"Murkoff Corporation" || Chapter 1
Hey guys, just like the video game Outlast and Outlast WhistleBlower this is going to be pretty graphic, so i'm warning you right now that this is going to be triggering for some users. So I put it in the mature filter. For people who are ok with this go ahead and enjoy reading it.
California || Fall, 2013
I knew it was a bad idea to go down to this place at night with the wind and dirt flying around in my small car. I knew I should have gone till tomorrow, but that Email caused me to head to straight to Murkoff without truly thinking till now. Heading to the dirt road and away from the hectic traffic. I was letting out a shaky breathe as I turn on some 80's classic rock to soothe my tense nerves. It felt my muscles relax by the nice and peaceful music, feeling more at peace with myself. As a investigative reporter like my handsome Miles, I felt inclined to enter a pretty scary building for work and obviously for getting my loved one. I can see the huge building in my windshield. I gulped when I barely make out the sign that's in front of the massive, if not old building in front of me.
My boyfriend of 4 years has been gone missing for about two weeks and he hasn't told me when he was going back just kissing my forehead and saying it was for work, telling me goodbye as he casually went into his jeep and left. At first I thought he was having an affair, but I reminded myself that he would never do that to me. Miles is to sweet of a guy to betray me like that, he's everything I want in the world. But then I feared something even worse has happened to him. I constantly rang the police and my neighbors to do search parties, which they agreed to help me with searching just like me. They called it quits but I never gave up, searching for him even if my neighbors have stopped helping me and the police are doing everything they can to look for my Miles.
I was feeling more and more desperate by the situation until I received an email a few hours ago and to my horror it was Miles who sent it to me. He gravely said that Mount Massive is full of lunatics and bad people that wouldn't let him leave, and he was telling me to go get help. What scared me even more was that crazy people were free and running around killing people and that his life was in danger. I told the police about this but they didn't believe me, laughing it off as some sick joke and thinking that i'm insane. I knew that Mount Massive Asylum had a pretty great reputation but I didn't think something like this would happen, not at all... Turning to everyone for help and getting none, scoffing like the police. I made sure that I brought my work camcorder, my notebook/pen, and my gun that was tucked away in my purse. If no one was going to help me with this, this i'll do it myself...
Stepping out of the car and turning off the engine, I fixed my and was about to head to the eerie building when I stopped and stared at the normal looking glass door. Is this such a good idea? Will something terrible will come to this? I thought about this for a moment when a positive and warm feeling entered inside me. Miles sweet smile, his laugh, his kisses, our amazing dates, our first kiss, our first time. Every happy moment rushed into my head, making me burst out my chest with confidence and stormed into the building with my supplies in hand. I would sacrifice everything for Miles and won't let these men toy with my man.
A thin looking man was working in the front desk not paying attention to me as he was busy typing away on his computer. I gave him a ahem singling to look up at me which he did, giving me a polite smile. "Hello may I help you?..."
"Yes I was wondering if Miles Upshur was here, he's my boyfriend?..." I requested the skinny looking man with calmness but a hint of alarm by the cold air that rushed into me when I entered the doors behind me. He was about to open his mouth when another man approached me professionally. He looked like he was in his thirties and he looked dapper but cocky, giving me a smirk.
"Why I know who you are Mrs (L/n), My name is Jeremy Blaire. How may I owe the pleasure?" He grinned with his pearly white teeth, putting his hand out for me to shake. I looked at the hand then up at him, stopped for a few seconds before slowly taking out my hand shaking the man's.
"Hello Mr Blaire, I'm here because i'm looking for my boyfriend Miles Upshur, he sent me an email and Im here to look for him, I haven't seen him in a week and i'm worried..." I replied to him with a small smile, lying slightly about my and Miles suspicions with the corruption. His eyes widened at the mention of Miles and coughed, returning to his grin. I narrowed my eyes. Something about this man doesn't seem right.
"Im sorry I haven't seen him but he was here earlier. But if you would not mind I would love your help with a project were doing sense I have seen your work and i'm impressed by your ability, then we'll help you look for Miles." He requested calmly and with authority. I gave out a nervous laugh about to say no, but the thought of Miles came into my mind. I let out a breathe. Remember why your here (Y/n), Remember...
"Yes what do you need?" I faked a cheery smile to the scoffing but ever polite Jeremy.
"Yes well I know you are good with computers, so I need your help typing some stuff in for our... Project." He paused slightly with the last part, wrapping an arm around my shoulder like a businessman would offer to a client. I cringed when his spidery like hands touched my shoulder.
"Will do, just please help me find him.-" I choked out that last part as Jeremy lead me downstairs to a restricted area that was white and looked like ice the surrounded the bright area. I clenched my purse tightly as I followed Jeremy to the place, my heels following behind me.
The heavy restrained doors opened. Some men in masks and contamination suits, While others were wearing white coats or police uniforms. It felt very wrong people here are giving me the chills. My gut is telling me to run and never look back, but I am on a mission. The people there look like they were very serious about this place, and were about ready to take out their guns at any moment now and shoot me. Jeremy calmly lead me into a room with computers, behind them was circle-like machines that looked terrifying. What I can see was the computers were connected to them. Jeremy let out a chair for me which I took, sitting down and staring at the computer that was on a hacking site. I typed in what I was required to do, constantly thinking about positive thoughts despite the growing pain in my chest. The computer was loading for the machines to work. I feel hot sweat coming down my skin, and my breath getting rugged. Something's not right, this doesn't feel right. Miles I hope you're wrong about these guys...
"Fuck they're bringing him in..." One of the men in the contamination suit uttered out with a sick ringing. I think his name is Andrew I can't really tell, I just overheard the others call him that... The moment he said that, Men down right by the machines were restraining a man while he was screaming and begging to stop. He was having a time struggling to get out.
I knew it was coming. You filthy fucking machines. You fucking machines! No? No not again. No! No! Jack-booted fucks, I know what you've been doing to me! I know what you've been.... Help!... Help me!... Help me!... There going to rape me. Rape! Rape! RAPE!-" The man shrieked in utter fear, getting louder and louder and trying with all of his might to escape the men. My eyes widened and I was covering my month, not believing what I was seeing. This is really sadistic, I was getting sick to my stomach from the horrifying sight. I looked over at the men with wide eyes and them who were just having a casual conversion, not minding the man's pleas of mercy.
The glass slammed right in front of me. I yelped and jumped from my seat with my chair rolling and stared at the restrained man who managed to get away from the armed men. "Help me! Don't let them do this! Don't let them! You can stop them! You have to help me! YOU HAVE TO-" The man stopped his sentence and stared into my beautiful gem-like (E/c), I didn't see his ears turn red by my angelic but frightened appearance. The men restrained the poor soul and were heading back to one of the machines.
"Oh my god!..." I whispered with a shout, standing up by my chair and watched the man get placed in the machines. I wanted to turn away, I really did but It was like staring at a car crash you can't take your eyes off of it. I was started to breathe heavily and having a hard time getting my nerves back together.
One of the police officers grabbed my shoulders. "Hey calm yourself. This is a high security..." I made a wide eyed look at the man before shaken and anxiously raised my hands up in surrender while he was talking before getting interrupted by Andrew.
"Its alright agent. Mrs (L/n) was just surprised. I'm sure she's is calm and eager to finish up her little assignment. Take your seat..." I wanted to run so bad to get away from these crazy people but I reluctantly obeyed and finished typing up my work, the camera in the computer showing wires shoved down the poor souls throat. I gagged, having the urge to throw up. That was the moment I realized I need to go, I need to get out of here... I'll try to get Miles another way...
"Your finished (Y/n) (L/n). You can leave and can meet up with Mr Blaire about your boyfriend whereabouts." Andrew eerily and positively spoke and pushing my head slightly to him, making a light gasp when he did. Gulping and got out of my seat. Clutching onto my purse with my shaken hands, ready to arm myself.
What have I done...
"T-thank you...'Heh, heh'" I awkwardly chuckled, most of the men gave me a icy stare as I quickly pace out of the room and into the white icy hall again. Hearing my heels thump as I walk to the hacking room where I supposed to meet Jeremy. I can see that there was single desk in a room with other machines and powering the computers and the building. I took a sigh of relief when I had my alone time, but still on high alert. I 100% decided to call it a day, going to text my good friend DeDe to report these sick people to the police, managing to take a sneaky picture of their evil doings. I could only pry Miles didn't end up like that poor man back there. Feeling dizzy at the thought, I picked up my phone and typed the message. Having a hard time pushing the buttons due to my violently shaking hands. I started to tap my leg and my foot impulsively. I looked around the empty room just as a precaution before sending the message.
<Message | DeDe | Details>
"Hey, hurry and call the police, these people are in insane!..." I quickly typed up. Dede quickly replied.
"OMG!! WTF! Are you ok?! Did you find Miles?!" Dede asked with a speedy reply, officially concerned by my wellbeing. I quickly typed in my message.
"No, These people are trying t-"
"My, my, my. Now that's rude for a lady to say." The phone was swapped away from my small fingers before I can finish my message. My eyes widened trying to pry the phone off of his hands. Jeremy scoffed, scrolling down the message I was about to send to her. He was pushing me away with his skinny but stronger body as I claw to get my I-Phone. I turned pale when he smirked widely.
"GIVE THAT BACK, THAT'S MINE-" I shouted with alarm and irritation. Jeremy tched with a laugh. Snapping his fingers. Without warning something hard hit my head that was making me really dizzy and having a major headache in the painful process. I tripped and fell down, clenching my achy and injured head. I looked up to see two officers pointing guns at me, one of the calmly folding his arms with a scoff, while Jeremy still looked at my phone. He chuckled at what he found, my veins turned into ice.
"You are a truly stupid bitch if you could send a message like that like that and for us not to know. Don't think I ever noticed your mannerisms and your eyes avoiding eye contact with me. You truly are naive.-" I hollered when he slammed my phone to the ground and stomped it with his neat polished shoes. I reached to grab my phone but Jeremy slammed his foot into my hand. I shrieked from the impact of his foot, feeling it crush my now bruised hand. He kneeled down and gripped my cheeks hard, I glared at him with fire when he leered at me.
"Fuck you.-" I sneered at him and spit in his face. His eye widened then narrowed down and clenched his teeth. Putting his fists up and aiming at me. I gasped and used my arms to defend my face.
"I'LL TEACH YOU SOME RESPECT-... Wait I have in idea.~" He first roared in a animal like way and started to violently swing his fist down before stopping and grinning in a sinister manner that caused me to go sickly pale. I don't like that smirk...
"I think Mrs (Y/n) wants to take part in the morphogenic engine program, its a messy task but I think that will make you a leading lady in society. What do you say?" He chuckled when I screamed and fastly shook my head no, sneering at the man who I now think is the devil. He then turned his attention to the smirking guard right next to him. Hearing the guard spoke, and saying that I agreed to it when what I really said was ignored by the arrogant people in the room. The opposite being true. He manically chuckled, at my heavy desperate face I was making to him, my body on the ground.
"I know you are a women but I think we'll make an exception with you. Please administer Mrs (Y/n) (L/n) with a light anaesthetic. I'm sure she'll really need it.~" I looked up at the man with wide and furious eyes as he smiled down into my defenseless form. Instead of the anaesthetic he sarcastically promised, my face was met with baton. The object hitting on my sore cheek, making me howl as I make my body into a fetal position. My ears were ringing as I was feeling each punch, kick, and objects fall into me as I moan and shriek with the jabs on my body. The same man hit the baton so hard into my bruised face everything turned black.
Flashback || 4 years ago
California || 2009
It was a beautiful day outside with the birds chirping and the flowers blooming in the campus garden. Oh how I wish I was out there with my fellow chatty dorm-mates, relaxing in the smooth soft grass as I look up into the bright clear blue sky and letting the sun go down my face. Instead i'm stuck in a boring dull classroom with a rambling stuttering professor who's repeating what I heard over and over, like continuous clockwork. Scoffing as I calmly play with my pen and turn my head to the professor who made some dumb joke about the lesson with half of the classmates slacking off like me, while others are paying attention and laughing along to get a decent grade to graduate. I wish I had the energy and determination like those classmates do...
It's not like I don't want to be here, it's just that I'm stuck with the same things and i'm getting tired of it. After all i'm here to get a degree in art so this class I need. Huffing and looking at the clock and sighing in relief thats its almost done. But I stopped my turning head that was towards the window, I saw a face. He had brownish blackish hair matched his light but not pale complection. his brown eyes that is like my coffee I get every morning before classes start. He was wearing a retro jacket, and regular mens jeans. It was Miles, a man who has been in a few of my classes. Unlike most of my classmates who I forget once I get out of those classes, Miles is special because of his uniqueness. Most classmates chat with each-other when classes are over but with Miles he sits in the corner of the classroom with no-one around him as he takes impressive yet fancy and detailed notes.
The professor dismissed the class reminding them of our project and to find partners. I was about to stand up along with my textbooks when a hand went into my shoulder. I gave out a pathetic squeak and leaned against the desk in a dramatic fashion, all of my books falling out of my hands. Snickers from all directions some the couples of classmates that stayed. My cheeks turned pink, staring at the culprit who was my friend and roommate who was snickering like everyone else. I groaned with a small but yet sarcastic laugh giving out an awkward apology. "Sorry..."
"Hehe. Dude it's not a big deal." Dede still giggled a bit, I playfully glared at her. She snorted a sorry and stopped laughing. I picked up my scattered notes on the floor, catching a glance at Miles who already packed up his stuff but is typing on his laptop with his pen in mouth. Dede noticed the looks I was giving to Miles.
"Are you thinking about becoming his partner it looks like he hasn't chose anyone yet?" Dede mentioned with a huge grin on her face. She was right though, I haven't chose a partner yet and with Miles who most likely not chosen anyone yet. I think I'll ask him to be my partner why not, what the worst that can happen? I wonder what he's like, I never talked with him before, just caught glances at him. But it's strange how I remember his name and what he does.
"Guys not Miles... He's not the chatty-chatty type he'll just blow you off and do his thing. I mean sure he's hot but no..." My other roommate walked up to us, we both greeted her with enthusem. When I really think about it he is kinda cute, wait what I saying? I sighed and told them I was going to talk to him, Dede encouraged this while Amanda was giving me signals to come back to us. I skipped over to Miles who looked up when I stopped nearby his desk.
"Hey there... I noticed that you haven't chosen a partner I can be yours if you want?" I loudly offered to the cringing brownette who seemed like he was thinking hard about this, like he was about 50% interested in becoming my partner. He gave out a small smile to me, and nodded. I looked over at my crew real fast with a grin, Dede looked proud and gave me a thumbs up, Amanda's mouth was down to the floor. And that was when we first interacted...
We gave out our numbers and agreed to meet at a local coffee shop right by the dorms, the same one I always go every morning. I was not expecting this at all I was literally surprised that he said yes to my request, he seemed like the type that would do this alone. A couple hours later after I talked to him and said farewell to my two friends heading to the destination. I headed into the coffee shop feeling eager to get my over with plus I can get a chocolate chip muffin while I'm at the nicely decorated building. I was 10 minutes late and I hope that isn't to annoyed by it. I walked over to the table where he stood laptop and supplies. He looked prepared, I felt a little envious by how he had everything ready but nevertheless I gave him a huge grin and sat down right next to him.
"Heya! What are we going to work on today buddy?~" I beamed at the mature man who turned to me with a simple smile.
"Hey you're here! So I already started with most of the work you can just do a couple pages and i'll do the rest..." Miles chuckled slightly at my innocence. I sigh in relief, only to do so little and I can free time. Happly nodding to him as I take out my cheap laptop and starting the draft While he drank his coffee cup and started typing in stuff like a pro.
Me and Miles actually chatted for a bit first awkwardly then we talked and laughed like we were old friends. "'Sigh' How does anybody read that..." I huffed with a pouty face as I looked at the assignment that looked like scribbles in my eyes. Miles looked over at it and laughed.
"That handwriting sounds like my neighbor every morning..." Miles scoffs and silently laughs at his joke. I drank a sip of my coffee
"What does she sound like?" I asked him in a curious puppy like manner. Miles eagerly took out his phone and pulled up a video of his neighbor rambling weird nonsense at Miles when he recorded the video. My turned into laughter that matched Miles, amused by the odd but intriguing video.
After 2 hours what seemed like only fifteen minutes, I lost track of time. Miles turned to me and grinned, I hand the papers over to him in a cheerful positive manner. "I had fun today. Thank you (Y/n) you can go now.~" I blinked at his words. Leave? I don't want to leave, I'm having such a great time? I then remember the limited work he gave me with a kind gesture, I started to feel sad and not wanted to look look at Miles. Maybe I should stay and help him instead of being a lazy asshole, I'll work the rest of the project with him.
"Actually I want to stay and help you?..." I spoke softly at the brownette, crossing my fingers if I can stay. Miles stared at me, stunned at my answer. She wants to stay and work with him? No one has ever done that before? He gave me a grateful smile and nodded, I sat back down and we constantly make jokes at the hard project as we truck through it together. We even stayed at the coffee shop till around dinner until we decided to go to a diner and eat together. We went our separate ways after we eat our delicious meal, agreeing to meet each other again at a different place. I gave out an content sigh as I see the dorms. It was fun while it lasted. Lets hope it will like this.
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Hey guys here's the first chapter of my Outlast Whistleblower 'Reader Insert.' I probably continue this if I get enough love from you guys, please tell me what you think of it in the comments below.
So I bet some of you who watched Outlast noticed a couple plot holes. And yes I am aware of them, and I hope to clear them out. But for now just roll with it and i'll fix it. And also for viewers who haven't played Outlast and Outlast Whistleblower Miles is the main character from the first game, and Reader takes place of the main character in the second game. And sense this is a video game I had to get reference from the video game and get a source. So here's a lets play with no commentary to have a better experience or need help.
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