ch. 38
"YOU'RE ENGAGED?!", mina screamed.
"apparently so", nanako chuckled as they packed their belongings, getting ready to head back to their home kingdom.
mina kept on squealing and saying how she knew this was bound to happen. they laughed and talked about how exciting it'd be once they started the wedding preparations.
"nanako, you ready to go?", tomura asked as he knocked on the door.
quickly, they all entered the carriage, waving goodbye to all for one.
"I shall be expecting a wedding invitation soon", he said. nanako smiled. it was good to know that tomura's father supported them.
now everything was right. at least as far as it goes.
✿.。.:* ☆:**:. nanako's pov .:**:☆ *:.。.✿
we arrived back home after another sixteen hours of traveling. sluggishly getting off the carriage, I dragged my suitcase to my room and fell asleep.
hours later, I was woken up by a soft nudge to my side.
"" I slowly opened my eyes, embracing the light that was coming in through my window.
"I'm sorry for waking you up mommy. but I missed you so much!!", eri said as she sat on my bed, waiting for me to get up.
I sat up, giving her a hug. "I missed you too eri".
I got out of bed and rummaged through my belongings. I got out the little bag with her present in it and handed it to her.
"is this for me??", she asked, looking surprised.
"of course!! I bought it just for you!"
she excitedly took out the small box. opening up the gift, she saw the gold hearted necklace.
"wow...THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!", she yelled, full of excitement.
I chuckled at her cuteness. making her turn around, I fixed the little necklace on her. she looked adorable!
"mommy, since you're back now, can we spend some time together? as a family?", eri asked with puppy eyes.
"of course! where do you want us two to go?", I asked with a smile.
"oh...u-umm...I was kind of hoping father could come too...?", eri said, hopefully.
"chisaki??", I questioned, not sure if tomura would exactly be happy with it.
"yeah!! and maybe kaachan and kiri too!!", eri suggested.
"then, in that case, can I bring midoriya, ochako, and tomura too? we can have tea and cake under the sakura trees that shouto showed me that one time!"
eri eagerly nodded. I told her to go get kirishima and bakugo while I changed. ochako, who was right outside my door heard everything and went to go get the rest and prepared the food and drinks.
I took a quick shower, rinsing all the stress and worry off. putting on a fresh set of undergarments, I wore a white dress with a sweetheart neckline and floral patterns on it.
walking towards the meeting spot, I was surprised to see how fast ochako had gotten the things ready.
✿.。.:* ☆:**:. tea .:**:☆ *:.。.✿
nanako sat down on one of the chairs, looking at the table that was full of food and drinks. she waited for the rest to arrive while ochako took a seat, two away from nanako.
tomura arrived, naturally sitting right next to his fiancé. on nana's other side, sat eri, then chisaki. midoriya sat in between tomura and ochako, while kirishima sat on the other side of ochako, with bakugo next to him. it was a round table so bakugo also ended up next to chisaki, much to his disdain.
"why the flip are we out here in this hot day?!", bakugo complained.
"d-did bakugo just censor himself?!", mina asked, shocked.
"oh my god! eri, you fixed him!!", kaminari praised.
"I was never broken, you dunce face!", insulted bakugo.
"aha...haha...", midoriya awkwardly laughed. "a-anyways, congratulations on you and prince tomura's engagement", he said as he looked at nanako.
"oh yeah!! congrats nanako!", kirishima said with a smile. bakugo just scowled, mumbling about how nanako was too young to get engaged, more so, married.
"w-wait, mommy's getting married??", eri asked, eyes wide.
"mhm", nanako happily hummed while patting eri's hair.
"are you finally marrying daddy?!", eri asked excitedly.
"no. she's marrying me", tomura said, looking straight at eri with his current emotionless face.
eri squirmed a little under his gaze. "don't be scared of him eri. he's really nice despite his mean looking face", nanako said with a small grin.
tomura scoffed. " okay...", eri squeaked out, clearly still intimidated by tomura. chisaki gave eri a pat on the head, letting her know that everything's okay.
chisaki and the rest started to drink their tea and eat biscuits, chatting about their near death experience with all for one and nanako's chess match.
nanako and tomura explained how they got engaged. chisaki simply listened as ochako and midoriya shared stories about how they spent their time. bakugo and kirishima talked about what they did with eri while the rest were gone.
"I had so much fun with kota, mommy!! we played together almost everyday!!", eri exclaimed excitedly.
"is that so?", nanako asked, smiling, glad that kota was keeping her company while she was away.
"mhm!! on monday we played with blocks. on tuesday we played with the ponies!! I named mine chi!", eri excitedly said.
nanako chuckled then looked at chisaki. his face was of confusion. 'did she just name a pony after me??'
"then for the rest of the week, kota and I played house!!"
"oh really?"
kirishima was slightly sweating. on friday, he was left alone with kota and eri. eri, being the creative child she is, decided that she was going to marry kota. she was going to be a mom while kota, the dad.
"yep! we got married on friday. kiri was there to watch our wedding. he even told us what brides and grooms do!!"
kirishima looked at bakugo, who looked back with confusion on his face.
"and how was the wedding??", nanako asked. she thought it was cute that eri was playing family with kota. she did the same thing when she was younger...except, now that person isn't with her anymore.
nanako took a sip of the freshly brewed tea, to make that thought leave as quickly as it came.
"it was great! we had cake! I wore a pretty dress! and we kissed at the very end!", eri smiled widely, looking up at nana.
nanako was listening with a content smile, until she heard 'kiss'.
she swallowed the tea and started coughing aggressively, making eri worried.
"a-are you okay mommy??", eri asked while tomura just patted nanako's back.
nanako nodded, giving eri a smile. she glared at kirishima, who was sweating bullets currently.
"I-I'm sorry nanako! it's just that they were so cute and—"
"shut it, kirishima!", nanako growled. nanako then turned to little eri.
"listen eri, no more kissing boys okay? boys have cooties, don't let them touch you and don't touch them", nana reprimanded.
"b-but mommy's marrying mr. tomura. and father doesn't have cooties...", eri quietly said.
"that's because they are men. when you're sixty, you can start talking to them", nanako said with a smile.
"hah?! she'll be a old hag by then—"
"shut up bakugo! she'll be my baby forever. and as long as I live, no boys will take her away from me", nanako said as she carried eri onto her lap.
eri just simply embraced nanako, as she didn't understand what was going on.
'ah. the sweet hug of a mother'.
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