32❤️Video Call🤙❤️
Nandini Comes Back Home at Evening after enjoying with her New friends.. She Makes friends after a Long Time.. And Hoping to not get Betrayed Again.
When She Entered Malhotra Palace.. It was quite So She directly went to their room and walked Inside washroom for Shower to Relax her tired Muscles As She Comes out in Her Towel and at the Same time her Mobile Ring..
She Walks towards Bed in Just Towel and was so Excited to See Manik Video Calling her..
Without thinking anything She Picked up The Call..
Fab-5 Reached Home they bid good night to eachother and went to their respective Bedrooms..
As Manik reach to his bedroom he hurriedly change his Clothes and Dialled Nandini's number and Video Call Her..
After 2-3 Ring She Picked up the Call And the View Infront of him Makes his heart skip a beat.. Nandini standing Infront of him, I mean in Video Call, just in Towel..
He jerk out from his thought when he Heard Nandini's excited Voice, " Manik.. How are you and Fab-4? Did you guyz Reached Australia? I'm Missing you soo much..", She Said Widing her Arms cutely expressing that how much She Missed him?
" I Missed you too Jaan.. By the Way looking se*y.... ", He Smirked Naughty and then reality hit to nandini that she's just In her towel She shyly bend her head Down.
" hyeee.. Why are you looking so hot.... You know how much it's getting difficult not to hold you and kissed you Senselessly.. ", Manik Smirk.
" manikKkkk.... ", Nandini Whined and bite her lips blushing.
" hey.. That's my Right to bite your lips..", Manik Said with warning Tone.
Nandini pouted," Stop Teasing me.. ".
" What would I do then? This stupid Album and 2 Weeks making me mad.. And Seeing you in just towel!! Godd! You are making me Hard!! ", He Said frustratedly not able to present Infront of her and touch her milky skin.
Nandini Said with a little Smile, " Manik.. Calm Down just 2 Weeks then We will be together then.. I'll never let you go anywhere Alone.. And How I'm Making you Hard!? ", She Frowned Cutely.
" Means.. It's so hard to be away from you.. I want to take you in my Arms and do something Naughty.. ", Manik Said winking at her making her Blush.
" Manik..... ", She Whined and then She looked at his Room," Where are you Now? In hotel?", She Asked Curiously.
" No.. We are in Fab-5 Villa.. It's our house which We bought With our Money.. ", Manik Said with Broad smile.
" Show Me atleast your Room.. Rest I'll see whenever We Visit There.. ", Nandini Said with excitement sparkling in her Eyes, Manik Smile seeing her Excited.
Manik on The back Camera and Start showing his Room..
" It's so simple and beautiful.. ", nandini Admired.
Turning on the front Camera " Not more than you.. ", Manik Said winking at Her And Give her flying Kiss, Nandini giggle and send Back flying kiss to him.
" Now It's Your Turn.. ", Manik Said With Naughty Glint..
" For What? ", Nandini Frowned.
" To Show Me.. ", Manik Said delebrately Leaving the last Word.
" What you Want to See? You See everything already Manik.. Our room, our bathroom and even our Closet.. ", Nandini said getting more Confused.
" You.. ", He replied huskily, his Answer was Short And having a meaning which our Naive nandini Unable to Catch.
" You.. As in? "..
" Remove Your Towel, Jaan.. I want to See you..", He Said with deep Husky Voice..
Nandini Turned totally Red Hearing him," Atleast it'll Be enough for me to Spend these stupid weeks without You.. ", Manik Continue with Sad pout.
" ma.. Manik.. ", She Take his Name Shyly.
" please Baby.... ", He make Puppy Face..
Nandini Shyly untie her knot but before She Leave The Towel to drop it on the floor her Door Knocked..
Nandini hurriedly Tied it Again," Manik Come back Soon.. I'll Miss you..Good Night.. ", She kissed on mobile Screen making grumpy Manik's lips Stretched in Smile..
They both hung The Call.. Nandini hurriedly Changed her Dress and open the door only to Find Kaka..
" What happened Kaka? ", Nandini Frowned looking at The Time It's almost 10 at the Night.
" Nandini bitiya.. Naira bitiya Fainted.. Badi malkin (Durga ) is with her.. Please Come with me.. ", Kaka said worriedly.
Nandini got worried and Asked, " Where is Others? ", as they walked towards Naira's Room.
" bitiya.. They are Still at their work.. ", Kaka Informed.
Both Entered in Naira's Room and Find naira sleeping peacefully and doctor left the room after examining her..
Nandini ran towards Naira and sit beside her, she Creased her Hair, " Dadi.. What happened to her? Is She OK? What Doctor Said?", Nandini started showering questions on poor durga who's smiling at her.
" Pari.. Calm Down Nothing to worry.. And There is a Good News.. ", Durga Said with extreme joy..
Nandini Sighed in relief and looked at naira who Smiling at her weakly but her face is glowing with different gow.
" Good News? ", Nandini Frowned.
Durga cupped her Face and Kissed on her forehead," thank you so much.. For coming in our Lives..", durga said getting emotional.. Naira too looked at nandini with happiness glint in her eyes..
" thank you? But Why dadi? What I did? ", nandini Pouted.
" nandini bhabhi.. You Know After 1 year of mine and Kartik's marriage I had a very bad miscarriage and after that doctor told me that I'll never be able to conceive.. ", Naira Said crying..
Nandini hugged her with Tears in her Own Eyes..
" But Now.. Since the day you stepped in our House you bring only happiness in everyone's life.. Bhabhi.... I'm pregnant.. After 3 years o..... O.....of that day... I'm pregnant.... ", naira Cried in happiness giving full Credit to nandini.
Nandini Rubbed her back, " no naira.. It's because of ayiyappa.. Not because of me.. Congratulations naira.. I'm so happy for you.. ", Nandini Said Innocently and Kissed on her forehead.
Naira broke the hug and hold her hands and kissed on her Hands, " You believe it or not but you are seriously Pari.. Our angle.. ", Naira Said, Nandini Sighed and wipe her Tears..
" Pari.. Make Something Sweet tomorrow We will give this good News tomorrow morning to Everyone.. ", Nandini Nodded her head Happily..
How's the Part!? 🙈🤨
Nandini is such an Angel..🤧😍
Manik is such a tease.. 😝🙈
Any special request for next part!!? 🤔🤨
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