So, rockabye baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
Somebody's got you
Rockabye baby, rockabye
I'm gonna rock you
Rockabye baby, don't you cry
~Rockabye ~ Clean Bandit~
...Children: September 30, 2010...
After school, I returned home to find that my parents still haven't come home. Last night, momma came home to check on me then the next morning left to go do something. I drop my school things off before leaving a note then transforming into my speed suit and racing off to a zeta-tube. I select the destination to the cave and my molecules are transferred there.
"Recognized: Bolt, B08."
I reconfigure and am immediately tackled by Wally.
"Bolt! Bolt!" he cheers.
I laugh as I pick him up to my hip. "Hi, Wally."
"Bolt! Bolt!" Megan, Artemis, and Robin shout, running up to me. Superboy, holding Robin while riding on Wolf's back.
I take Robin from Superboy's arms and Robin giggles, happily giving me a hug. Wally copies and hugs me. Roy walks up along with Kaldur.
"Took you long enough," Roy says.
"Well, I'm sorry if I gotta go to school unlike you," I reply.
"I graduated," he admits with a grin.
"Good for you," I scoff.
"Bolt! Bolt! Can we go to park?!" Wally asks.
"You know we can't, Wally," Roy says. "Batman told us not to."
"Since when do you listen to Batman?" I ask.
"I don't, but I'd rather not get on his bad side, even more, when it involves his baby bird."
I let out a laugh, twirling Robin and Wally around.
"Again again!" Wally giggles.
"No, you're too heavy, ask Roy," I sigh, setting Wally on the ground and reusing two hands to hold Robin.
"Absolutely not," Roy scoffs, turning around.
"Aww!" Wally complains, slumping his shoulders.
"What have you all been doing today?" I ask Roy.
"Mainly just watching movies. They had lunch a few hours ago," Roy says.
"How about letting them outside for a bit?" I suggest.
"Batman never said they can't go on the beach, did he?" I ask.
"No," Roy answers.
"Who wants to go play on the beach?" I suggest.
"Me!" they all shout.
"Batman's going to kill me..."
After some fun on the beach, they return inside to wash up.
"I'll take the girls," I say. "You take the boys?"
"Fine," Roy huffs.
I take the girls to the girl's side as Roy takes the boys to the boy's side. I fill up one of the many tubs in the room.
"Can we have a bubble bath?" Megan asks.
"I don't see why not," I say, grabbing some bath soap from under one of the sink cabinets.
The girls were fairly easy to bathe and I quickly dry them off and dress them. From the other side of the wall that separates the boys from the girls, a shout is heard.
"Why you little!"
"Roy, hurry up! We have absolutely no food and need to go to the store!" I call out.
"Batman said–"
"Batman said we couldn't go to the park. He never said about anywhere else! We'll go to Central City to get groceries."
"If Batman gets mad I'm telling him it was your idea."
"That's fine with me. Batman doesn't scare me."
"He should," he replies. "Would you stop splashing me?!"
"Looks like Roy's not having fun."
After Roy finally finishes with the boys, coming out completely soaked from head to toe. I burst out laughing as he leaves to go change. We make sure to get everything we might need on the trip out. I change into some civilian clothes then we head off to Central City to get food. The little team is all situated in a six seated stroller. Wally and Robin in the very back. Megan, as a human, and Conner in the middle. Finally, Artemis and Kaldur in the front.
"Is this thing really necessary?" Roy asks.
"Would you rather of had to chase them around the store or had them on leashes?" I ask.
"Good, you're pushing the stroller."
"Because I'm going to push the cart," I admit in a duh tone.
We enter the zeta-tube and come out in a storage area full of Flash and Kid Flash suits among other things.
"How do you know about this place?" Roy asks.
"Flash showed me," I lie. "Besides it was the only place that the stroller could fit through."
"Right," Roy says, looking around. "I never even knew of this place."
"Yep." I look around the room, my eyes stopping on the small suit in one of the cases. No way... He-he kept it? After all these years? I walk up to the case to look at the suit that I used to call mine.
Back then I didn't show that I could run fast, but I did have electric powers when I stayed with them for a little. They made a suit for me to help me train in and occasionally help Barry out with small emergencies in the city. They called me Strike back then.
"'Olt!" Robin cries out, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"You still here?" Roy asks.
"Oh, sorry. Got lost in thought."
"Wondering who that belongs to?" Roy asks, pointing to the uniform.
"Uh, yeah..."
"I don't know the story behind it either," Roy admits. "Flash doesn't like talking about it. From what I've heard though is that he had a sidekick, excuse me, partner way before Wally for about a month before she disappeared."
"W-we should get going," I change the conversation, heading over to the switch to open up the wall to the outside. "Let's go, shall we?"
Roy nods, pushing the stroller through the open wall. We step through and the wall shuts behind us. As soon as we exit the alley, we begin to get weird looks from all the passing people. I glare at anyone who looks at us funny, quickly making them turn away. Megan continuously waves at people as does Wally.
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" Roy asks, eyeing me from behind his sunglasses.
"Glaring at people is fun," I admit, pushing my sunglasses up higher on my nose.
"Did you get the credit card Batman gave us?" Roy asks.
"Yes," I groan. "I'm not dumb."
"What do we even need to get?"
"Everything," I respond.
"'Olt! 'Olt!" Robin cries out, reaching for me.
I sigh, pulling him out of the stroller and putting him onto my shoulders.
"You spoil him," Roy states.
"Have you seen how cute he is?" I rave. "Who wouldn't spoil him? He's too cute not to."
Roy rolls his eyes with a short chuckle. "Whatever, let's just get this trip over with before Batman finds out about us leaving and kill us."
"Kill you," I correct. "He'd have to catch me first."
"He's Batman, of course, he'll catch you," Roy scoffs.
"That logic is stupid," I scoff, rolling my eyes.
We turn the corner to the market.
"Finally," Roy huffs, moving a little faster toward the market.
I look ahead at the store and a memory of my real parents and I flashes through my mind. I gasp, shaking my head and pulling Robin down to sit on my hip.
"Bolt! Bolt!" Wally shouts. "Come on!"
Roy looks back at me confused as I hurry to his side.
"What's wrong with you? You keep zoning out."
"I'm fine," I reply.
"'Olt?" Robin tilts his head, looking up in some kind of concern.
We head through the door and I separate to get a cart, placing Robin in the seat and returning to Roy's side.
"So, split up?" I suggest.
"No," Roy shoots down. "If you leave they'll all get pissy and I don't know how to handle it."
I snicker. "Alright, fine."
"Or, we could get out of here a lot faster if you use your speed to grab everything," Roy suggests.
"Not gonna happen," I scoff. "I'm sure Flash wouldn't be very happy having news like that."
"So, you're scared of Flash and not Batman?"
"No, I just don't wanna annoy Flash," I sigh.
"And why's that?"
"None of your damn business," I answer, handing the list to Roy. "Now, let's get this list finished."
"Holy crap! Why do we need all this shit?!" he shouts, earning some glances our way. "We're going to need like 4 carts for all this?! How are we going to get all this back?!"
"It's mainly for Wally and me because of our metabolisms," I admit.
"I thought you made a mixture or something to fill you up?"
"Do you know how hard it is to get some of the ingredients?" I ask. "Difficult. And I'm all out."
"Great..." he groans.
"Ooh, can we get this?" Wally asks, appearing beside me with a box of cereal.
"How did he get out?" Roy asks.
"You didn't strap him in," I reply, throwing the cereal in the cart. "Sure Wally, but you need to stay in your seat or no cookies later."
"Aww!" he whines and gets back in the stroller; Roy straps him in.
A worker from the store walks up to us. "Um, do you need any help? A few people have given us some complaints..."
I turn and glare at all the onlookers. "They should mind their own business and get back to their day."
Everyone clears out, hiding their faces from view.
"Bolt," Roy whispers. "Not helping."
I roll my eyes. "We are just shopping. No need to get your panties in a twist. Now, shoo, shoo." I wave off the worker. "Let's hurry and get out of this place."
"Something we both agree with."
I look around the store, seeing nothing has changed all these years. "Follow me."
We maneuver around the store filling up the basket going through only three aisles.
"We need another cart," Roy sighs.
"Stay here," I say, putting Robin in the stroller. "I'm gonna check these out, return and pack it away at the cave, then come back and we'll continue. I'll continue until we're done."
"Hurry, I don't wanna be alone with them," Roy sighs, looking at the team.
Conner and Kaldur have fallen asleep. Megan, Robin, and Wally are looking excitedly at everything. Artemis is entertaining herself by playing with her long hair.
I use my speed to appear at the register and self-check myself out, returning to the cave then coming back. I arrive at the spot where I left Roy to hear screaming.
"I was gone for 10 seconds!" I complain. "What happened?"
"Just take Robin and Wally!" Roy huffs, shoving them to me.
Conner, Artemis, Robin, and Megan are all screaming. Wally is snickering and Kaldur is covering his ears.
"What happened?" I ask, rocking Robin.
"Wally happened," Roy huffs, trying to get Conner to calm down. "Artemis finished her hair, Wally said it looked stupid, causing Artemis to cry and grab something from the shelf nearby then throws it at him. Wally smacks it away and it hits Conner's head, making him shout. His shouting caused Megan and Robin to cry."
"Oh brother..." I sigh.
"'Olt?" Robin sniffles, seeing me.
"Hey, little Robin. It's okay, I'm here," I coo.
He calms down and I bend down to smack the back of Wally's head.
"OW!" Wally shouts.
"If you don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all," I scold. "Look what you did. You made Robin upset."
Wally bows his head and starts to sniffle. "I-I didn't mean to make W-Wobin cry..."
"Go apologize to Artemis," I say, pushing him over to her sniffling self.
She turns her head away from him, sticking her nose in the air. "I don't wanna talk to you."
"Bolt!" Wally complains.
"Nope, apologize."
Wally pouts, crossing his arms. "I'm sowry," he grumbles.
"Now get back in your seat and no cookies for you."
He kicks the ground before he gets in his seat, grumpily pouting the rest of the trip. We quickly wrap up the rest of the trip, me having to go back to the cave 3 times before we all leave on the fourth.
"Let's never do that again," Roy huffs, collapsing on the couch.
"Agreed," I sigh, falling back onto the other side of the long couch.
The team runs around on the floor, occupying themselves with whatever is there.
"Remind me to never have superpowered kids."
"I wouldn't mind just not so damn many," I groan.
"I made lunch, so you gotta make dinner."
"No way! I put all the groceries away and made a lot of trips to fill all those cabinets! You are making dinner. You need to step up in this relationship."
He snorts. "Fine, I'll make dinner." He gets up and disappears into the kitchen.
I turn on a movie to watch as we wait for him to be done cooking. Robin walks over to the couch and climbs up, cuddling up next to me. I lift him and adjust the two of us to lie down.
"I wanna cuddle too!" Wally huffs, puffing his cheeks out.
I sigh, shifting to make room for the two of them. Wally crawls up and snuggles down below Robin. The movie finishes and Roy comes into the room a few minutes later.
"Food's ready."
"Finally, I'm starving," I cry out, lifting Robin.
After the decently cooked meal, the team begins to get sleepy.
"Can we have a sleepover tonight?!" Megan squeals.
"Yeah, yeah!" Wally seconds.
"You guys all wanna sleep in the same room?" Roy asks. "I see nothing good coming out of this. I say we say no."
"Sure," I say, ignoring Roy's protests. "Let's get a few beds together in a spare room."
After getting them into their pajamas and moving a few beds together, do they get settled under the blankets. Conner already fell asleep.
"Can you sing a song?" Megan asks.
"I don't sing," Roy scoffs.
"Yeah, I'm not the best singer..."
"Pwease?" Robin asks, giving me the puppy dog eyes along with Wally and Megan.
I groan. "Fine."
Roy coughs. "Loser."
(Play media. It's me. I'm happy with the recording, though I still believe I sound better in person. 😁)
I roll my eyes before I lightly sing You Are My Sunshine. Roy and I watch as they try to keep their eyes open but eventually fall victim to the power of sleep. By the end of the song, everyone has fallen asleep.
"Not the best singer my ass," Roy huffs. "You sang it differently than how it should go. You're in chorus, aren't you?"
I click my tongue. "Fine, you caught me. Yes, I'm in chorus. How could you tell?"
"Because Robin's in chorus too."
"Wait, really?" I ask, taking a glance at Robin's sleeping form.
"Yep, Robin's a really good singer, believe it or not," Roy says, crossing his arms. "Don't tell him I told you that though. He's just like his mentor and I'd rather not be on the receiving end."
"Wow, that's kinda cool," I admit. "Kinda sexy too."
"You and Wally could be related," Roy scoffs. "Both flirts and both speedsters."
"Hey, it's in a speedster's genes to flirt," I fake gasp. "And you, by the way, have a really nice ass."
"Uh, thanks..."
"Alright, I don't know about you but I'm exhausted," I reply, heading out the room. "I'm going to sleep."
"What about them?" Roy asks, closing the door behind him.
"They're asleep. They'll be fine, big bro," I mock, heading into the living room and collapsing on the sofa.
He follows behind me, falling back onto the other side of the couch. "Yeah, I'm done with this kid thing."
"Me too..." I sigh.
9:57 AM. I'm awoken to the sound of screaming and sit up quickly. Roy's still passed out, so I shove him off the couch.
"Hey! What the hell was that for?!"
"Screaming," I say. "Coming from where the team is sleeping."
"Then let's go!" he huffs.
I speed off ahead of him and slam the door open to reveal... five naked teenagers.
"My eyes!" I shout, covering them but then uncovering them and laughing. "Wow, I didn't know you had a birthmark on your butt, Kaldur. Aww! It's in the shape of a fish! That's so cute!"
Robin covers himself with the small blanket that he was using, shreds of baby clothes surrounding him along with everyone else. Wally is passed out on the floor, giving everyone a full view of his incredibly white butt cheeks, a large handprint is splattered across the left side of his face. Kaldur has a pillow covering his front. Artemis is crouched on the floor, hiding as much as she can. Conner is standing behind Wolf. Megan is the only one with normal clothes. Everyone's face is red up to the tips of their ears and all eyes turned away from everyone. Megan bursts out the room, mumbling something about breakfast.
Roy catches up and peeks in, bursting out laughing upon seeing everyone.
"Roy, Bolt..." Kaldur gripes. "We require clothes."
Roy and I are holding on to each other, continuing to laugh.
"It's not funny!" Artemis shrieks. "How would you feel if you were in our place?!"
"I honestly wouldn't care," I admit, wiping a tear. "Well, I guess I would kinda be embarrassed about having a little pink hair down below but–"
"TMI!" Roy shouts.
"Sorry, I'll go get you each clothes," I say, speeding off to each room to collect clothes and a few blankets to cover them. I move to each person. "I don't know why you'd all be embarrassed all of you have really nice bodies."
"So not the point, Bolt," Artemis groans, picking herself up and making sure the blanket is secured around herself.
"It's not like anything is going to be a surprise," I admit. "Girls have boobs and a vagina and boys have a penis."
"Bolt!" Robin huffs.
"What? It's true. Well, unless you're transgender then that would've been a surprise..." I blabber on. "Oo and if one of you had like a third nipple or something!"
"Jesus, Bolt," Artemis groans.
They all ignore me as they head off to separate rooms to change. I turn to Roy, who's shaking his head.
"You... you're something else."
"I'll take that as a compliment," I grin, looking to Wally on the floor. "I guess you should help him get dressed. I don't think he's getting up anytime soon. I'll go contact the league."
He groans before taking the clothes from me and moves over to Wally. I give him a salute before speeding off to the mission room. I pull up a screen and begin to contact a certain league member.
"What?" Batman answers, adorned with a new suit to fit his younger body.
"Wow, way to be rude," I scoff. "And here I was planning to tell you the good news, but now I think I changed my mind. I'll call another leaguer who has enough manners to say 'hello'."
Batman mentally rolls his eyes. "Hello?"
"Ah, hello. Now, was that so hard? Anyway, just wanted to tell you that Robin and the others are back to normal," I report.
"I'll contact the other leaguers and be there shortly."
I give a mock salute as I hang up. A few minutes later, everyone is in the living room, avoiding looking at each other. Roy and I look between everyone, holding in laughter.
"Recognized: Batman, 02. Flash–"
"Finally," I huff.
A streak of red skids to a stop in the room, grabbing Wally in a hug. "Wally! You're back to normal! I'm going to miss little you, but you're back! Do you remember anything?"
"I remember most of it," Wally says, rubbing the back of his neck. He glances at me. "One of the main things I remember is Bolt shifting her suit into civvies."
"Like how I change my clothes?" Megan asks.
"Yeah, something like that," Wally says.
"You can shapeshift?" Artemis asks me.
"Crap... I was hoping you wouldn't remember that part," I groan.
"Wait, so you have super speed and can shapeshift?!" Robin shouts.
"No, I can't shapeshift. I can just change my clothes. I just... ionize the air around me to make clothes."
"That's what Livewire does," Superman inquires, entering the room with the rest of the mentors.
"Arty!" GA loudly says, engulfing her in a hug. "I missed you!"
"Get off!" Artemis huffs, shoving him off.
"Looks like you haven't changed. I was worried."
"How can you do all these other things that we can't?" Wally huffs. "We're all speedsters..."
"I guess, Bolt here taps more into the electric part of our powers than we do," Flash inquires.
"Alright... well, I'm gonna go home and see if my parents are home this morning," I say, trying to get away.
"Send me all the pics you took," Flash says.
"Oh, these pics are going everywhere," I chuckle, waving my phone back and forth. "I think I'm going to make some kind of account for the team. See you all later!"
"Recognized: Bolt, B08."
I made a trailer for the book! Watch it!
It's my first edited video. Now, I could probably make it better, but I'm too lazy.
[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]
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