19 • Riddhima's weird questions
Riddhima : ok fine
Sejal :so game is riddles
Siya : ok
Vansh: ok
Riddhima : ok
Sejal : ek Kali jo kabhi khilti naji hai
Riddhima : easy
Vansh : what rose
Siya : it can bloom
Riddhima (goggles) : it's chhipkali
Vansh : what
Siya : oh yes chhipkali it's a Kali jo khilti nahi hai 🙁
Riddhima : ok fine my chance you have to put a loin in refrigerator in 3 lines
Vansh : what ....what is this
Riddhima chukled : tell
Siya : I don't know
Sejal : even I don't know
Riddhima : yes I won see it's so simple we will open the refrigerator will put the lion and will close it 😁
And all were like what......
Riddhima : ok fine now tell who we will put an elephant in a refrigerator in 4 lines
Siya : we will open the refrigerator will put the elephant and will close it
Riddhima : these are 3 lines tell in four
Vansh : I don't know
Riddhima : we will open the refrigerator will take out the lion, will put the elephant and will close it 😁
Vansh : you have gone mad
Riddhima : ok last one
Siya with disappointment : ok
Riddhima : there was lion's marriage all the animals were invited but elephant didn't came why
Vansh : how will I know it's irritating 😑
Riddhima : no tell think
Sejal : Because he was not invited personally
Vansh : seriously 😒
Sejal : what .... They are illogical
Vansh : then to
Siya : don't know
Riddhima : he was not able to attend the marriage because he was in the refrigerator na how will he come hahaha 😆
The trio wanted to beat riddhima blue and black but sabar they controlled
Sejal : you have gone mad Riddhima
Riddhima : you started it ok bye I am going to sleep waise bhi Sejal didn't let me sleep
Vansh : even that's better for you 😡
And after a minute the trio burst out laughing
Vansh : Riddhima is seriously mad
Sejal : that's true
Siya : it's good na I can't remember when I or even vansh bhai laughed this much
Sejal : hmm ok I am also going to sleep bye
Vansh and siya talking about random stuff
After 3 hours they finally reached
Siya : bhai I and sejal are going you wake riddhima
Vansh signs : ok
Vansh : Riddhima wake up
Riddhima : let me sleep please na
Vansh chukled
Vansh : Riddhima Riddhima wake up na riddhu
Vansh : (wth vansh you are calling her riddhu if someone hear it na you are gone ) the thought
Riddhima : hmm
Vansh : idea
Vansh : riddhima Riddhima lizard Riddhima wake up
Riddhima:aaaaaahhhhhhh...... Kaha hai vansh bagao usse vannnnshhhh...
(She hugged him tightly)
Vansh started laughing
Vansh (still laughing): Riddhima just look at yourself hahaha
Riddhima looks her and there and relised she was in the car
Riddhima : I hate you u are the worst I will not talk to you
She went away
Vansh : Riddhima riddhima vansh you shouldn't have done that in heart said so what's wrong it was just a prank his mind mocked Riddhima was so scared his heart again said so what
Vansh : just shut the hell up you both have I asked you suggesting no na then
Precap after a long time
Ishani : it's all because of you we are here
So guys done for the day u am sorry for not updating I was not well and Theni had to complete my project soli thanks for reading please vote and comment tell me how was it 🙂🙂 ❤️ plejjj....... Lots of lob 💓💓💓💓💓💓
Take care 😊💕
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