56 • Realization
Riddhima : I was waiting for you
Vansh : nothing .....
Riddhima : see which one we should bye
Vansh : all are beautiful Riddhima
Riddhima : vansh tell me na which one
Vansh (vendor) : pack all the
Riddhima : va....
He kept his finger on her lips : shhhh...
Riddhima signs: ok
Riddhima and vansh entered the hall ,
Sejal : riddhu.....
Riddhima : Sejal I missed you so much
Sejal : even I missed you
Sejal : ri.....vansh ...... riddhima vansh....what are you doing here
Riddhima : Sejal woh..... vansh .....woh...
Sejal raised her eyebrow
Vansh : I ...I came here to help riddhima... haina riddhima..
Riddhima : yes ......wahi
Vansh and riddhima gave a appealing smile
Sejal : okkkk..... (She was not satisfied with the answer....)
Riddhima : ok bye guys I need to pack her bag
Sejal : naina is so cute ..... I spend the whole afternoon with her ....she is waiting for you
Riddhima smiled and went to pack naina's bag
Riddhima and vansh went to drop her
Both were in tears
Naina : you will co...me to meet m..e hai..na
Riddhima : pakka....
After some time
Riddhima : bye vansh ......
Vansh : what do you mean by bye
Riddhima : you are going back right
Vansh : when I said that
Riddhima : vansh I forgave you....fir what you will do by staying here and you can't stop working ....I promise I will meet you.... And will visit vr mansion pakka.....
Vansh : but ....
Suddenly his phone rang
Angre : boss you need to come back I am not able to handle the business I need your help
Vansh : angre where is your boss main sambhal lunga ?
Angre : boss woh...
Riddhima snatch his phone
Riddhima : Don't worry angre he will be there
Angre : thanks riddhima his arr you by the way
Riddhima : all good
Angre : riddhima I sm really sorry for what happened ..
Riddhima : arre angre don't start your sorry session I have forgiven vansh ......
Angre : thats good ....so you are coming back na
Riddhima : no ...
Angre : but.....why
Riddhima : angre siya is perfectly fine and even I have to start working again but I will meet you soon
Angre : we will be happy to meet you again it's been weeks we didn't met you ...
Riddhima : bye angre
Riddhima : see now even angre needs your help
Vansh : ok fine I don't want to talk I am going bye ......
Vansh " if she wants me to leave I won't say here " he went from here in anger
Riddhima was in tears even she loved him yes she loved him how could she not love the person who cares for her...
Riddhima : I really love you vansh....but I can't tell you even though not intentionally but I have betrayed you you deserve a better life partner.... Vansh .....I will miss you...vansh I will really miss you....
Vansh : riddhima I really love you will you marry me....will you be stuck with me untill one of our life ends .......
Riddhima : ....
Few hours ago...
Vansh "I can't imagine after neglected this question a million of time she still asked me to go.... And that stupid angre can't handle the business for few days ....uhhhgg this not fair I wanted to spend some time with her she I am here in this meeting hall listing to these annoying voices instead of hearing ger sweet voice.... I love her so damn much... but still unable to confess....I can't...I just can't " this thought were broken..
Mr.Shah : so di you except my conditions Me rai Singhania
Vansh : uhh.. I will tell you for now the meeting is over
Angre : boss why are you so depressed I thought you will be happy riddhima seemed to be happy
Vansh "hmm why not she will be happy after all I left her alone why won't she be happy "
Angre : boss ..... Are you listening....
Vansh : yes .....yes angre I am listening ...
Angre : so....
Vansh : angre it's nothing like that do your work.....
Saying so he left from there
Angre : Sejal is riddhima ok
Sejal : why are you asking that .....but no she is not I didn't know she is sadi asked her why but. ......she said it's nothing .......she always avoids the conversation ....but why are you asking this.....
Angre : no nothing I just .......will you do me a favor.......
Sejal : of course angre say what you want me to do...
Angre : .................................................
Sejal : consider it
Angre : thanks Sejal .......
Vansh was sitting on his bed which he saw the call id it was sejal he picked her call
Sejal : hi vansh
Vansh : hi sejal any important work ....
Sejal : no actually woh riddhima and my best friend is coming today though if you could catch up with them it will be fun I have to organise party you know party planner
Vansh : Sejal I really can't come
Sejal : see adi is already here I will show you
She video called him
He saw riddhima talking to a boy laughing and giggling
Sejal : vansh can't you really can't come
Vansh : uhh.. no I can't Sejal I need to go bye
Sejal giggling
After some time
Vansh and Angre were in study
Vansh : angre do you know anything about riddhima .....I mean riddhima and Sejal's friend adi you talking to her right
Angre patted his head in this mind : yes boss Aditya Singh ,he was Riddhima's classmate they are best friends you know Sejal told me he is a flirt ....and even had a crush on riddhima
Vansh : what the hell (he said being irritated)
ngre : who knows he can even propose her he will be staying there , she told me he shifted to Mumbai 2 days ago..... And he is really famous.....boy....
Saying so he went from here he knew he has pressed the right button he smirked to himself
Vansh : no it's impossible riddhima can't be with that idiot.....never I love her and I will confess it.... But what if she doesn't like me
Angre suddenly entered
Angre : you can't give up can't you see she likes you everyone can see this in her eyes... Who doesn't know this....yes have to tell her what you feel about her.... (he shouts this was enough he can't tolerate his man he loves her but then to he don't want to confess his feelings )
Vansh : yes you are right I need to confess my feels even if she rejected me ........Yes I will propose you be ready riddhu.....
Done for the day thanks for reading please do vote and comment 😊💕 hope you liked it 😁
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