57 • confession
Hii so finally writing this Hoping some inline comments!
Vansh : angre you have to do something for me
Angre smiles : yes boss
Sejal : riddhima it's 31st few hours to go for new year .....go get ready
Riddhima was munching chips : I know Sejal but we didn't plan anything right you said we will be at home only
Sejal : yes.... but abh I want to go somewhere please na get ready .....
Riddhima signs : ok miss drama queen
Riddhima went to her room and opened her cupboard , and saw a gift
Riddhima : what's this
It had a note
Dear riddhima
I know I am not with you to celebrate new year so this is a gift from my side please wear it if you go somewhere ......
Happy New year
Riddhima smiled seeing the note and look at the dress .
"Beautiful " she whispered seeing it
Perfect " she said looking at the mirror
She when downstairs
Sejal : riddhu you are looking soooo.... beautiful ....when did you got this dress
Riddhima : I....I .. didn't bought it vansh gifted this as a new year gift
Sejal : amazing.. chal let's go
Riddhima was about to leave when she realized she forgot her phone
Riddhima : Sejal you go I will join you in few minutes
Sejal : ok
Riddhima came out after taking her phone but suddenly someone blind folded her and tied her hands with rope Making her sit in the car he started driving
Riddhima : kon ...... Who the hell are you
Person : relax it's me
Riddhima : angre what the hell are you doing
Angre : riddhima I am so sorry but you know boss orders
Riddhima : you and your boss I will kill both of them one day
Angre : sorry riddhu
Riddhima : and open my hands and let me go Sejal must be worried for me
Angre : I will message her don't worry
Riddhima : uhhhh... I hate you
Angre didn't said anything and kept on driving
After something they were finally at their destination
Angre : finally we are here
Riddhima : now can you open this rope
Both came out of the car
Angre : nope! But you have to wait for sometime move 10 steps staight and that's it bye .......
She heard the sound of the car moving and realized angre left her alone
Riddhima : riddhima you don't have any choice move what else you can do
She looked 10 steps as she was told and suddenly someone opened her blindfold
Riddhima was about to shout but what she was make her suprise
Vansh : do you remember it
Riddhima looked at him looking devilish handsome any girl will die seeing him
Vansh: like what you see
Riddhima felt embarrassed and started looking at the floor
Vansh : you didn't reply me riddhima do you remember this
Riddhima : yes we came here to have coffee for the first time we shared our feelings to eachother as friends ...... How can I forgot this place
Vansh bend on his knee
Riddhima : vansh ( it came out as a whisper though she wanted to ask what is he doing she wasn't expecting this )
Vansh : riddhima .....you know I was thinking about the best place were I can propose you..vansh rai Singhania ...(he chukled ) I know people will this such a rich business man has chosen a place like this ....but it's the feeling that matters not the value ..and you know you taught this...this place is very special to me because I got a beautiful friend with pure heart and soul and today I want to say something to you... riddhima the first time I saw you it was just a bliss I felt something for you....but I thought to ignore it .... because I didn't believe in love for me it was just a myth all crazy talks but now I realised that when I saw you I fell in love with you .....you know Riddhima I was 10 when I lost my mother who was everything for me you can say I was a mumma's boy but when my mother left me it was like my innocence left me I was no more a happy chirpy boy .....the world taught me who to be ruthless, heartless and the betrayal taught not to believe anyone because somewhere the person who could have taught me who to love left me alone but when I saw you my heart wanted to believe you , your every lie your every truth.... everything of yours make me happy... You know when we sat here and talked it was the first time I was happy and was Sharing my feelings to someone I just met , but riddhima you taught me how to love how to trust how to be kind how to find happiness in small things riddhima your being with me is a bliss where it's a walk of few miles or baking cake weather it's decoration or playing game every moment is very special to me and being far from you is like being near to death riddhima I thought to propose you but the thought of what if you reject be as who wanted to stay with a beast....I know I get Angry in seconds and it's being with me is not less than a punishment ....but you know you can came me so with lots courage I want to ask you riddhima will marry me will you be with me till the end of my life will you bear me throughout your life
Both were in tears
Riddhima : vansh I can't ....
Vansh stood up and took a long breath : it's fine Riddhima ...I know you can't love me ..but we can still be friends right I should have know who wants to spend her entire life with me
Vansh turned to go In fraction of seconds Riddhima came infront of him
Riddhima : that not fair Mr. Rai Singhania you said this much and now when it's my turn you are leaving like this that is not fair at all
Done for the day thanks for reading hope you liked it please do vote and comment sorry I can't write more my hands are paining
I didn't wanted to give target because I love writing for you all but I am very disappointed with the votes many people don't vote I am sorry but I am putting a target
So next update after 100+ votes
Hope you will complete it 😊
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