7|One Happy Family
Walking out of the room leaving Lestat to his own demise. The lovers were about to leave until Lunette pulled on Louis hand.
"I can't just leave those girls like that...." Lunette told him earning the pained man to pause staring at her tears stained his pale cheeks.
"He did it. Not you." Louis replied earning a strong head shake.
"I did.....I toke that girls life. Because you didn't need to. I've only been reborn for a couple days now but. I assure you. It's something I plan on spending the rest with you. So gentle....so kind." Lunette told him reaching forward caressing his face leaning into her touch.
Louis place his hand over hers silently. Closing his eyes as if this sweet moment would last them a little while placing a kiss on her palm.
"Go. Clear your head." Lunette told Louis going forward and kissing him gently as he stared at her sadly letting her go.
Louis winced slightly his emotionless aura returned walking out as it began to rain but that had no effect on the man.
Lunette went back into the room Lestat stared at her confused. "And she is back. At least you know you're a killer." He said bluntly.
"I admit I need to survive. If I am to survive with you I need do things that will keep me in a got spot in your heart." Lunette explained picking the whores body off the ground and dumping her on her friend. Taking the flowers that had fell whiping the vase peices off.
"Why?" He asked her.
"Why?" She repeated.
"Why are you here? Wouldn't you rather be either your beloved walking in the rain?" Lestat asked clearly wanting a reaction.
"I am here for my beloved!" Luna shouted back at him eyes widening shaking her head sighing deeply.
"Louis is all I have left from my life. He is what I need to hold onto. I was so quick to give up my life and get another I should be dancing in the rain with joy. But.....Im here cleaning up your mess." Lunette pointed at him and then picked her dress up trying not to get much wine on it.
"I see..." The blonde responded conflicted before he quickly cleaned the wine, glass and everything up other than the bodies.
"No mess to clean. Now come on get your cloak." Lestat said to her smiling.
"Why?" Lunette breathed out sadly looking at him shaking her head putting the coffins covering back on top
"We need to get rid of the bodies don't we? I also have a hunch of Louis....he might due something out of character." He warned her but smiled widely at his words.
As they did that.
Taking the girls and throwing them in the river before they moved to the dead side. The plague. As they walked through the abandoned houses.
Lestat gasped at the sight before laughing loudly. Pushing past him the dark skinned women's mouth dropped putting her hand to it. A blonde girl in Louis arm bitten by him. He didn't recognize what he has done moving her to the bed putting his head in his hands.
"Oh my god-" Lunette shrieked out shaking her head tears filling her eyes.
"This calls for a celebration!" Lestat declared picking up the rotten dead body and danced with it. Chanting and singing a song. Louis ran past the blonde and the black haired women running back out to the rain Lestat calling after him.
Lunette went to the girl quickly listening to her heartbeat faint but still there. Shaking her head.
One thing she could do. Her motherly instincts kicked in she picked up the child and brought her back to the apartment they had laying her down in the bed. Caressing her ksleeping her warm. Lestat had stay out looking for Louis.
"Mmmm..." The blonde girl whined out grunting slightly. "Mama.." she groaned.
"Ah....Hello sweet girl." She whispered down caressing her hair. "Tell me...what's your name?" Lunette asked he gently.
"Claudia madame..." She weakly responded nodding her head gently in understanding.
"Sweet Claudia..." Lunette responded smiling a tear fell from her face surprised it did. Looking forward taking slow breaths.
It seemed. Like a second chance. A second chance at a family a daughter she longed for. Someone she needed to be with and take care of. A protector. A mother. The one she lost.
"Fais dodo, Colin, mon' p'tit frère..." Lunette sang out to the girl staring at the bite mark.
"Fais dodo, t'auras du lolo." A lullaby she sang. A lullaby she would've sang got her little girl.
"Maman est en haut, qui fait du gâteau...." Stopping softly hearing footsteps turning her head to Lestat who brought a saddened Louis. Standing up away from the girls side walking to them.
"Shes here." Lestat said picking up a candle leading him
"What are you saying?" Louis asked unsure whole Lesta held onto his arm leading the frantic man.
"You need company Louis...more congenial than mine." Lestat stated seriously.
"Remeber how you wanted her? The taste of her?" Lestat asked curiously.
"I thought I killed her..." Louis said slight joy and disbelief came to him enjoyment that she was alright.
"Dont worry Louis your conscience is clear." Lestat admitted placing down the candle stick on the stand.
Lestat looked at Lunette then walked over to the girl leaning down. "Claudia..." He whispered down to her. "Claudia." He reacted earning a soft groan.
"Yes...listen to me." Lestat whispered to he his knuckle running down her face.
Louis watching unsure on the motivation hope filled his eyes.
"You're Ill my precious. I'm going to give you ehat you need to get well." Lestat whispered gently.
Lunette watch putting a hand to her dark yellow corset watching taking slow breaths. Never seeing Lestat be so kind or caring to anything that didn't seem to be acting.
Caressing her once more giving a sure smile. Taking his wrist about to Peirce it until the hovering Louis grabbed his arm before he could cut himself.
"No." Louis said strongly gripping his wrist not wanting her to have to live the depressing life like they were.
"You want her to die then?" Lestat asked him then Louis walked away pacing back and forth at the end of the bed watching as Lestat poke himself letting his blood drip into Claudia's mouth.
"Yes, that's it." He told her.
Lunette put a hand to her mouth Louis going up beside her kissing her head while watching her drink. "Louis..." she whispered to him. This was the right thing...it had to be the right thing pulling away once Claudia gripped Lestat's arm falling back into the chair.
The woman went next to Louis his hand rushing to hers gripping it tightly holding onto each other. Lestat and Claudia holding eye contact as she leaned up drinking him more and more.
"Stop..." Lestat panted out.
"Stop! Enough!" Lestat shouted jumping back off the bed holding his wrist panting.
Claudia panted aggressively until her breath slows. Louis leaned forward nervously watching her hair curl and skin clear up and turn pale like his and Lestat's.
"Louis...." Lunette mumbled her hand holding onto his still.
Claudia sat up staring at Lestat. "I want more." She told him.
Lestat huffed smiling. "Of course you want more." He told her again gently and calm. Standing up going to the servant bells and ringing them then went into hiding on the side of the bed. Along with Louis and Lenette.
Lunettee clinged to Louis staring into his bright green whole he stared down into her bright yellow knowing exactly what the other was thinking. His arms wrapped around her waist.
"De quoi avez-vous besoin Monsieur?" The red headed lady asked kindly looking at the bed seeing Claudia.
"Ah, doux enfant." She said to Claudia sitting down feeling a hand around her neck jumping up to meet eyes with Lestat hissing only to be paralyzed and layed down.
Louis sat down with Lunette in his lap watching the girl.
"Gently, cheire." Lestat told her while Claudia leaned down and began to suck on the woman's neck looking up at the two who stayed their distance.
"So inoccent. They must not be made to suffer." Lestat told the little girl who seemed to be filled with life from the drinking.
"All right now. Stop. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. That's enough cherie you must stop before the heart stops." Lestat told her lifting her head up Claudia leaned onto him as he wrapped his arms around her.
"I want some more." Claudia told him looking down at the lady.
Both Lunette and Louis turned their heads away sighing from the sweet girls words. Louis hand gripped the table next to them.
"Ah I know. But it's best in the beginning to lest the death takes you with hm?" He said humming sown at her playing with her curls.
"You've done very well. Look at you." Lifting her chin up to stare at her face earning a inoccent smile from her.
"Not a drop split. Very good." He complimented chuckling letting her lean back onto him.
"Where is Mama?" Claudia asked looking off to the distance. Lestat staring at Louis smiling and shifting it between him and Luna. Lunette closed her eyes to the girls question. Was he going to sugar coat it or speak truthfully?
"Mama? Mama.....gone to heaven like this lady here. They all go to heaven
But you have a new mama now." Lestat told her gesturing to Lunette opening her eyes to look at the girl gently.
"All but us." Louis spoke up from his silence earning a shush from Lestat covering Claudia's ears for a moment pushing her head back on his chest.
"You wouldn't wanna fighten out little daughter now would we?" He asked before Claudia pulled back staring up at him confused.
"But I'm not your daughter." Claudia told him.
"Oh yes you are." Speaking while he comed his fingers through her hair slightly.
"You're mine, Lunette, and Louis' daughter." Lestat told her smiling softly down at the pale and kind girl he would care for.
"You see They were going to leave us." Louis looked up with a hurt, guilty look but his eyes stayed on Claudia.
"But now their not. Now they're gonna staytm to make you happy." Lestat chuckled.
"Mama." Claudia said crawling out of bed Lunette stood up quickly kneeling down to the girl as she was hugged and her legs wrapped around her. Lunette gasped from the embrace letting the girl lay on her chest putting a hand on her head looking at Lestat then Louis who stared at his friend. The smile Claudia had on as she wrapped her arms around Lunette.
"You fiend." Louis told Lestat
"One happy Family." Lestat said amused at the situation.
"Louis." Claudia left Lunettes arms to jump into his. Putting a protective hand on her head.
Lunette stood back up looking at the sight a little girl on Louis arms. A daughter to call her own.
"Now, now. Come with me. There's a few things that I need to teach right now. It'll give mama some time to think about all the things we're gonna get you." Lestat said taking the girl from Louis and leading her out of the room shutting the door.
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