«« Chapter 8 »»
Hey Guys!!!!
The eighth chapter of the story.
Happy Reading!!
Hey Kabiri
How are you?
Annoyed, angry and un- happy with me, right?
I am sorry. I know it does not cover it but I seriously am, baby.
You were a son to this bebo, Kabiri. And always will be Kabir. Never forget it.
Kabir sniffled reading what his Bhabhi wrote to him.
Does a mother leave her kid? No, Kabir Never. I am there with you.
But Kabir, you promise me not to cry. Do not in any circumstance let tears flow after today, because of me.
How could his Bhabhi ask him for that?
Kabir, life is hard, very hard but you need to live with it. You need to fight for until the end of your capabilities, baby. You need to understand that life is what it is, nobody can change it, you just get accustomed to it.
Kabiri, your Bhabhi Ma was not strong enough to live through it. Will you live your life for me? Be happy for me? Get married to a sweet girl for me? Have few kids, for me?
'Yes, Bhabhi, I will I promise you.' Kabir promised himself in his heart silently.
I know you promised it in your heart, and I also know that you will keep the promise for me.
I love you a lot, Kabiri and I know you do too. So, do a favor to me will you?
Remember the long drive we took? The holiday home we came across? Karan has the key to it.
'Why?' Kabir asked himself.
Because I gave him the key.
'How did she know I was thinking that?' Kabir questions' himself.
Because you are like a son to me. Now, don't think that much. Listen to me, go to my room, right now. Get your ass off the study chair and to my room.
Kabir re- reads the last line before getting up to follow his Bhabhi Ma's order. It astonished him to the amounts, his Bhabhi Ma knew them all. Especially him, the two of them had created a wonderful bond of parent and child. Having lost his parents, Anika was the first person he had trusted to completely open up with.
Open my top drawer of cupboard and take the suitcase out.
Without giving it another thought, Kabir does as said. But he freezes when he reads the second line. What was this?
Now be an angel, Kabir and pack all my things in the suitcase.
I know you are confused, so let me explain. I want you to pack everything and put it in the holiday home we came across when we went for that long drive. I want you to pack all that is related to me, and lock it there with all the memories you have of me, Kabir.
I ask you to do this for me, son. I as a mother ask you to forget me, I know it is hard and it may also seem illogical but do it for me, will you?
You will do it for me, right?
Why are you putting me in this dilemma, Bhabhi Ma? How can I forget you? How can I forget what my brother did to you? How can I over- rule the fact that you are dead now? And that I can never talk to you? Never meet you again? Never see you in front of me again? Never feel the love you gave me? How Bhabhi Ma, how?
Life is harsh, Kabir. It presents us with such difficult situations that we cannot even imagine to deal with, but we do deal with them, na? We do take harsh decision. We mold ourselves and steal our heart Kabir because this is life. It is the reality and there is nothing in this world that can change it. Not us, not our parents, not the prime minister, nobody Kabir, no one.
We simply need to learn to live in the way it is, for it the truth. It is harsh but that is what it is and no one has ever escaped it. Neither will you ever be able to do that.
Kabir, I understand that there is a storm in your heart, you are in a turmoil but Kabiri how long can you sit mourning for some one who is never going to return? Who you will never see again?
You did my last rites, did not you?
Then, tell me, what is the point of all this brooding and mourning.
Try to live your life freely, Kabir. Try to understand the situation. I know it is hard and difficult but remember I am always there in your heart. Always there to reprimand you. Be the angel you are, Kabiri and follow my this last wish?
Bhabhi Ma, why? Why do you ask for something that I never know how to give? How do I do this to you Bhabhi? You are to be an example to everyone. And you ask me for this?
I ask this from you son, because I know you will give it to me. Today, this may seem illogical and irrational but one day, one day you will realize why I asked you to do this. Why I cut every contact with you. Why, I pushed my self in that fire.
You know, Kabiri, the day you learn that, know it in your heart that you learnt me inside out. You learnt my deep secrets and from where I got that courage I had.
You know, Kabir, I am a Rajput. I will not back down from a fight but do you know the reason I gave up on the marriage?
'No' Kabir thinks to himself as he wipes the tears and once again turns to the letter in his hands.
Because relations are made with them who know its meanings, its importance. That guy, you elder so- called- brother, is heart less, Kabir. He is not aware of what I did and why I did that.
And I am also dam sure that you will know the reason of my killing myself before he does.
Bhabhi Ma! I promise, I make this my life agenda to think about the importance and meaning. because I need to know, I need to understand, why did he do what he did.
Now, pay attention to your job, Kabir.
You are the eldest in the house, now Kabir. You have to look after Ma and Karan. He is just a kid, Kabir. It is too much for him to deal with, if you leave him in this time, will it be right?
Will you be able to be a capable brother, leaving Karan alone like this? To leave him to break for others to see?
Kabir, what I am asking from you is a little harsh but somebody needs to take the initiative. Ma is too old, Karan is still a kid. However much de dis- agrees to it, you know the reason all involves you. From a very young age, he has been with you.
From the start he knew that if you are around he has nothing to worry about. So, Kabir be the golden brother and son and retrieve the two for me, huh?
You touched a cord in my heart, Bhabhi Ma.
I promise you, your kid Karan and gossipy Ma will be back. This is a promise of Kabir Rajbanshi to you, my Bhabhi Ma, my mother.
Kabir sobs and wipes the tears away, before turning back to the letter to read the end of it. It almost looked finished.
Kabir, I have asked a lot from you, but what can you do? This Bhabhi of your is very selfish.
So, promise me Kabiri.. Say that you will not cry, at least not after today. The only day, I can allow you to break this rule is Vijya Dashmi. And if I get to know that you cried on any ither day, I will come there to scold you. *angry face*
Kabir smiled through the river that was of his tears. He had wiped them so many times but it still flowed on, he was not able to stop. He felt as if he was living a dream on Alice in Wonderland.
I am sorry Kabir. So very sorry. Again I know, it does not cover it but that is all that I have to answer at this moment.
Love you a ton and over.
Your Bhabhi, your mother and your bebo.
P.s. Look after your Chachi and Karan for me. Help Karan, and bring the kid out back, Kabir. Do it for me, ok? For your Bhabhi Ma.
Listen to his stupidity and love him to the fullest. Look after yourself too.
Kabir stumbled as everything he read came back to him. Now that his Bhabhi had told him all this, it felt surreal. Until now he was only mourning, now he realized the responsibility he had to take up, that he Bhabhi was ... ... ... gone.
He knelled down as he put his head in his hands, placing the letter at his side. He could not let that be destroyed, it was what his Bhabhi had last talked about to him. It was more important than anything in this world for him.
What do you think about the update?
They had a very special bond, very few people are able to find such bounds.
(1625 words.)
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