35❤️Manik Is Back!!❤️
People will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footstep made a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out.
Today, fab-5 is coming back and landed in mumbai.. And no one knows except Albert..
On other side ; nandini reached college when she bumped with a girl..
Nandini looked at the girl and was shocked to see that girl in front of her after so long.. The girl was also shocked seeing her but soon her expression changed into anger..
The girl angrily hold her shoulder tightly making her hiss, " you! Why don't you just leave me alone? Why you come back again!? ", while some of the flashes started haunting nandini which she till now almost forgot due to her manik's love..
Her eyes showed fear..
Is he also with her?
That's what haunting her!
" hey Antra.. what happened? ", a voice comes from behind and hearing his voice.. She heard this voice which she crave at that time, that day when she need him.. But no he too misunderstood her the way everyone does with her..
The boy comes ahead when he noticed Nandini and his calm nerves turned furious seeing her..
He hold antara's hand and said, " let's leave antara I don't want to see this who**'s face.. Seeing her makes me feel disgust.. ", his voice held hatred.
Tears rolled down from her eyes.. She took her steps back in fear as well as feeling broken....
" No harshad.... I want my answer from her.. If she needed money then she can ask from us.. but why did she drag my innocent brother? Bl**** opportunist! ", antara said angrily.
Harshad grab her hand and start taking antara away before she start making chaos as the student was started gathering.
" no.. I want to know why She makes fun of our friendship? ", Antara said.
" My friendship was always real.. I never makes fun of it.. ", Nandini said slowly as the tears Rolled Down.
Armaan and neil who passing from there frown to see nandini standing crying and also noticed new two person in front of her.
Both walked towards nandini and stand beside her..
" hey.. What happened nandini? ", Armaan asked cupping her Face with worry eyes.
" Ohh! New boyfriend!! Woww!! Are you serious with your this New boyfriend!? ", Antara asked sarcastically.
" Excuse me! She's our sister.. And don't you Dare to say anything to her.. ", Armaan warned trying to control his anger as she's the girl.
" You don't know her bro.. Relationships are nothing for her.. A girl who killed her own Parents and the reason of my Best Friend's death too..... ", Harshad Said with disgust.
Armaan and neil looked at eachother and then Nandini's innocent blue eyes which is having tears..
" Are they saying Truth!? ", both Frowned deeply.
Manik hurriedly ran towards his car happily , leaving Fab-4 behind with jaw dropped..
" Abbee.. Majnu.... We are also coming.. ", Cabir yelled trying to stop him but he already started his car and Drove away leaving them there with their luggage....
" dost dost na rha.... ", Cabir cried dramatically making others Rolled their eyes..
After waiting for some minutes one more car stopped to pick them....
Nandini neither said anything nor she asked if they trusted her as She's feeling pity on herself..
How can she think that she will get lucky to get friends again!?
Their silence is the Answer that they didn't trusted her..
" I was right.. Friendship is not for me.. ", nandini Chuckled dryly looking both at Armaan and neil.. Who's really confused after hearing Harshad and the confidence in his Voice makes them think - Are they did wrong for making her friend with them?
" aww.. See harshad.. Again she Started with her crocodile tears.. ", Antara said pushing her which Makes Nandini Stumble but a pair of Arms hold her Safely and Pulled her Closer..
As Soon as his manly cologne touched her nostril She cried Clutching His shirt, keeping her head on his Heart," manikkkkk..... ".
Manik Who Ran Inside the college as soon as he Stepped out from his Car in excitement and in happiness to meet his Jaan , Followed by his Guards and Albert too as he was Informed before, he has Come out to escort him to Nandini..
The College was so Shocked and surprised to See the Handsome Owner And the Lead member of Fab-5.. They unable to believe that they are actually seeing him and that too running inside the College..
Manik Reached at corridor When he Saw Some Commotion When He Heard a Girl Saying -
" aww.. See harshad.. Again she Started with her crocodile tears.. ", Saying so She pushed that girl who's facing back to him but he can also feel his Jaan's Presence and he see due to her Push the girl Stumble And was going to fall but he ran to her and Hold Her in his Arms Safely and Pulled her Closer..
And her fragrance, her touch and the way She Cried taking his Name.. His heart Sank with Pain Hearing her cry..
He Pulled her more Closer and crease her Hairs, " Sshh.. Calm Down.. Sshh... I got you.. Jaan.. Sshh.... Your Manik is Here..", He Consoled time to Time Kissing on her Head..
While The student Gathered around which is Managed by bodyguards.... They are too Shocked to React..
Manik Broke the hug and Start Checking here and there," Are You Alright Baby? ", seeing if she got hurt anywhere and his blood boil Seeing Bright Red finger Marks on her arms, " Jaan.. What happened?", He Asked coming direct to the Point after seeing the Marks on her Sensitive Skin.. His muscles hardened seeing it.. He so wanted to kill the person who's the reason Behind her tears and her pain..
Nandini is still sobbing and just looking at him as if making herself believe that he's really Infront of her.. She's not Dreaming..
Seeing her sobbing he take a deep breath and took her in his Arm Again and Said soothing Words in her Ears..
In One Classroom ; ASR Pinned Khushi to the wall and was extremely Close to her.. Her Arms are pinned to Wall, She was Breathing heavily with their Proximity..
" I Need My Answer dammit.. ", ASR Huskily Said pushing himself more into Her Making her Breath Hitched.. She Unable to Form Words.. his lower part was literary touching hers.. making her feel hot down there..
It's Been a Week that ASR Changed And demanding an Answer of his question which She Unable to say Sometimes due to the Helpleness which he always create with his pleasure torcher or Sometimes Someone Disturbed them..
" I'm Waiting Khushi.. ", He Seriously loosing his patience.. Why Can't She Just Answer his question, Dammit!?
Was it that difficult!?
" Wo..... Woo.... I...... ", She Fumbled to say but their Moment disturb by the Commotion.. Asr and Khushi looked at each other but then towards Closed door..
Then he took his steps back.. Khushi Tucked her hair strands behind her ear shying to look at him.. What's happening to Her!?
Was She Really that deeply in love with him that his Mere touch Snatched her voice to Speak Infront of him!?
She walked towards door When ASR huskily whispered from Behind, " We are not yet done with this discussion..", She didn't said anything but Ran outside and a naughty Smirking ASR Followed her..
As they Comes out they Looked nandini is crying in Someone's Arms they unable to see in who's Arms but they Can See the rush Gathered around and how the bodyguards are trying to Manage it..
Manik Turn Towards Albert Who's also trying to Manage the Rush.. Manik Pulled nandini more Closer possessively, She's now a Little Calm.. But Cutely hiccuping continuously.. He's rubbing her back lovingly..
" Albert, What's this? Didn't I Told you to Take Care of Her!? Like this you will do your Duty? ", Manik Said trying to talk Calmly as much as he Can keeping in Mind that his Jaan is in his Arms.
Albert bend Down his Head Saying, " Boss.. You Were Coming so I got buzy to make arrangements of The Guards.. I'm Really Sorry.. ", He seriously feel Guilty.
" It's the last time Albert that you are getting Careless for your job.. And I'm Forgiving you.. Next Time you Surely will See Hell.. ", manik Said With Dangerous Voice but Still There was a Softness in his Voice.
Albert nodded his Head cursing himself for his carelessness..
Manik turn to Nandini Who's head is Rested on his Chest hearing his Heartbeat, He Need to know What happened Here? But not Before taking his Jaan Away from Here, " Let's go Baby.. ", he tried to break the hug but her hold tightened around him not Wanted to Leave him as if he Will Get Vanished..
Manik Sighed and Picked her in his Arms, While She Curled closely to him like a Baby.. She hide her Face in his Chest.. He looked at Albert And Nodded his head and understanding his gesture he nod his Head too - That The Work Will Be Done!
>>Continuing In Next Part<<
Here you go with next part.. I hope it's not that bad!!🤞
I read your comments and got to know the story is little bit slow.. sorry for that.. I too realise it but I did added allot of scenes which wasn't in my previous Humsafar story.. but still you guys say that it's slow then will try to get this story on normal pace from now on..🙈
So manik is back!! Are you guys happy now!?😙
And our manik baba was quite eager to meet his wife that he left his friends on airport only.. Poor Fab4..🤭
Why harshad and Antara hold grudge with Nandini!? Any idea!?🤨
I feel really sad for Nandini..😔
What's cooking in between Arshi!?😜
It's true that in problems we realised that, if our friends trust us or not.. will Nandini able to forgive armaan and Neil for this!!?😭
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