(Listen to Music at very end to make the mood better.)
2 Months Later || December
"(Y/n) Pov"
'Its beginning to look a-lot like Christmas~' I barely hear the jolly voice of Bing Crosby play/echoing in the lobby of the mall, where there's a huge line where kids are begging their parents to sit on santa's lab and take pictures with him. A giant christmas tree in the center of the mall, Christmas decorations surrounding the lobby and throughout the giant area full of stores. I casually walked with John's sister and my best friend Susan on our way another store to buy more presents for Christmas Eve/Day.
It's been two months since my encounter with Michael Myers. I have been having nightmares and flashbacks with my traumatic experience, getting stressed over the horrible memories. Doctors announced to me that I have PTSD and prescribed me with medication to reduce the stress and anxiety. And things have been getting better thanks to the medication and help from people I know. But I still get nightmares from it sometimes.
Things aren't going so well with my parents however. Ever since I found out that they knew that Michael Myers was in love with me and was crazy and they didn't tell me about it. I started to avoid them and began to hang out with John and Susan going over to their house for most of the day, sometimes sleeping over at their house. My parents tried to say sorry and they even bought me a new car one time for forgiveness but I didn't take it, as I am still angry at them. But with John and Susan, they're great. They were the people that understood me the most and didn't keep secrets from me. There the two people I call my family. I still love my parents but for the time being i'm going to avoid them so I can cool off.
After a couple of months we finally gave Annie, Lynda and Bob a proper funeral. I attended the funeral along with my parents, John, and Susan. People started to fear me and slightly shun me because of Michael Myers did on Halloween night, and that wasn't good on my self esteem. I stayed away from people for a while after the funeral because of the guilt that I have inside of me. All of this was because of me, he killed them because of me. After a couple of weeks I finally got out of my hole thanks to John, Susan, and the PTSD Medication. I got out of the house more and things were looking up from there. But the guilt comes and goes in me, the grief punching me in the heart at times.
"Well shoot..." Susan huffed in annoyance seeing the packed store with dozens of people fighting over items that they want for the Big-Christmas-Sale. "We could go to another store for the time being." I reminded her, pointing over to the more empty part of the mall, smiling cheekily. "Alright you're the ring leader-take it away.~" She smirked softly following me to a store called 'Marianne' a clothing store that's in the edge of the mall and away from crazy crowd.
We made it inside the nice store where it's much calmer than the chaotic one we went to earlier.
"What about this one? Is this one's John size?" I gave the shirt to Susan who looked at the shirt thoroughly. "No he needs a size larger..." She returned the shirt to me then going back to the aisle full of perfume and makeup, I put it back where it came from sighing in amusement from Susan's response. We made it to the counter buying the items that we brought. I bought clothing and other items for John, Susan and my Parents for Christmas Eve. While Susan bought a couple of items for christmas and a whole bunch of makeup for herself. I gave her the WTF look for buying this much makeup. "What?~" She shrugged her shoulders in a amused way, I snorted a laugh amazed by how distracted she gets at stores-especially the mall. "Merry Christmas.~" The cashier lady sighed boredly, I could tell she hated the holiday shopping sale that's going around this year.
We walk out of the store carrying our bags and heading to the food court for a bite to eat. "(N/n), Sis. Your knight and shining armor is here.~" I hear a familiar chirpy voice, that sounded like music in my ears. We both turn around to see a very happy John and a girl who's holding his arm in a cuddly way. Susan groaned when she saw the girl, much to my confusion.
I don't know how? But I started feel slightly uncomfortable by this cute gesture that girl is giving John.
"Yeah sure Johnny. More like damsel in distress if you ask me... (N/n) saved your ass since halloween, remember?" Susan swiftly replied back with sassiness. John groaned cheeks turning pink in embarrassment. "Just let me have my moment Sus... And not in front of my girlfriend please.~" All of us laughed, especially me because I find it funny how Susan and John do their sibling banter. "...Anyway enough of the awkwardness. (Y/n) I would like you to meet Tiffany, my girlfriend." John motioned his girlfriend to come forward to introduce herself. "Hi i'm Tiffany. Nice to meet you." I softly smiled, shaking her hand with reluctance. "It's Nice to meet you to..."
All of us decided to just go to a food chain instead of the food court, much to my relief they don't have good eating places at this mall. We got into Susans car and drove to small looking Mcdonalds. All three of us besides Tiffany were not saying a word while Tiffany was talking about her new dog, makeup and so on... We all sat down at one of the tables that was empty after we got our food. A couple of people gave me a weird look as I sat next to Susan, cringing when I placed my butt on the hard seat. I ignore them and eagerly chatted with the trio talking about different subjects that we find interesting.
Tiffany stared at me most of the time, I was confused why. I couldn't read her face so it made it harder to know what she's thinking. I felt slightly uncomfortable with Tiffany giving me the stare but I felt content being here with the Lloyd siblings. John seemed delighted that all of us were getting along, unaware of Susan giving Tiffany a hateful glare and me awkwardly looking down at my burger eating my fries slowly trying to listen to Tiffany, who was rambling at this point about how pretty she is.
My mind went back to Michael Myers. GOD-even thinking about him makes me shiver in my bones. It makes my relieved that he was dead though. My PTSD gets in my mind sometimes haunting me in my happy moments. All I can do now is focus on the future.
The only thing I felt bad about now was the scar on Johns shoulder when he dodged the stab by Michael. I looked up to see John enjoying the large burger, gobbling it down as Susan told him to slow down. John ignored her like a child ignoring his mothers demands, I snorted a laugh at them. John looked up at me as I laugh in amusement and smiled softly. Tiffany stopped her sentence and glared at me with jealousy, offended by my focus on John and John paying attention to me instead of her. "Hey are you listening to me?" She pouted angrily, my attention went to back to her. "Um yes continue. I'm sorry.~" I held back my laughter. Tiffany and continued by her 'fascinating...' topic.
"I'm going to get a refill on my drink BRB." John stood up with his empty cup. "Make sure to get some more fry sauce.~" Susan requested. "OK" I heard him right by the drinking fountain. "And ketchup~" I shouted at him, John groaned. "Alright-alright Geez guys..." Susan shook her head stealing some of Johns fries while he was distracted. "I have to go the bathroom. I'll be right back." Tiffany spoke heading over to John and kissing his cheek, I hid lower in my chair not liking her public display of affection that she was giving him. She quickly showed it off smirking as I snuck lower in my chair. She headed to the restroom confidally, leaving just me and Susan.
Susan turned to me putting her finger right by her mouth and made a gagging noise. I stared at her with ignorance in my face.
"Don't be fooled by the she-devil (Y/n). She's selfish and vain." Susan breathed in angrily. "I don't know if she's vain but she's not very nice I do know that much..." I replied, not fully believing that she's that selfish just yet. "I don't trust her." I heard Susan watching Tiffany walk back to us after she walked out of the restroom. "I don't either..." I whispered quietly to avoid being heard by Tiffany. "Hello Robin-hood and (Mean/(N/n)) i'm back did I miss anything?" she arrogantly smirked at the both us, we both said no quickly and quietly avoiding eye contact with the well dressed girl. John came back to our table with Ketchup and fry sauce. "Thanks John." I beamed at him honestly and sincerely. He nodded a your welcome and sipped his now refilled drink.
Susan grinned at me and John, thinking about how cute their friendship is, maybe even more later on.
"Your not making it home for Christmas Eve?" I sadly said, twirling the phone cord in my finger. "Yea our flight got canceled because of the heavy snow. But there's going to be one flight open in christmas morning..." I hear my mother on the other side of the line, sounding guilty. "Alright, I'll spend it with Susan and John." I croaked, sighing in disappointment. "I'm so sorry honey, we'll make it up for christmas day I promise." My mother said chirpy trying to cheer me up. "Sure you will.." I barely spoke. "What was that?" She asked me full of concern. "Um-nothing I'll see you in christmas day..." I told her, faking my postive reponse. My mother sighed telling me a I love you and a bye before hanging up. I put the phone back to the wall and walked up to John who was watching 'Frosty The Snowman' in the TV in my living room.
I walked up to the boy and sat down next to him on the couch. "Hey John bad news my parents won't be back for christmas day." I sighed in disappoint, sad by the outcome. John stared at me worried. "Really? I'm sorry (N/n)." His full attention turned to me in a instant. "Looks like i'm spending Christmas eve alone then." I muttered looking down at my boots in shame. "No your not were going to spend it with you." John ashered me with sweetness, I perked and stared at him.
"Really?" he nodded. "Hell yeah. Your staying with us for christmas eve and were sleeping over." I see Susan walk in the living room with a robe around her body. I quickly hug John surprised and happy by his answer. "Thank you-thank you. I love you guys~" John froze when I hugged him, he hugged back slowly. "Your welcome." I heard him say quietly. I enjoyed and relished this moment I haven't felt this happy in a while now so I should enjoy it while I can.
Later that night all three of us gather around the table full with a turkey, mash potatoes, rolls, ext. The room was dim with the only lights on is the light hanging over our table and the Christmas tree in the corner of the room.
"This is really good (Y/n). Did you make it by yourself?" Susan turned to me, chewing the delicious meal. "Well mostly... My parents bought the turkey." I huffed in content, John grabbed his third plate of turkey putting it in his plate. "Really John..." Susan looked down at his plate. "What? I'm hungry and it's really good." John whined we all laughed at his joke. "So do you have a boyfriend (Y/n)?" Susan blurted out, I turned red in the face. John looked slightly concerned about the question.
"No I don't" I sighed my mood dying down a bit, trying my hardest to block the memories out of Michael Myers. "Susan you know that's a sensitive subject to (Y/n). It's bringing back painful memories from a couple months ago." John scolded Susan whose eyes widened realizing her mistake. John cringed remembering that day where he was getting back into a corner scared of his life and with Michael ready to kill him.
"I'm so sorry, sometimes I forget about what happened to you too." I smile softly at Susan nervous response. "It's fine it happens. But..." I stole Susans roll as punishment. "HEY~" Susan shouted in a squeak. "Its punishment for bringing that up." I ate her roll in front of her, she pouted folding her arms like an angry child.
John snapped out of his trance and bursted out laughing by Susans face, a couple seconds we all were just rolling on the floor tears in our eyes.
It was Midnight now and I stepped out in my room, wearing pajamas I got from the mall a week ago with Susan. I stepped into my living room looking out the window where I see my neighbors christmas lights in the dark neighborhood where snow was falling carelessly on the ground making the neighborhood look beautiful. I smile leaning back into the couch with hot chocolate in hand enjoying the nice peaceful night. 'I'm dreaming... Of a White Christmas~' I hear Bing Crosby smooth singing in the small radio on top of my TV.
John walked in the dark room with the Christmas tree illuminating the room. He was wearing pajamas as well, feeling comfortable against the soft fabric. He smiled joining me on the couch and grabbing some hot chocolate and enjoying the night with me. "Merry Christmas John." I said to John softly. He turned to me and slightly smiled. "Merry Christmas (Y/n)." Susan walked in the room and joined us as we all sat in silence enjoying our company the just the three of us.
'And may all your christmases be white~' Bing Crosby finished the song smoothly as we all sleepily lay on the couch ready for Christmas day.
Hey guys sorry this chapter was short. Nothing really went around except build the relationship between You, Susan and John. And it was a Christmas treat for all of you, so I hoped you enjoyed that.
The next chapter is going to be a 'authors note' for a couple of stuff I need to talk to you about. and in the next chapter after that will have the scary stuff back in it though.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter though. AND HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!! <3
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