Chapter 1
The walk was silent as Mintpool stalked towards the border, Robinflight on her tail. The brown she-cat's eyes were pleased as she escorted the gray tabby to the border, happy that she was kicking her out. Mintpool didn't bother saying anything, didn't bother trying to convince Robinflight that she was innocent. Rage and fury swarmed in her, her pride refusing to let her do so. Besides, there was no way she was going to beg Robinflight for anything! If they want to kick out their medicine cat, let them! It's their mouse-brained choice!
As soon as the Upper Forest border was in sight, Mintpool stalked towards it, her head held up high as she crossed. Spinning around, she met Robinflight's smirk. Never in her life had she ever felt so much fury, had she ever wanted to slide out her claws and claw some cat's face. Normally it would be her that looked towards the peaceful option. Now, she couldn't say the same.
She barely noticed the thin layer of snow that had fallen from tree branches, gathered up on her pelt, or the fact that her paws were freezing and covered in flurries. It was as though her anger washed away all the cold.
"Goodbye, traitor." Robinflight's words echoed through the frozen air. "I'm glad I helped AirClan rid itself of a code breaker."
Mintpool lashed her tail angrily. "A code breaker? You're just ridding AirClan of a medicine cat, especially with the rogue battle so close!"
Robinflight scoffed. "Don't try and act innocent." With a growl, she disappeared back into the snowy forest.
The gray tabby sent a deathly glare towards where the brown she-cat had disappeared from. As soon as Robinflight's tail vanished into the bushes, she suddenly felt a new feeling wash over her. Loneliness. The fury that she'd felt had covered up the fear of living on her own. Now, as much as she hated Robinflight, seeing her disappear truly made her realize how alone she was.
Spinning around, Mintpool stalked deeper into the forest. She didn't know whether or not Robinflight was watching her through the bushes, and there's no way she was going to break down in front of her. As soon as she reached the safety of the trees, the gray tabby felt her legs collapse as she crouched down, her mind whirling wildly.
What am I meant to do? Mintpool demanded to herself. It's leaf-bare. I can't hunt, and I most certainly can't fight. I only know one move! All I can do is use herbs, and even that's not useful since there are no herbs to use! Frustration tore through her. Where can I go? She glared numbly at the bushes where Robinflight had disappeared once more. She'd lived with her Clan her entire life. She'd done nothing but help them. How could they kick her out?
A wave of betrayal washed over the gray tabby, feeling like a fresh wound. She took a deep breath, her mind whirling as thoughts and emotions flashed through her mind. She was angry - no, furious - at AirClan and Leafwhisker. She wanted to make them suffer the way they're making her. She thought of all the promises she'd made - promising Leafwhisker she'd do whatever to make it up to him, promising him that she'd keep his kits safe, and promising AirClan that she'd get her revenge. She paused, twitching her tail-tip. There was one more that was nagging in her mind. Ah, she remembered. I promised to keep Leafwhisker safe from Cobrastrike.
Her mind danced to when she was an apprentice, receiving all those dreams, wondering what she could do. Now, she didn't care. Not one bit. In fact, she wished for Cobrastrike to kill Leafwhisker. He was being selfish, asking me to take his kits! she thought with an angry lash of her tail. Him and Luna having kits was his own responsibility! Now, he escaped the punishment and put it on me! Anger fumed inside her. She wished the brown tom were here, so she could rake her claws across his face.
Thinking back at all her promises, she only intended to keep one: getting revenge on AirClan. Think, Mintpool, she thought, her claws digging into the snow. You're angry; you want to get revenge on AirClan. You were once their medicine cat, and you know a lot of their plans and weaknesses. But you can't do it on your own. You can't fight and you barely know how to hunt, and it's leaf-bare. You need a group of cats with you, ones who are angry at the Clans as well, and could use your information.
She lifted her muzzle, her plan clicking into place. I need to join the rogues.
Mintpool's paw steps were quiet as she travelled towards FireClan's territory. She knew the path perfectly from all the times she'd come to visit Cobrastrike. FireClan doesn't know I'm exiled yet... but I still shouldn't cross their land, just in case. Keeping within three tail-lengths of the lake, she skirted around it until she reached the edges of the territory. The golden sky of sunset beamed on her as she bounded along.
As the gray tabby made her way to the border of WaterClan and FireClan, angling into the top where the rogues' land was, she caught the heavy scent of WaterClan cats. She could hear their paw steps just from behind the trees, in a clearing. What happened?
Her paws crunched on the snow as she moved towards them, curiosity taking over. Suddenly, a sharp voice pierced the air. "Who's there?"
Mintpool flicked her ears, recognizing the voice as Riverheart, WaterClan's deputy. She took a deep breath, wondering if she should reveal herself. They don't know I'm exiled yet. They might just think I'm here for herbs. "Mintpool."
"Mintpool?" Riverheart's voice travelled towards her, confused. "What are you doing here?"
"Er... collecting herbs," the gray tabby replied, stepping out of the trees. "Last meeting Ravenleaf said tha-" She paused, a gasp coming out of her as she made her way into the clearing. A white tom lay on the ground, blood covering his pelt. A deep wound lay in his throat. "What happened?"
Five cats were gathered around him, Riverheart unincluded. So, six in total. That's a large patrol, even to collect a body.
"Some rogues attacked Icefur and killed him!" a tortoiseshell she-cat replied, her voice full of fury. "When I get my claws on them, they'll be sorry they ever crossed into our territory!"
Mintpool's ears flicked with interest. "The rogues have just been here?"
Riverheart nodded. "They intended to steal our prey, but Icefur caught them. He died a warrior's death." His eyes darkened with grief.
The gray tabby, however, was finding it hard to feel anything towards the dead tom. Stealing prey from the Clans and killing their cats... I could see the fun in that. "I'm so sorry," she meowed, pretending to be upset.
Riverheart dipped his head. "Thank you."
Mintpool flicked her tail, glancing up at the sky, which was now darkening into a deep blue, falling into night. "Well, I'd better get going. We'll get rid of those rogues soon."
Riverheart nodded. "Be safe on the way back."
Ducking her head, the gray tabby bounded out of WaterClan's territory, her paws leading her towards where she normally met Cobrastrike once more. She remembered when she'd been so shocked that the tom had joined the rogues. She just couldn't understand. Sure, he was angry at FireClan, but that didn't mean join the rogues. The rogues were heartless creatures who only cared about themselves. Now, she understood what he'd felt. Fury flared inside her as she trotted in the night. She didn't care about any of that anymore; all she cared about was destroying AirClan.
When she had reached the clearing, she twitched her nose, sniffing. Cobrastrike's scent was stale; he probably hadn't been here in a while. Either that, or the snow had covered it. She wondered if he ever came her anymore to await her visits. A little guilt pushed through her anger. She hadn't seen him in moons.
Heaving out a sigh, she turned around. He isn't here. Just as she was about to cross into the forest again, a sharp voice pierced the air.
"Freeze. You're on our land. Take one more step and you're dead."
Word Count // 1388
Not Edited
Hi! Here's Chapter 1! Any thoughts on it? It's kind of a filler, I suppose? Not much happening, other than Mintpool getting super mad. Okay, but one thing I do want to say is that I kind of want to make a name for the rogues, like BloodClan. Should I? I don't know, because in the story they've just been called 'rogues'. Hmm, let me know! I'd appreciate any feedback. Okay, Icefur (when he was alive) is at the top. That's all, bye!
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