ch. 40
AFTER nanako's birthday night, tomura began opening up to eri step by step.
currently, winter was approaching, meaning it was december. with less than a month left until momo and todoroki's wedding, they were excited to finally get married.
momo and todoroki's wedding was scheduled to be at the beginning of a new year, symbolizing a new start and a new love.
while others were still busy with decorations and last minute changes, nanako and tomura snuck out of the palace to go buy some things.
"you could've just asked toga or dabi to get it for you", tomura said. "or whatever you wanted to buy".
tomura hates winter.
there was nothing more he'd rather do than stay in his bedroom all cooped up with nanako, cuddling in front of the fire.
"lighten up tomura! I promised that I'd get you some lotion and chapstick", nanako said. "and since it's winter, your skin's gonna get more dry and flakey!!"
"again, why couldn't dabi or toga just went to go get it for us?"
"I also wanted to get them a gift! plus, if I had one of them go get it you, you would've a hundred percent probably thrown it away".
"touché", tomura said as he continued walking with nanako.
they were currently walking around the village that mirio had showed nanako when they were on their date. it was bustling and everyone was laughing and talking.
nanako entered a store, with tomura following behind. they were immediately hit with strong smells as soon as they went in. it was decorated with snowflakes and glitter. quite girly, and definitely not tomura's taste.
tomura pinched his nose, not wanting to inhale any of it. "too strong for your taste, huh?", nanako asked as she looked at tomura with his face twisted in disgust.
nanako pulled tomura out of the store, heading towards another one with lighter smells. once they entered, it was way better than the previous one.
nanako walked around while tomura just followed, not particularly interested in anything.
"why do you care about my skin so much?", tomura asked as nanako picked up another one of those gross products.
"because, it's not healthy to have you scratching it all the time! if you scratch too much, you start bleeding, and that's definitely not it", nanako explained.
tomura nodded than told her that he'd wait outside. he trusted that she'd pick a smell that wasn't too overwhelming.
tomura stood outside, seeing his breath contradicting the cold air. he looked up at the grayish sky.
"hey there handsome! wanna come hangout with us?", a girl flirted with her friends standing behind her.
"no. fuck off", tomura replied.
"oh, come on! don't be such a grouch!!", another one said.
"I said fuck off. I'm here with my fiancé", tomura said, starting to get irritated. their smelly perfume was starting to hit his nose, making him have a headache.
"I don't see anyone here~", the girl continued to flirt. she walked over to him and pulled out a knife, holding it against tomura's stomach.
"if you don't want to get gutted, follow us", the girl said.
tomura reluctantly followed the girl who was threatening his life, leading him into a nearby alleyway. he gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. tomura wasn't terrible at hand to hand combat, but weapons were more of his speciality.
he wouldn't have hesitated to hit a woman, even if that was not "gentlemen-like". however, there were multiple of them, and it'd be a bit hard to escape even if he was good at fighting.
"now, hand over all your money. we know you're one of those snobby royals since you're dressed so nice", the leader of the girls said.
"and after that, maybe we can play with you a bit", another one said, smirking.
tomura, not taking their shit anymore, caught the girl holding the knife off guard by touching her face. once she wavered, tomura punched her in the face with his other hand, making her stumble back a few steps.
"YOU...YOU PIECE OF SHIT!", she yelled.
the rest of the girls charged at tomura. tomura tried his best to fend them off, but there were about seven of them, and he was starting to get tired.
with one misstep, tomura ended up on the cold, dirty floor. the ladies found an opening and started kicking tomura.
his sides started hurting and he felt air being pulled out of his body. he tried shielding himself with his arms, but every part of him was starting to hurt.
"HEY!", a voice yelled. that caused all the girls to look up, including tomura.
"STEP AWAY FROM HIM OR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD SERVED ON A PLATTER!", nanako yelled, huffing with bags in her hands.
"oh? well if it isn't the bratty princess", the leader of the girl teased.
she calmly walked over to nanako, gripping the knife tighter. nanako was used to fighting hand to hand combats. being used to bakugo's punches paid off because what came next felt less severe than it looked.
the knife was dropped and held by nanako now. she pinned the leader of the group onto the floor. holding the knife up against her throat, she glared at the rest of the girls.
"move or take another step, and I'll cut her head off.", nanako threatened.
"plus, you wouldn't want a scar on your pretty face, so you?", nana whispered to the girl who was still pinned to the ground.
the girl starting trembling under the princess's harsh gaze and cold words. shaking her head, tears started to run down her makeup filled face.
"I'm giving you a second chance. if I see you sexually harassing or just harassing anyone in general, I won't hesitate. bitch".
nanako got up, letting the girls scurry away. she hurried over to tomura who had bruises and cuts. he was heavily breathing, but seeing nanako made him feel much better.
"are you okay tenko? come on, let me help you up. we're going to get you all cleaned up. I'm sorry I didn't come sooner", nanako spoke softly.
she hung tomura's arm around her neck, trying to lift him up gently. tomura tried his best to stand up, limping a bit, he walked alongside nanako.
snow started falling, trickling down, reminding him of his past.
"you remind me of father", tomura breathed out.
nana didn't reply. she looked at tomura and listened to what he had to say.
"I was abandoned in a random alleyway...and I don't know how, but I ended up making it through the summer and fall season".
"then winter came. it was snowing around that time too. the time when father offered me a hand, and took me in".
"like what you just did", tomura finished.
nanako smiled. she was glad she could save tomura. and what he was about to say next, left nanako absolutely stunned.
"thank you nana. I...really appreciate you...", tomura softly said.
nanako's breath hitched. she felt her face getting more and more flushed.
"it's no problem. I'll always be here for you, tenko", nanako promised.
they ended up walking back to the palace in silence. even though it was full on snowing now, and the air was getting colder, what tomura and nanako felt in that moment was each others' warmth.
a/n: hey readers!! I hope you're loving it so far. don't worry, after momo and todoroki's wedding, nana and tomura will be next!!
if you like it so far, please do share, comment, and STAR IT!! it's much appreciated and see you next chapter!! <3
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