Ok, so this is a real story featuring ME!!!
so a while ago, i was in my maths lesson and we were doing graphs and stuff. and coz a lot of people kept drawing small graphs to "save paper" my maths teacher goes, "i like my graphs and i like 'em big" or smth thing like that so I say under my breath to my friend sat next to me, "god, i wanna kill him"
then the next maths lesson the next day, he wasn't in and we had a supply. so my friend turns round to me and with a completely serious face she says "you killed him didn't you" and i literally burst out laughing then and the whole class heard what she said so every one was kinda looking at me scared but also concerned coz i couldn't stop laughing
literally every single lesson he's late, so every time when i go to line up and he's not in the classroom i turn to my friends and say "is he dead yet???" with the most 'happiest' look on my face and that has them all rolling on the floor hehe
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