Chapter Five-Murder spree - but maybe later
Tony's POV
I quickly gave him the money and took the pizza before he had a chance to see El. I set the pizza on the counter and walked over to El, making sure she could hear my footsteps that way I didn't scare her.
"Hey, kid," I calmly said, "Who was that man?" I asked.
She started sobbing uncontrollably. She tensed as I pulled her into a hug, but relaxed soon after. Was she starting to trust me?!
"Edward..." She shakily said.
"Who's that?"
"U-uh, my mother's boyfriend."
I could tell that wasn't all he was.
"Is he the one who made you like this?" I questioned. She let out a choked sob and there was a moment of silence. "Did he do this to you?" I asked in almost a whisper.
"H-he he t-touched me, h-he hurt m-me, h-he to-took the-them," She shamefully admitted.
A feeling of pure rage washed over me. I took a deep breath and tried to keep myself under control, for her.
"I'll kill him."
"Yo-you c-can't!"
"And why's that!?" she flinched at my harsh words.
"He has them. We need to get them back!"
"And who is 'them'?"
"My siblings." The rage took over and I balled my hands into fists. El saw and whimpered as she backed away as quick as she could.
"I'll help you get them back, kid. I swear." She looked at me. I lifted her up bridal style and took her to her room. I gently laid her in the bed and walked out.
As I went downstairs, I saw the pizza on the counter and realized it was cold and disgusting.
"Dammit!" I exclaimed as I threw it out.
Electra POV
I've been here for about a week. Tony was actually really nice to me and patient. I am still really quiet around him, though. But I don't think he minds that much. He doesn't really ask me questions, which is a good thing.
"Hey, kid!" He interrupted my thoughts. My head bolted up to look at him.
"Sorry to scare you, but do you need any clothes? You've been wearing the same ones for a week," He asked. I kept quiet.
"It's really no trouble," I remained silent. Whenever I asked Edward for something, he'd get mad.
"Kid, if you need some clothes, speak up. I am a billionaire."
"I need some clothes..." My voice was small and quiet.
"Alright, let's go!" He said as he gestured for me to come.
"I'm coming," I responded as I got up and followed him out to his expensive cars. He opened the passenger seat for me.
I remembered when Edward dragged me out to his car and shoved me in. He smacked me across the face and busted my head open. Then raped me later.
I started fidgeting and when Tony realized, I stopped. I avoided eye contact as I stood there, debating on whether or not I should get into the car. Yeah, he is nice and all, but Edward was too at first.
"Kid, you alright?"
I snapped out of my trance and looked up at him. I loudly gulped and closed my eyes for a second before opening them again.
"Tell me about it in the car, alright?" He asked in a soft tone. I silently nodded my head and got into the car. He gently shut my car door and went around to the driver's side and got in.
Tony POV
I looked at her before I started the car and began driving.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Just tell me, kid."
"U-uh, one time... One time Edward dragged me out of my house. Th-then he shoved me into the car and got inside. I-I was fidgeting a-and h-he got mad at me for it a-and..." There was a long pause of silence. I could see her shaking the slightest bit.
"What is it, kid?"
"Then h-he slapped m-me across the face an-and cracked my sk-skull on the car window. And..." She stopped talking again. I could tell that there was more to the story than what she was telling me.
"H-he t-touched me..." She said in almost a whisper. My knuckles turned white from gripping onto the leather steering wheel so hard. I turned around and parked the car and looked at her. We can always get clothes later. Right now wasn't the time for a shopping spree.
Her eyes were red and puffy and she was crying. I felt so bad.
"I would never, never do that to you. I wouldn't even think of it. You don't have to be scared of me, or let me tell you to do things. If you don't like something I'm doing, speak up. I won't be mad. Understand?"
She just nodded while giving me a smile I knew was fake. We'd been sitting in the garage for twenty minutes, it was a good thing I wasn't driving, or I was sure we would have crashed.
"Let's just eat some pizza." I offered. She stayed quiet.
"Pepperoni?" I offered again.
Twenty minutes later, we were sitting in the living room watching The Office.
"I think he wants you all to come out to the parking lot and watch him die!" Dwight exclaimed to the whole office.
"Is it nice outside?" Stanley asked casually.
"It's gorgeous, let's go!" Dwight demanded as he gestured for them all to go outside.
"Do I need my jacket?" Stanley asked, trying to push Dwight's buttons.
"No, really. It's very nice. Come on!" Dwight yelled.
"Will it be too warm in a long sleeve tee?" Ryan asks.
"Everyone is going to be fine in exactly what they're wearing let's go!" He yelled.
Everyone followed Dwight outside just to see Michael standing on the roof.
El started laughing and I laughed along with her. She continued to watch while I looked at her smiling. I wasn't even paying attention to the show.
"Isn't depression just a fancy word for feeling 'bummed out'?" Dwight asked through the blow horn as he did air quotes. The whole office stood in the parking lot with Dwight, hoping Michael wouldn't do it.
"Dwight, you ignorant slut!" Michael Scott yelled from the roof he was about to jump off of.
She let out a laugh and my heart warmed. I was so glad to see her happy for once.
"You really like this show don't you?"
"Yeah, I used to watch it with-" She went silent for a moment, "My siblings." the mood of the room instantly changed.
"Sorry," She apologized.
"Me too," I wrapped her in a hug.
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