You landed softly on golden flowers and asked yourself if you were still alive. Stamp once for dying but not dead, obviously no stamps for dead, and two stamps if you were alive.
You stamped twice and got to your feet.
Hurray for not being dead!!
You looked around, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Just a black void all around you, pillars spiraling high, the flowers beneath your legit feet, and a archway northeast of you.
You looked back up to see if Chara had found out your location.
Like he always did.
He wasn't there. (LIES)
You let out a breath you didn't know you've been holding and trudged through the archway into another room that was similar to the one you came from. In the middle was a patch of gold flowers and on top of that was... Dear lord... Author's senpai.... A flower with a innocent look on it's white face. Goldish yellow petals rimmed his sexy white head, a green stem attatching the handsome flower to the ground, some leaves and sadly not a dick at the bottom of his stem.
"Howdy! I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!"
Ohmygod it spoke.
"What are you?" You simply asked. "Not to be offensive."
"I'm a flower, silly!" He said childishly.
"No, I know that, but flowers don't speak. So bam- you can't be a flower!!!" You retorted, feeling smart. No offense, lovely reader.
That flower completely ignored your scientific remark.
"You're a human, aren'tcha?" It asked.
You looked down at yourself. "Well, yah, since the last time I checked."
"And wow, you must be new!"
"You are that stupid."
"Someone has to show you the ropes around here. And I guess little ol me has to do!" He winked.
"Don't you dare wink at me-"
There wasn't a bright light and a heart appeared in front of you. It was a unusual gray color, fading to a darker shade of gray towards the bottom, and Flowey stared at it like he's never seen a magical floating heart before.
"That is your Soul. The very cumulation (I better have spelled it right) of your being. If it gets hurt, you get hurt."
"You better not hurt me you little-"
"To make your Soul stronger down here, we collect LV! Oh, silly me! LV stands for LOVE! And live is shared through tiny, white, friendliness pellets!" As Flowey said that, spinning white discs appeared behind him. They did not look friendly, by the way.
"Now go! Collect as many as you can!" Flowey cheered and flung them at you.
You, like every smart person would do, swerved out of the way of the pellets.
The sexy flower let out a nervous chuckle and summoned more pellets from his ass I mean his backside.
"Uh, heheh, why didn't you catch them? Try again!" He said.
The bullets flew at you again like jet planes and you just dodged them like a pro, yo.
As you looked up at the handsome being, you watched his face twist into a smirk of pure insanity, the ones Author has while writing this.
"you know what's goingon here, don't you." The evil flower snarled. "In this world, it's KILL or BE KILLED!" He started laughing a deranged and beautiful laugh.
The pellets surrounded your Soul on every side, leaving an impossible escape route. They were closing in slowly, and the minute they touched you, they vanished and your heart wasn't damaged. Flowey glares at your heart with a pissed expression before it melted into a look of pure surprise at the fireball that was racing towards him. The minute the fire touched him, the sexy beast was flung away, but to be replaced with a goat woman.
The goat shook her head with a sigh. "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor and innocent youth. I am Toriel, caretaker of the Ruins. I come here every day to see if a human has fallen down. What may your name be, child?" She spoke as if she was a mother, and she probably was, you guessed.
"My name is..." you started. But hey! This is a new world! You can name yourself whatever you want! For a long time, your favorite name has been Ray. Ray of death/sunshine, Ray gun, yeah, favorite name. (Hint hint)
"My name is Ray." you stated, nodding, as if agreeing with your name choice.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ray. Now come, I will guide you through the catacombs." Toriel took your hand gently and lead you to a archway, a different one.
-Timeskip to Toriel's House Because I Really Don't Want To Describe The Puzzles. And Sorry, Blooky-
Toriel had given you a phone for no reason, and when you reached the leafless tree, you felt it vibrate in your pocket. You took it out and rounded the corner, right smack into Toriel.
"Oh! My child! I'm so sorry! And why didn't you stay in the room??" Goat Mom said, startled.
"I'm savage, Goat Mom. Savage I tell you." You grinned as you explained.
Toriel smiled. "Now come, I should have a Cinnamon Butterscotch Pie in the oven." She turned to a nice little home with leaves and a Save Star in front of it.
You were facinated with those Save Stars. The first time you found it, when you were following Toriel, it surprised you that you could use the device to Save some sort of progress you had. When you were finally alone, you tried to pick up the Star and shove it in your bag, but alas, it didn't work.
You followed, and of course, Saved. But it was odd, on the Star file, it said your actual name, Y/N, instead of Ray. Hopefully no one would notice.
Once inside the house, you relaxed and sniffed the air, which smelled of Butterscotch and Cinnamon, but, it also smelled burnt.
"Make yourself at home." Toriel nodded before taking a a whiff of the scent.
"Oh! Is something burning?" She hurried off to the kitchen and you laughed.
After she left to attend to her pie, you decided to explore. To your left was a hallway and you went into every room, except the blocked off room, before returning to the first room, which looked like it was fit for a child. That bed did look comfy... You sighed and dropped your bag, before flopping on it, falling asleep.
I'm too lazy to put a message here.
Enjoy your chapter.
The stamps thing at the beginning is a Portal 2 Wheatley reference btw lol
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