wishing it would just end.
She was so idealistic so why? Just why would she quit?
Ruri's lips smiled widely, her smile was so wide that she ended up closing her eyes.
"Because I want to!"
A vein appeared on his face.
"What kind of answer is that?!" Sanemi yelled, his fists shaking uncontrollably.
"Just a simple one I guess. It's the truth, Nemi-chan." Ruri told him in a sweet voice.
"This life is too tiring so I'm going to quit. I've already told Kagaya-sama and he respected my decision."
"Riri!" Sanemi yelled. "I know you more than anyone, woman. So don't start giving me those pathetic excuses! And don't call Oyakata-sama's name so casually!" He reprimanded.
Ruri chuckled and she leaned closer to place a hand on his scarred face.
"These scars must've hurt, Nemi-chan..." She told him as her other hand traced them slowly.
"You're so strong, Nemi-chan." Ruri said and then he saw it, that distant look on her eyes that tells him so much.
It was a look that only he understood and he knows that no matter what, it was a secret that she would never unveil to anyone.
"I wish I could become as strong as you." She whispered as she gently placed her head on his chest.
He gritted his teeth.
"Why are you doing this?"
Ruri smiled as her eyes fluttered close.
"I wish you would reconcile with Genya-kun." She suggested which made the muscles in his body tense up.
"He would be happier, you know. He only wants your forgiveness and your acknowledgement."
He gritted his teeth even more.
"Riri, shut up."
"Mmm... I wish you would stop being such a prude."
"And I wish you would realize just how much I'm devoted to you."
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