①⓪❤️Eᴠɪʟ Iɴғʟⓤᴇɴᴄᴇ!❤️
Evil influence is like a nicotine patch, you cannot help but absorb what sticks to you.
" What are you saying Sheela g!? ", Swarna Asked not believing her Ears what She just hear!! She can never got misunderstood to understand a person.. She See innocence and just innocence in her.. she's such a pure Soul..
" We Can't believe in this Sheela g! If Mummy g Choose her then We trust her choice and our daughter-in-law too.. ", Sangeeta Said, She can't believe the lady standing Infront of her.. She felt something negative in her.. Her senses can never lie to her.
" but This is the only Truth.. If you want you can ask Nitin even my whole family.. They know her very well.. Firstly, I thought she would have tell everything to you but then I got to know she didn't tell you guys anything.. So, it was my responsibility to tell you this.. And If you want her to destroy your and your Son's life then it's truly your decision.. ", Sheela Said in a way that both the ladies will believe her words and that only happened.
" OK.. We trust you.. But still we can't go against our mummy g.. ", Swarna Said dumbly.
Sangeeta looked at her in disbelief..
" but I can't jiji.. How can you just distrust mummy g's Choice!? ", Sangeeta Asked.
" Sangeeta.. Sometimes girls like nandini acted all innocent to trap Rich people and so she did.. ", Swarna Said trying to make her understand.
" yes.. Sangeeta g.. She brutally kill her own parents.. I don't want you to regret later.. ", Sheela Said sadly, faking obviously!
" thank you for telling us before.. But I don't know what to do to stop all this!? ", Swarna asked worriedly while Sangeeta just stand there silently.
" I have a plan.. Only if you want to hear! ", Sheela being goody type walli Aunty.
" What Plan!? ", Swarna asked while sangeeta stared at Sheela with suspicious Gaze.
Seeing her suspicious gaze Sheela Asked, " Sangeeta g.. I'm doing this only for your family.. Because I know nandini Very well.. that How She is!? ".
" But I'm not in your Plan guyz.. Because I trust my daughter-in-law as well as my mummy g's Choice so do whatever you Want! ", Saying This Sangeeta Left before Swarna say anything but Sangeeta Kept her Mobile at a Corner to Record their conversation.. She Can't let them destroy her Son's and Nandini's Life..
Seeing her Left Swarna Sighed and turn to Smirking Sheela Who Changed her expression to Sad as Soon as she turn towards her, " You Carry On.. ".
Nodding her Head She Started Discussing her Plan With Her, " If you don't Mind We................................ ", after the Plan Swarna nodded her head in Affirmation.
" How Can My Eyes Lie!? I Saw innocence in her Eyes! Seriously, Sometimes these type of Persons play So well just to Trap Rich people!! Disgusting!! ", Swarna Thought in Disgust.
Sangeeta Come back when She saw they left seeing the court Clear She walked towards her Mobile and Save The Vedio in secret folder where no One be able to See.. She Know she Need to do everything Soon and For that She Need Help.....
She Message Someone to meet her at a Place - " With Emergency! "
Malhotra And Fab - 4 left for Malhotra Palace As requested by Malhotra Ladies to stay at Malhotra Palace Only.
After journey of 2 hours they Reached their destination..
All was tired so they left to their respective room but Our Fab - 4 Reached at Manik's Room knowing very Well he must be buzy with his So Called Work and Romancing with his laptop.
As they Reached in his Room they didn't knock but just Entered making him jerk..
" What The hell! Guyz.. You just Scared me!! ", Manik Huffed keeping his hand on his Poor heart while ignoring him they all jump on his Bed making him fall Down.
" Guyz!! What's This!!? ", Manik Asked irritatedly While Rubbing his bum and stand from the Floor.
Fab-4 looked at Eachother and winked at Eachother and then looked at Manik who just settled on the Bed.
" Yrr.. Manik.. Seriously you didn't See her Till now!? ", Mukti Asked so innocently.
" Yeah! Kind off!! ", Manik Shrugged and got buzy romancing with his laptop.
" Manik.. I Have Pity on you.. ", Aliya Pouted Sadly.
" Pity! Why!? ", Manik Frowned and looked at her.
" Buddy! Didn't dadi Told you about it!? ", Now It's Time for Dhruv to Ask.
" Guyz!! Just stop talking in puzzles and Come to the direct Point.. What Dadi didn't Tell me!? ", Manik Asked Frowning Deeply And Start Drinking Water.
" That your future wife
Can't walk.. She's handicapped.. ", Cabir Blasted with it making him spit out all the water Manik was drinking.
" What! Are you guyz mad!? Why will dadi Hide it from me!? ", Manik asked totally shocked while fab-4 Giving serous Look to him.
Fab - 4 Walked out from The Nandini's House When Cabir planed to Tease Manik..
" Cabir! Is it Really required to Tease him with this!? ", Dhruv Asked.
" Off Course topiwale.. He didn't See till Now Our little Sister.. He should be punished not to See our beautiful sister till now!! ", Cabir Exclaimed, nonchalant.
" Exactly.. I'm in Cabir.. ", Mukti Said, Excitingly.
" I'm too.. ", Aliya Said hie-Fieing With Mukti.
Dhruv also Agree at Last..
They Call Dadi too For the prank And She was all excited With Their plan to tease her Maan..
" Yes.. Manik.. We are Sorry yrr.. ", Cabir Sadly Bend his head Down.
Manik looked at them to see if they are pranking but they all are sitting with serious Rock expression, " Guyz.. Are you serious!? ", Manik was having Calm expression but from inside he was restless..
Fab-4 Nodded sadly and left while wishing him good night leaving him lost in thought.
" OK.. Ok.. Manik just Relax! What if She Can't Walk.. You are here for her Right!? So just Stop thinking about it.. But She will be in Pain due to her health!! ", Manik Thinks Worriedly.. Not Once, He thought he won't marry her if she's handicapped! Just he was worried for her that How She's living her life like this!?
As Soon as Fab - 4 Comes Out From his Room they Laughed out Madly..
" Ohh Godd!!!! It Was So Fun!! ", Aliya Laughed seeing his Reaction.. While Dhruv Couldn't help but admire her beautiful Face.
" Exactly Aliya! I'm just waiting to See his reaction when he will see HIS NANDINI all Fine Standing Infront of him in bridal attire.. ", Mukti Said laughing but with Twinkling Eyes.
" True.. And I'm sorry Bro but it's your punishment.. ", Cabir Said with a Smile.
At the Sametime the clock ticked 12:00 Am.. few People looked at each other and giving a nod they Walked towards a Room which is at the End of the corridor.
They Entered in the Room And See the Person is there standing facing back to Them.
" Is Everything alright Aunty!? ", Mukti wearing Crope top and short bottoms Asked with Concern and that Person turned towards them with restlessness clearly shown on her Face..
" Yes Aunty.. What happened!? You messaged it's emergency and you told us to meet you after all sleep.. ", Cabir Asked getting worried.
That person was non other than , Sangeeta - She Sit on the Bed, " I Can't let them Spoil My Son and My daughter-in-law's Life.. ", She cupped her forehead.
All got worried seeing her like this..
They all Kneel Down Infront of her..
Dhruv hold her both hands and asked, " Aunty, What happened!? Who are spoiling My buddy's and my Sister's Life!? ", Sangeeta Can See Anger for the very first Time in the ever so Calm Boy.
" Haan Aunty.. Tell us.. We will See that Person.. ", Mukti Said While rubbing her Shoulder.
Sangeeta took her mobile from the side Table and Give them after opening the Vedio, " What's This!? ", Aliya Asked taking the Mobile.
Four of them see the Vedio and gasp Seeing all This..
After a brief Silence, " What's This!? I can't believe This!! they hate nandini this much that they are Accusing her for a Murder!? ", Cabir Says in disbelief.
" Cabir.. Sheela g was so confident While telling us.. Cabir I can't believe her words.. I see innocence in nandini.. ", Sangeeta Said.
" Aunty.. I'm sure there is something this Sheela Takeela hiding.. I Read Some fear in Nandini's eyes when We asked about her.. ", Aliya Said with worry for both Nandini and Manik.
" We have to do Something before they execute their Plan.. ", Dhruv Exclaimed.
" you are Right Dhruv.. We will See who Will try to Mess with Our Family.. Nandini is also part of our family I won't let them harm her in any way.. ", Cabir Said with determination while others to agree with him..
Next Morning ; Aliya with Fab - 3 Took nandini out from her room after making her Ready For her Choodha Ceremony..
It was Simple decoration in the garden Area..
They makes her Sit Down in Her beautiful Silver cum golden Saree.. It was Her Mother's Saree..
She was looking very beautiful in that Saree.. Nitin's Eyes Were num Seeing her in her Mother's Saree.. He Can See Priya - His Sister in nandini Today.
Nitin Comes Ahead and Sit Infront of her.. While nandini was staring at him with teary Eyes.. She's controlling herself to cry loudly Infront of Everyone..
Mukti Tied a cloth around Nandini's Eyes so that she Can't See her Chuddha.
Nitin Pick Some set of Chuddha and Makes her Wear.. And after wearing the Chuddha.. He also tied kaleera on her chuddha..
Mukti tied a clothes around on her respective chuddha of her both Arms as she can't see her chuddha before her marriage day and then untied her cloth from her Eyes..
Nitin unknowingly kissed on her forehead making nandini cried silently..
On Other Side ; A Person Throw everything in his/her Room, " Nitin is again getting Close with that girl.. If it keeps going on then everything will be End.. No.. No.. I can't let This happen.. I Can't!! ", There was Hatred in that Person's Voice.
Soon the ceremony Ended..
Aliya Said, " Uncle.. If you don't mind Can We Live here.. Please.. ".
" Yes Uncle.. We want to Spend Our Time with Our bhabhi till Marriage.. please.. ", Mukti Pouted.
" Why not beta.. You guyz Can Live.. ", Nitin Said with Smile and Patted their head affectionately..
Cabir and Dhruv without Anyone's Noticed they Hie-fie with Each other as they Cross The first round of their Plan.
Fab-4 Is on Mission!
As Durga restricted Manik to go office he's doing his work in his personal office which is inside his Room.. he was so buzy in his work that he didn't noticed anyone entring and standing behind his chair as his back was facing the Door..
The person shake her head in Disbelief seeing him as always buzy in his work.. she sighed and then smile keeping her hand on his Eyes making him startled..
He keep his hands on her hands and a slight smile spread on his face.. he can recognise her..
>>Continuation In Next Part<<
Nandini's Mehandi..
Shyam Got to Know About Nandini's Marriage..🙄
Welcome to The Tenth Part of Manan's " HUMSAFAR " Journey.. I hope you guys like it!!🤞🤞
So, Fab-4 Is on Mission!🤘
Did you guyz Like fab-4's Prank on Manik!?😜
What you Think Will Sheela got Successful in her Evil Plan!?🤔
Any Guesses! What Sheela is Planning!?🙄
Did you Like Manik's thought after knowing nandini Being handicapped!?😁
Will Fab-4 be able to Ruin Sheela's Planing!?😶
Who's The Person, Who's So Worried Seeing Nitin and Nandini Getting Close Again!?😅
Who's the person who closed Manik's Eyes!?🤔
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